Advice For First Year Medical Students

Advice For First Year Medical Students
Cropped shot of a female carer consoling a senior patient at the nursing home

Mentors provide the advice and guidance to help you move your career forward. Plus, they will help you make the professional connections that will open doors to residencies, fellowships, and other opportunities. Be mindful that mentoring relationships need be mutually rewarding, so be prepared to excite your mentors’ interest in helping you grow by demonstrating your talent and potential.

10 tips for new medical students

In order for you to set a robust base for your medical education, below are 10 ways to help you do so. You should be proud of getting to this stage, this is the start of the process and where the real work begins.

The tips below are for new medical students created by people who have completed their first and second year of medical studies. Remember that along with these tips, it is important to stay true to your beliefs and the reasons you chose to study, consider those who helped you to get here and make sure you enjoy every moment of your time at med school.

1. Understand how to learn and study at medical school

Med school is very fast-paced and there is a lot of work involved. The way you may have learnt before may not be suited to this new and different way of learning. It is worth understanding what works for you now, as this will help your knowledge base and give you greater confidence throughout your time of study.

It is great to understand whether you are a kinaesthetic, visual or an auditory learner. There are various ways to learn, for example an auditory learner may record a lecture and play it back to help them memorize facts. A visual learner would learn well from illustrations or drawing out their own concept maps. Others are able to learn well in the classroom, whilst some are able to learn best at their own pace.

By understanding this, you will learn to study smarter, not harder. Be aware of when your mind wanders and you need a break, this may be when you are reading sentences multiple times, or you are just aware of a lack of focus, get outside, take a break, have a nap or watch some TV.

2. It is best not to compare yourself with others

The reason you are now in med school is because you have proved that you are capable of being the best you can be by getting this far. You will meet lots of people and discuss different ways of studying, people will talk about how many examples they’ve memorized and boast about completing the reading of Harrison’s Manual, and that’s okay. Try not to compare yourself to them, try and be happy and think about what you’ve been capable of.

Plan what works for you and gives you confidence in what you are learning. Put your efforts where it works for you and do not listen to other people’s (often) exaggerations. It is personally important to ensure that you, and only you know that you have prepared as best you can when it comes to your exams. It will take you further academically and support your mental health if you focus only on yourself.

3. Develop relationships with the staff and admin teams

These are the people who know more than yourself and the other students, they’ve usually been around longer. They will teach you about the medical school procedures and processes as well as what you are taught in the classroom. These people may be useful when you need someone to confide in, or need a shoulder to lean on. These people are neutral and can offer support that your peers may not be able to.

4. Find other med students who are further on in their studies

On a personal level, they will be able to give you advice on where to celebrate and take time to relax, and on an academic level they may be able to advise on lecturers, certain course advice and logistical advice about practical examinations. They have been through it all before, so they may be able to support and advise you on how to make fewer mistakes!

5. Take advantage of all non-academic aspects that med school brings you

Studying is obviously the main reason you are at medical school, but there are so many other aspects you can enjoy whilst there. Make sure you take the time to enjoy your personal activities and interests as it will have an overall positive impact on your well being and ultimately your studies. Look into the teams and social groups you can join or create one of your own with people of similar interests, such as basketball, theater visits, or even tiddlywinks!

6. Keep a record of everything on your computer

Type it all and use CONTROL + F. During your first two years, you will cover a humongous amount of material and attend many, many lectures, and it will be vital to keep track of all your study notes. The function CONTROL + F will be your best friend when you want to look back and find something quickly within the huge amount of material you will have stored.

7. Mental health comes first

Everyone knows how important a balanced lifestyle is in everyday life, and especially to help when studying. Sleeping well, eating well, spending time with the people you care about, these are all vital to your well being. Anxiety and depression can creep up on anyone at any time, so be aware, and if you struggle, get help from the various sources that are available to all.

8. Developing new friendships

The people you meet in med school will usually have similar goals and interests as you. You will meet people who are the most distinct and dedicated people, with a huge amount of intelligence, just as you have. These people will be your peers and will help you with your networking, you will share study materials, they will help you create more cultural awareness and you can share your professional as well as extracurricular activities with them.

You’ll be surprised at who may become part of your social network, so make sure you keep an open mind and try to get to know as many people as possible.

Remember your friends and family back home, they may feel that you are becoming more distant / removed, so consider quick check-ins when you can. It will give you a break away from your studies, aid your wellbeing, and will help to make their day a little brighter.

9. Ask questions all the time, and seek support

You are bound not to know everything on day one, week one or in your first semester! As soon as you recognize you need assistance, seek it, don’t waste any more time. Every student is in the same boat, so make sure you seek advice and help from those who can support you, this might be your academic peers, professors, admin assistants or your social network.

10. Play the doctor role from day one: be professional

As a future physician, society will view you in a particular way, this is not something you have direct control of, but you can play your part. People around you will notice your actions and words as a professional and your presence will be noticed. Your impact on others’ lives will be stronger than ever before, so embrace this honour and start now! It is important in the classroom and outside the classroom, to carry yourself with professionalism in every walk of life.

Always stay humble, this is the most important aspect to consider. Be kind and polite to everyone you meet, carry yourself with pride and dress to reflect this – ditch your old t-shirts and sweats and dress to impress! Watch your social media posts and watch your language, these are all a reflection on you as a future physician (it won’t hurt to go back and remove any damaging historical social media posts).

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Tips for Surviving Medical School

Seven things you can do to make the most of medical school.

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group of medical students conversing in white coats in meeting center

1. Attend all the orientation programming

Your school will arrange multiple tours, introductory lectures, student panels, and social events during the first few weeks. Take these opportunities seriously. Show your advisors and program administrators that you’re engaged and ready to learn. Note the resources available to you for academic advising, counseling services, and student health.

2. Identify and build relationships with mentors

Mentors provide the advice and guidance to help you move your career forward. Plus, they will help you make the professional connections that will open doors to residencies, fellowships, and other opportunities. Be mindful that mentoring relationships need be mutually rewarding, so be prepared to excite your mentors’ interest in helping you grow by demonstrating your talent and potential.

3. Take an active role in your learning experience

Successful medical students are proactive and seek additional experience and knowledge beyond what is integrated into in the medical school curriculum. This might include participating in a research project, volunteering in the community, or finding a way to improve campus life. Extra effort and motivation are how leaders stand out.

4. Foster a team environment

Contribute to a supportive learning environment within your cohort. This means helping others, showing good sportsmanship, and keeping your competitive nature in check.

5. Take care of your physical and mental health

Balance the demands of medical school with other aspects of life by prioritizing, setting limits, and developing stress-management skills. Identify what activities help you relax, then schedule them into your week alongside classes and studying. With the heavy academic load, symptoms of depression are common among medical students. Do not hesitate to seek support if and when you need it.

6. Make time to explore career options

Most students use the summer between first and second year to gain enrichment experiences in research, health policy, community service, global health, or a clinical setting. Many specialty societies, and a growing number of residency programs, offer scholarships to help medical students pay for these experiences. Also consider using one or more away rotations (usually in your fourth year) to expose yourself to additional specialties. Finally, when your schedule allows, participate in specialty interest groups and career-advising opportunities offered at your medical school.

7. Realize the significance of joining the medical profession

Becoming a physician is a privilege and a responsibility. The white coat ceremony is more than symbolic; you are now a student doctor. Accept that you will be now judged by the standards of the profession. Consider the implications of this role — not only while in class or in the hospital, but at all times and in all places, especially in the community and on the internet.

Want more advice?

Visit Careers in Medicine for expert insight on maximizing opportunities during medical school to explore and achieve your career goals.

Maddie Otto

By Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.