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Funny Medical Podcasts

Medicine and Mediumship collide in the Medical Medium Podcast, hosted by the visionary, Anthony William. This wild ride of a show aims to heal your spirit (and bellyache), one mind-blowing podcast at a time. Is Anthony a real-life Doc McStuffins? Maybe not, but he’s got the healing touch! For anyone seeking healing advice beyond the prescription pad, this is a must-listen. With fascinating episodes like “Brain Fog: The Mystery Illness”, Anthony explores health challenges with the same curiosity as Sherlock Holmes. The podcast gives you insights into everything medical-alternative, and you might even sprout a third eye. So buckle up health-seekers, because this podcast may just be your ticket to a healthier, happier life! Patiently yours, Medical Medium Podcast.

6 Funny Medical Podcasts to Supercharge Your Studies

Medical podcasts, although very informative, can often be a little dry. Personally, I like my medical facts, figures and everything in between, with a hearty dose of humour.

The following funny medical podcasts deliver exactly that. Each does their own unique thing to take apart the science, lay out some interesting facts and give us a decent laugh. This makes walking to and from hospital all the more fun.

Here are six of my personal favorites. Although I link out mostly to iTunes, free to fire them up in whatever podcast app you prefer. Some have their own dedicated site too.

This Won’t Hurt A Bit

Funny Medical Podcasts

A medicine, science, history and comedy podcast all rolled into one, This Won’t Hurt a Bit is a personal favorite of mine on Monday morning walks to clinic. Hosted by ER doctors Mel Herbert and Jess Mason (two strapping Australian lads), this pod first started back in 2015 and has taken various breaks before starting back up again for different seasons.

Featuring sound effects to go along with their stories, musical interludes and plenty of hilarious anecdotes, the production quality of this pod is solid.

Personal highlights of mine are the episodes on caffeine (where they go deep into the history of this addictive drink) and the two-part series on movie medicine (including all the obvious stuff they get wrong).

You’ll get strong vibes of popular YouTube series’ Crash Course here. Witty asides, jaunty music and descriptive re-imaginings all add to the flavor.

Sickboy Podcast

Funny Medical Podcasts

I really wanted to keep this one a secret because of how great it is. I also wished I’d thought of the concept first.

Possibly way back before I even became a med student!

Based on the simple of idea of talking with sick people about their illnesses and the impact it has on life, each one of Sickboy’s episodes is a charming (but profanity laden) journey through disease and everything it involves.

Hosted by best friends; Jeremie, Brian and Taylor, three North American guys each with their own own particular brand of crass, the podcast was originally inspired by Jeremie’s own battle dealing with cystic fibrosis.

Sickboy is another pod that’s been running since 2015. Unlike some of the others on this list though, the boys behind it bring out fresh content a couple of times of week.

Right now there’s 300 plus episodes too.

Past episodes have covered topics like Parkinson’s, colorectal cancer, psoriasis and cerebral palsy. Often they’ll rope in health experts, doctors and other practitioner’s too, as well as a whole bunch of real people with real illness for brutally honest conversation.


Funny Medical Podcasts

Officially titled Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine, this show is hosted by the husband and wife team of Dr. Sydnee McElroy and Justin McElroy.

Delving into the weird, gross, profound and oftentimes creepy, this is a medical history podcast exploration like no other. Publishing new shows every Friday, Sawbones is another huge treasure trove of medical funnies with over 300 episodes released.

Classic episodes worth checking out include:

  • Hydroxychloriquine: debunking why it isn’t the Covid cure everybody expected
  • The Hippocratic Oath: delving into father of medicine and whether what he said was legit or not
  • Broken Heart Syndrome: looking at the little known pathology Takutsobo cardiomyopathy

What I love about Sawbones is how Dr. Sydnee’s husband plays the perfect foil to her super informed doctor, asking all the questions that perhaps the more medically educated wouldn’t think to answer. As well as some dumb ones. It’s fun.

Check out the podcast here.

Bedside Rounds

Starting back in 2014, Bedside Rounds was born from the genius mind of Adam Rodman during his second-year residency stint in internal medicine at Oregon Health and Science University.

A podcast that focuses on individual stories in clinical medicine, Bedside Rounds blends narrative with history and throws in a lot of story telling too. Think of it as the “NPR of medical story-telling” (Adam’s words not mine).

So successful has this podcast been in fact, that host Adam has since left medicine to work as a medical educator and run the show full time.

Partnering with the American College of Physicians, Bedside Rounds dives into medical topics as broad as the work of Florence Nightingale, bloodletting in the form of leeches and the evolution of the physical exam (you know, the poking and prodding thing that most med students practice on each other first).

You can check it out here.

The Quackast

Funny Medical Podcasts

This pod takes ready, aim and fire at everything alternative medicine related. It also pokes fun at some of its more outlandish and absurd claims. Think dad-style humor with an authoritative bent.

Running since 2006, new episodes are hard to come by (the last came in June 2019) but there’s an active archive of well over 200 episodes to enjoy. Host Mark Crislip (an infectious disease doctor of over 30 years experience) pulls no punches though. Each episode of The QuackCast is a short and sweet tirade-laden masterpiece that rips into pseudo medicine and it’s problems of plausibility.

Note: Dr Mark Crislip’s Puscast series is also well worth a listen. This seems to be where his primary focus is now since shifting from The QuackCast.

Weird Medicine

Funny Medical Podcasts

Weird Medicine is the longest running show on this list (2007) and possibly the funniest. Known as the “the first and still only uncensored medical show in broadcast radio history”, the tagline pretty much tells you what to expect.

Also self-billed as a medical show for people who would never want to listen to a medical show, you’ll never get bogged down by heavy science listening to this pod. What you will get though is Dr Steve playfully batting away and alleviating random callers voice messages (yes, he includes a phoneline) regarding their health concerns. Warning: some of the callers are candid, weird and also a little bit creepy.

Certainly makes for intriguing listening.

To date there’s around 400 episodes available to download. The average run time for each is around one hour.

My personal favorite pick: Episode 385 – Great Blue Balls of Fire. A whole podcast dedicated to prostatic congestion.


Medical podcasts are so much better the more comedic they are. Those featured on this list? I’m pretty confident deliver when it comes to meeting that rather simple criteria.

Hopefully I’ll add more to this list with future discoveries too.

Top 27 Medical Podcasts of 2023

Maybe you’re a struggling med student or someone who’s been in the profession for too long.

You need a break from the stress of studying or from the monotony of your work.

Or maybe you’re just someone purely interested in the field. It doesn’t matter.

Here, I’ve hand-picked 17 best medical podcasts that are worth checking out!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Medicine and Mediumship collide in the Medical Medium Podcast, hosted by the visionary, Anthony William. This wild ride of a show aims to heal your spirit (and bellyache), one mind-blowing podcast at a time. Is Anthony a real-life Doc McStuffins? Maybe not, but he’s got the healing touch! For anyone seeking healing advice beyond the prescription pad, this is a must-listen. With fascinating episodes like “Brain Fog: The Mystery Illness”, Anthony explores health challenges with the same curiosity as Sherlock Holmes. The podcast gives you insights into everything medical-alternative, and you might even sprout a third eye. So buckle up health-seekers, because this podcast may just be your ticket to a healthier, happier life! Patiently yours, Medical Medium Podcast.

Funny Medical Podcasts

Introducing “Medical Murders,” a podcast that makes you literally laugh in the face of death! No profession is safe from the mysteries unfolding, not even the white lab coats! This audacious podcast explores chilling stories of medical professionals turned malevolent. Dr. Death? Nurse Nasty? You bet they’re in here! Aimed primarily at those with a morbid sense of humor and a flair for the macabre, this lurid listen digs into real-life tales of healing hands turned harmful. Get ready to probe the psyche of terrifying medical felons, from sinister surgeons to vile veterinarians. Just like a good horror movie – so chilling it’s fun! It’s a cardiac-arrest kind of a thrill that even your cardiologist couldn’t prescribe. Pop open an episode of “Medical Murders” to soothe your eerie cravings. Heart-stopping tales guaranteed, consult your doctor before listening!

Funny Medical Podcasts

“Welcome to Medical Spanish Podcast – your crash course in becoming a bilingual medical maestro! Hosted by a doc with an incurable case of a language bug, our sombrero-tipping show presents everything medical through the vibrant lens of the Spanish language. Ever wanted to explain gallbladder surgery in Spanish, or discuss diet tips with Latin flair? Your prescription is ready! The target patient here is any healthcare professional looking for a fun, practical way to close language gaps. Our blends of dialogues, interviews and glossaries are the perfect cure to monolingual medical interactions! Not to miss is the episode, “Explaining Appendicitis in Español”, where appendixes become less confusing and more. hispanic! Listen up for your regular dose of medical Español, amigos!”

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Funny Medical Podcasts

Introducing ‘The Undifferentiated Medical Student’, a podcast hosted by Ian Drummond, who left his Ph.D. program to become a doctor – because why not stir up your life path? Rightfully aimed at bewildered medical students at all levels, this podcast offers the lifeboat you didn’t know you needed in the Atlantic of medical knowledge. Guests are successful practitioners across the vast healthcare landscape, sharing first-hand experiences, career advice, and awkward doctor jokes to lighten up those heavy textbooks. Each episode is a bona fide stethoscope to help you listen to the beating heart of different medical specializations. Curing your case of indecision, one episode at a time. So, grab a coffee, wear your smartest scrubs, and tune in. Diagnosis: Absorbing!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Roll up your sleeves, scrub in, and get ready for JAMA Medical News, the podcast equivalent of a heart-stopping ER drama, but with less blood and more knowledge! JAMA, short for The Journal of American Medical Association, dissects and explains the latest medical research in a way even a med school dropout would understand. Perfect for health professionals, medical students, or even hypochondriacs looking to up their game. This podcast delivers a dose of in-depth interviews with top doctors and medical researchers who’ve got the prescription for what ails you – boredom! It’s like a caffeine fix for your brain, because coffee can’t teach you about the latest breakthroughs in the medical field. Guaranteed side effect: newfound medical wisdom!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Need a dose of humor with your health facts? Dial into Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike’s Medical Podcast. Its two wacky masterminds, Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike, are not just doctors with impressive credentials, but also goofballs dedicated to making complex medical science digestible. They’ve traded in white lab coats for microphones and now prescribe audiotory shots of knowledge with a side of laughter, aiming to charm medical enthusiasts, students, or anyone battling health mysteries. This playful podcast pairs deep medical insights with lighthearted banter, transforming the potentially snooze-inducing into something delightfully amusing. Their episode ‘Is the Human Body Perfectly Designed?’ is a real knee-slapper that will make you rethink your anatomy. So, tune in, and discover the funnier side of medicine!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Strap in, hypochondriacs and armchair doctors! The Emergency Medical Minute podcast brings the adrenaline rush of the ER right to your earbuds. But this isn’t “Grey’s Anatomy”- it’s real medical professionals sharing bite-size snippets of education. This podcast’s target audience? Anyone with a healthy (or unhealthy) fascination with the human body, as well as actual health professionals looking to refresh their knowledge in a fun way. Our hosts, straight from the ER, delve into thrilling and unusual medical cases, and spill the beans on what really happens when those hospital doors whoosh shut. Are they life-saving heroes or mavericks in scrubs? Probably a bit both. The Emergency Medical Minute: It’s ‘Operation’ for adults, without the pesky tweezers!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Get ready for an exciting journey in the land of medical jargon with the “Medical Terminology Systems” podcast. Your hosts, both accomplished medics, have traded their stethoscopes for microphones, in this wild endeavor to decipher the intimidating world of medical terms. Think strange Latin roots are only for mad scientists? Well, think again! Doctors, nurses, students, and anyone brave enough to confront their white-coated fears will benefit from this linguistic expedition. Content ranges from intriguing etymology to breaking down complex conditions like a pro – making medical mumbo-jumbo as easy as apple pie! Expect episodes like ‘Decoding Dermatology’ where they prove skin isn’t just what you’re in, it’s also what you say. Listen up, folks – your medical vocabulary is about to get a pulse!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Ready for a dose of knowledge that won’t require a co-pay? Tune in to ‘Mini Medical School for the Public’, a podcast that has gracefully pruned big medical jargons down to our level. This digital symposium is hosted by medical aficionados, who decided to ditch their stethoscopes and embrace the microphone to reach a wider public. Its charm lies in decoding health mysteries for those who are curious, but not particularly fond of medical textbooks or hospital waiting rooms. Brace yourself for episodes like ‘Broken Toes and Heartbreaks’ that cleverly teach you the connection between physical and emotional health. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and this podcast has got a healthy dose of it. So, join the ‘Mini Medical School for the Public’ and graduate with health wisdom, no exams guaranteed!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Just when you thought there’s no fun in medical terminologies, here comes the “Medical Terminology Systems” podcast! This wonderfully eccentric auditory delight is masterminded by renowned healthcare professionals from across the globe. Designed for not just med students, but actually anyone who’s ever stumbled over words like ‘otorhinolaryngology’! Pumping out episodes full of medical jargon decoded in an accessible and amusing manner, this podcast is an absolute treat and a learning bonanza. Because who says you can’t laugh while learning the difference between a stethoscope and a spectroscope?. Imagine, making a triple bypass sound as fun as a roller-coaster ride. Now that’s a remedy we didn’t know we needed! Tune in, because the “Medical Terminology Systems” podcast is just what the doctor ordered!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Global Medical Device Podcast by Greenlight Guru is the witty health guru you never knew you needed. Steered by a team of experts with humor as sharp as a scalpel, this podcast dissects complex regulatory jargon with the precision of a seasoned surgeon. Our hosts, Jon Speer and Mike Drues, are the docs on call, breathing life into medical device bureaucracy. Their audience? Medical device geniuses looking to navigate the labyrinth of global regulations. With humour, wit and a prescription for practical advice, they tackle topics like FDA compliance and regulatory strategy. One must-catch episode is “An Overview of EU’s MDR 2020 Regulations”. Surprise, humans can make regulations funny! There’s more where that came from if you tune in and scrub up with the professionals at the Global Medical Device Podcast.

Funny Medical Podcasts

Dive into the verdant world of The Plant Path, the podcast that sprouted from a seedling of curiosity by your green-fingered hosts! Its your go-to hub for all things photosynthesis and more. Targeted at all you horticultural hobbyists out there, this podcast digs deep into the root of botanical topics with a laid-back, yet informative style. Whether you’re a budding gardener or a full-blown arborist, you’ll leaf each episode with fresh wisdom and newly sprouted questions. A standout episode? The oft-debated: “Are Cacti Really Just Prickly Succulents”? Tune into The Plant Path for a dose of chlorophyll-filled chatter. Who knew you could “be-leaf” so much about plants? So, grab your headphones and your favorite trowel, and let’s make like a tree and “pod”-cast!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Dive into the quirkiest corners of medicine with “Medical Myths Legends and Fairytales”. Hosted by the irrepressibly curious Dr. Alan Christianson, a seasoned physician who swapped his stethoscope for a mic, this podcast will make you question all you thought you knew about health. Coupled with humor and fantastic storytelling, Dr. Christianson unpacks medical myths, dissects medical snake oil, and tolls the factual bells of science. The perfect podcast for the curious, the confusing over coffee set, and those who love a good medical mystery unraveled. One tantalizing episode features the myth of the ever-so-popular gluten-free diet. Listen in for a burst of health enlightenment that’s spicier than nan’s secret hot sauce.

Funny Medical Podcasts

Are medical jargons giving you a headache? Well, tune into CodeCast Medical Billing and Coding Insights, the prescription for your coding confusion! Hosted by coding maestro Terry Fletcher, this podcast demystifies the complicated world of medical billing and coding for professionals. Whether you’re a seasoned coder, billing whiz, or just dipping your toes into this medical minutiae, CodeCast is your study buddy, helping you navigate the tricky seas of diagnosis codes. With juicy tidbits like ‘How to Boost Billing Efficiency’, this podcast could take a dull topic and make it rivetingly relatable. Be ready to crack the complex code of medical billing and coding. Remember, in CodeCast we trust, for a fully billed and properly coded world!

Funny Medical Podcasts

With a scalpel-sharp wit and a bedside manner smoother than a Botox injection, Medical Spa Insider delves into the skin-deep world of MedSpas. Interested in all things skincare, aesthetic treatments, and wellness solutions? Then this podcast is your spa-cial hot ticket! Our host, a bemused MedSpa Maven, hung up her scrubs to enlighten us mere mortals about the glorious guts and gleam of the Medical Spa industry. Expect all things nipped, tucked, plumped, and primped, from chemical peels to CoolSculpting! One standout episode, “Wrinkles Aren’t Just For Your Grandma”, addresses age positivity with guest silver fox, Rita Hughes. Get ready to laugh, learn, and just possibly book your next laser hair removal appointment!

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Funny Medical Podcasts

Welcome to the ‘Medical Sales Guru Podcast’, a treat for your ears, brain, and for those on the crazy voyage that is medical sales! Hosted by the ever-charismatic Mace Horoff, a guy who decided a 33-year successful career in this nitty-gritty field just wasn’t enough – he had to share his wisdom with the world too! The Guru isn’t just a catchy name, it’s a promise, an adventure. The podcast gift-wraps practical strategies, techniques, and insights to novices and pros in the medical sales field. Feeling light-hearted? Tune into their laugh-infused episode ‘Seize the Humor in Medical Sales’. So, if you are looking to ace your medical sales job or just enjoy some medical jargon with your morning coffee, this podcast is your guru. Go on, give it a whirl!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Unmask the mysteries of the body with “Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing,” a podcast where the everyday becomes extraordinary! Hosted by two medical mavens, a retired surgeon and a seasoned nurse, they’ve swapped surgery for microphones. Their mission? Making the complex world of medical surgical nursing accessible and amusing for all. Perfect for medical students, nurses or even the health-curious, this podcast transforms textbook topics into tantalizing tales. Prepare for an auditory adventure as you dive into everything from adrenaline to zoonosis. With episodes like “Laughter is the Best Medicine – Until You Need Stitches,” you’ll learn, laugh, and look at your body in a whole new way. Tune in, don your imaginary stethoscope, and be prepared to be anatomically awestruck!

Funny Medical Podcasts

“The Medicalmnemonists Podcast bridges the gap between hospital humor and textbook tidbits – featuring a dynamic duo, both health nerds and word buffs. In one corner we got Dr. Mental Map, who hung up their stethoscope to dispense medical knowledge to a wider audience, a story as impressive as cognitive revitalization after a caffeine drip! The other half is Professor Pseudonym, a linguist with a stethoscope. The two cook up delicious brain food for your med school meal plan. Targeted at learners, they sketch medical mnemonics with a dose of fun, helping you remember more than your next coffee order. One vital episode is ‘Memory Enhancements: Myth or Might?’ where they dissect neuro-enhancements with the precision of a neurosurgeon, but way more laughs! Tune in to stuff your brain and tickle your funny bone!”

Funny Medical Podcasts

“Dialed in with a prescription for humor, the Civilian Medical Podcast is your go-to remedy for dull moments. Hosted by Scooby, an emergency medicine PA, and Aaron, a decidedly non-medical kind of guy, their joint venture has crafted a sensational podcast that cleverly blends medical knowledge with laugh-out-loud banter. Aspiring towards the least ‘medicalese’ as possible, their tandem is a hit especially amongst medically inclined civilians who’ve got a soft spot for comedy. With content ranging from intriguing insider insights and practical health nuggets to infectious humor, the duo is doing the world a service, one giggle-infused episode at a time. The best episode? Perhaps “How to Keep a Straight Face During Awkward Medical Moments.” Don’t forget to buckle up, though. It’s a wild, medically flavored comedic ride!”

Funny Medical Podcasts

‘The House of Pod’ is your home of medical banter! It’s hosted by Dr. Kaveh Kavoosi, an ER doctor who, frankly, got tired of hospital food. Partnered with the hilarious Lizzie, a nurse, who has seen more medical mayhem than a Halloween horror flick. Who needs Grey’s Anatomy when you got this two? Straight out of the hospital corridors and into your ears, they bring you the latest medical marvels and health head-scratchers! From EMTs to hospital managers, their diverse guests give listeners a backstage pass to healthcare’s biggest dramas! It’s like a Medical Grand Rounds, but with 100% more belly laughs. Get ready for your frontal lobes to get a regular workout. ‘House of Pod’ is just what the doctor, the nurse and the medical student ordered!

Funny Medical Podcasts

Say hello to “Medical Stuff”, the podcast that delivers a much-needed dose of laughter with your learning. Our hosts, ex-med students turned podcasters, cure your curiosity about all things medical, serving up an intoxicating mix of interesting observations, wacky med facts, and body function fun. There’s no better way to break into the medical world than through your earbuds! Whether you’re a future medical prodigy, an enthusiastic hypochondriac, or just a fan of fun facts – this is your podcast. Expect to dissect everything from the ultrasound of an octopus pregnancy to why lemon juice is more than your gin’s best friend. Don’t miss their most praised episode: “Why it’s okay to be a universal blood donor”. Give medical stuff a listen – because who said biology was boring?

Funny Medical Podcasts

“Dive head-first into the world of health with the Medical Practice Trends podcast, your top source for all things quirky, curious, and clinical. The amiable host (who wisely bids goodbye to bedside manner) keeps your finger on the pulse of the medical field, sharing intriguing trends, medical marvels and hilarious health hiccups. Our non-doctor audience, fear not! This podcast isn’t just for the stethoscope gang – it’s perfect for anyone with a weird fascination for the human body or a burning desire to win Health Trivia Night. With episodes like ‘Innovations in Nasal Swabs’, you’ll chuckle your way to understanding medical mundane to miracles. Who knew healthcare could be so hip?”

Funny Medical Podcasts

Sick of snoozy textbook medical revisions? Then, welcome to the refreshingly lively world of “The Zero to Finals Medical Revision Podcast”. Helmed by our witty doc, Dr. Thomas Watchman, a GP in the UK. He hung up his stethoscope (kinda) to address health crises on a larger scale. Curating an easy-peasy learning experience for medical students, this podcast turns tedious learning into a terrific treat. To-be medical marvels, make this your go-to guide as Dr. Watchman dissects complex medical jargon to simple language, inducing learning with laughter. Their episode “CPR – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Nutshell” literally proves that laughter can be the best medicine. Give it a listen, and you’ll never dread your textbook again!

Funny Medical Podcasts

‘Daily Medical News’ is not your average, humdrum podcast. It’s hopped-up on adrenaline and strong coffee, delivering slick, daily doses of the latest health news. By day, the hosts might seem like ordinary health professionals, but once you hit play, they transform into your chatty health gurus, demystifying complex medical jargon faster than you can say “Hippocrates”! With agenda that interesting, the brainy listeners – doctors, nurses, medical students, and health fanatics keep flocking back to fill up their daily prescription. Iconic episodes like “Coffee: The Elixir of Life, or Death in a Cup?” never fail to inject a dose of reality with a side order of laughter. ‘Daily Medical News’, folks, where your daily dose of health knowledge is never a tough pill to swallow!

Funny Medical Podcasts

“Cue the thrills and chills! MedCrimes, a Medical True Crime Podcast, brings you the juiciest wrongdoings from the medical realm. Hosted by Dr. alibi-lover and Nurse Evidence-seeker, they meticulously dissect fact from fiction, stitching together the most fascinating (and sometimes heart-stopping) true crime narratives. The target audience? Why, anyone with an appetite for mysterious medical mayhem, of course! From devilish doctors to nifty nurses, this podcast shines a light into the shadowy corners of healthcare. The most heart-racing episode? ‘The Surgeon with a Scalpel for Sin.’ You’ll wonder if your doctor’s apple-a-day can keep the crime away! So, fancy some medical malpractice with your morning coffee? MedCrimes is just what the doctor ordered. The prognosis? You’d die. of suspense!”

Funny Medical Podcasts

Welcome to the Medical Basics Podcast, your go-to guide to all things health, hosted by two mavens of medicine who gave up stethoscopes for microphones; Dr. White and Dr. Blaine! This duo has hung up their white coats to broadcast their secret health hacks to the world. If you’ve ever been curious about the human body, this podcast is your chance to learn with a dash of humor, minus the Med School debt! Whether you’re an aspiring doctor, a seasoned pro, or someone who can’t tell their clavicle from their coccyx, the Medical Basics Podcast has got you covered. Listen out for guest appearances from mystery medical whizz-kids, and the chatty episode “Healthcare Halloween: Scaring Away Diseases”, where they tackle illnesses with more panache than Dr. House ever did! So, tune in to live longer, laugh harder and learn faster!

Funny Medical Podcasts

‘The Medical School Podcast is your one-stop-shop to getting your medical degree without losing all your hair. Our perspicacious, somewhat jocular hosts are anonymous medical school students who’ve made it their mission to pluck out the juicy bits of the med school journey and serve it to you on a platter. Whether you’re a brave first-year student, trying to keep your sanity in check, or a resident looking for comic relief in-between surgeries, these podcast maestros have got your back. Be prepared for sage advice, tongue-in-cheek humor, and tantalizing tales from the ER trenches. A dash of wisdom, a pinch of wit – your perfect textbook antidote. Their episode ‘Fighting the Freeze Response’, guest-starring Dr. Ima Favor, is particularly enlightening, tackling med school stress with a surprisingly cheerful spin. Explore, learn, and laugh with ‘The Medical School Podcast.’

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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