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Anki Cloze

When you add the above note, Anki will create two cards. The first card will show:


Recall from the basics that in Anki we add notes rather than cards, and Anki creates cards for us. Click ‘Add’ in the main window, and the Add Notes window will appear.

Add Screen

The top left of the window shows us the current note type. If it does not say “Basic,” then you may have added some note types when you downloaded a shared deck. The text below assumes that “Basic” is selected.

The top right of the window shows us the deck cards will be added to. If you would like to add cards to a new deck, you can click on the deck name button and then click “Add”.

Below the note type, you’ll see some buttons, and an area labelled “Front” and “Back”. Front and Back are called fields, and you can add, remove, and rename them by clicking the “Fields…​” button above.

Below the fields is another area labelled “tags“. Tags are labels that you can attach to your notes, to make organizing and finding notes easier. You can leave the tags blank if you wish, or add one or more of them. Tags are separated by a space. If the tags area says

vocab check_with_tutor 

…​then the note you add would have two tags.

When you have entered text into the front and back, you can click the “Add” button or press Ctrl + Enter ( Command + Enter on a Mac) to add the note to your collection. When you do so, a card will be created as well, and placed into the deck you chose. If you would like to edit a card you added, you can click the history button to search for a recently added card in the browser.

For more information on the buttons between the note type and the fields, please see the editor section.

Duplicate Check

Anki checks the first field for uniqueness, so it will warn you if you enter two cards with a Front field of “apple” (for example). The uniqueness check is limited to the current note type, so if you’re studying multiple languages, two cards with the same Front would not be listed as duplicates as long as you had a different note type for each language.

Anki does not check for duplicates in other fields automatically for efficiency reasons, but the browser has a “Find Duplicates” function, which you can run periodically.

Effective Learning

Different people like to review in different ways, but there are some general concepts to keep in mind. An excellent introduction is this article on the SuperMemo site. In particular:

  • Keep it simple: The shorter your cards, the easier they are to review. You may be tempted to include lots of information “just in case,” but reviews will quickly become painful.
  • Don’t memorize without understanding: If you are studying a language, try to avoid large lists of words. The best way to learn languages is in context, which means seeing those words used in a sentence. Likewise, imagine you’re studying a computer course. If you attempt to memorize the mountain of acronyms, you’ll find it very difficult to make progress. But if you take the time to understand the concepts behind the acronyms, learning the acronyms will become a lot easier.

Adding a Note Type

While basic note types are sufficient for simple cards with only a word or phrase on each side, as soon as you find yourself wanting to include more than one piece of information on the front or back, it’s better to split that information up into more fields.

You may find yourself thinking “but I only want one card, so why can’t I just include the audio, a picture, a hint, and the translation in the Front field?” If you’d prefer to do that, that’s fine. But the disadvantage of that approach is that all the information is stuck together. If you wanted to sort your cards by the hint, you wouldn’t be able to do that as it is mixed in with the other content. You also wouldn’t be able to do things such as moving the audio from the front to the back, except by laboriously copying and pasting it for every note. By keeping content in separate fields, you make it much easier to adjust the layout of your cards in the future.

To create a new type of note, choose Tools → Manage Note Types from the main Anki window. Then click “Add” to add a new type of note. You will now see another screen that gives you a choice of note types to base the new type on. “Add” means to base the newly created type on one that comes with Anki. “Clone” means to base the newly created type on one that is already in your collection. For instance, if you’d created a French vocab type already, you might want to clone that when creating a German vocab type.

After choosing OK, you will be asked to name the new type. The subject material that you are studying is a good choice here – things like “Japanese”, “Trivia”, and so on. Once you have chosen a name, close the Note Types window, and you will return to the adding window.

Customizing Fields

To customize fields, click the “Fields…​” button when adding or editing a note, or while the note type is selected in the Manage Note Types window.


You can add, remove, or rename fields by clicking the appropriate buttons. To change the order in which the fields appear in this dialog and the add notes dialog, you can use the reposition button, which asks for the numerical position you want the field to have. So if you want to change a field to be the new first field, enter “1”.

Do not use ‘Tags’, ‘Type’, ‘Deck’, ‘Card’, or ‘FrontSide’ as field names, as they are special fields and will not work properly.

The options at the bottom of the screen allow you to edit various properties of the fields to be used when adding and editing the cards. This is not where you customize what appears on your cards when reviewing; for that, please see templates.

  • Editing Font allows you to customize the font and size used when editing notes. This is useful if you want to make unimportant information smaller, or increase the size of foreign characters which are hard to read. The changes you make here do not affect how cards appear when reviewing: to do that, please see the templates section. If you have enabled the “type in the answer” function, however, the text you type will use the font size defined here. (For information about how to change the actual font face when typing the answer, please see the checking your answer section.)
  • Sort by this field…​ tells Anki to show this field in the Sort Field column of the browser. You can use this to sort cards by that field. Only one field can be the sort field at once.
  • Reverse text direction is useful if you are studying languages that display text from right to left (RTL), such as Arabic or Hebrew. This setting currently only controls editing; to make sure the text displays correctly during review, you’ll need to adjust your template.
  • Use HTML editor by default is useful if you prefer to edit the fields directly in HTML.
  • Collapse by default. Fields can be collapsed/expanded. The animation can be disabled in the preferences.
  • Exclude from unqualified searches (slower) can be used if you want the content of a certain field not to appear in unqualified (not limited to a specific field) searches.

After you have added fields, you will probably want to add them to the front or back of your cards. For more information on that, please see the templates section.

Changing Deck / Note Type

While adding, you can click on the top left button to change note type, and the top right button to change deck. The window that opens up will not only allow you to select a deck or note type, but also to add new decks or manage your note types.

Organizing Content

Using Decks Appropriately

Decks are designed to divide your content up into broad categories that you wish to study separately, such as English, Geography, and so on. You may be tempted to create lots of little decks to keep your content organized, such as “my geography book chapter 1”, or “food verbs”, but this is not recommended, for the following reasons:

  • Lots of little decks may mean you end up seeing cards in a recognizable order. On older scheduler versions, new cards can only be introduced in deck order. And if you were planning to click on each deck in turn (which is slow), you will end up seeing all the “chapter 1” or “food verb” reviews together. This makes it easier to answer the cards, as you can guess them from the context, which leads to weaker memories. When you need to recall the word or phrase outside Anki, you won’t always have the luxury of being shown related content first!
  • While less of a problem than it was in earlier Anki versions, adding hundreds of decks may cause slowdowns, and very large deck trees with thousands of items can actually break the display of the deck list in Anki versions before 2.1.50.

Using Tags

Instead of creating lots of little decks, it’s a better idea to use tags and/or fields to classify your content. Tags are a useful way to boost search results, find specific content, and keep your collection organized. There are many ways of using tags and flags effectively, and thinking in advance about how you want to use them will help you decide what will work best for you.

Some people prefer using decks and subdecks to keep their cards organized, but using tags have a big advantage over decks for that: you can add several tags to a single note, but a single card can only belong to one deck, which makes tags a more powerful and flexible categorization system than decks in most cases. You can also organize tags in trees in the same way as you can do for decks.

For example, instead of creating a “food verbs” deck, you could add those cards to your main language study deck, and tag the cards with “food” and “verb”. Since each card can have multiple tags, you can do things like search for all verbs, or all food-related vocabulary, or all verbs that are related to food.

You can add tags from the Edit window and from the Browser, and you can also add, delete, rename, or organize tags there. Please note that tags work at note level, which means that when you tag a card that has siblings, all the siblings will be tagged as well. If you need to tag a single card, but not its siblings, you should consider using flags instead.

Using Flags

Flags are similar to tags, but they will appear during study in the review window, showing a colored flag icon on the upper right area of the screen. You can also search for flagged cards in the Browse screen, rename flags from the browser and create filtered decks from flagged cards, but unlike tags, a single card can have only one flag at a time. Another important difference is that flags work at card level, so flagging a card that has siblings won’t have any effect on the card’s siblings.

You can flag / unflag cards directly while in review mode (by pressing CTRL + 1-7 on Windows or CMD + 1-7 on Mac) and from the Browser.

The “Marked” Tag

Anki treats a tag called “marked” specially. There are options in the review screen and browse screen to add and remove the “marked” tag. The review screen will show a star when the current card’s note has that tag. And cards are shown in a different color in the browse screen when their note is marked.

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Note: Marking is mainly left around for compatibility with older Anki versions; most users will want to use flags instead.

Using Fields

For those who like to stay very organized, you can add fields to your notes to classify your content, such as “book”, “page”, and so on. Anki supports searching in specific fields, which means you can do a search for “book:my book” page:63 and immediately find what you’re looking for.

Custom Study and Filtered Decks

Using custom study and filtered deck you can create temporary decks out of search terms. This allows you to review your content mixed together in a single deck most of the time (for optimum memory), but also create temporary decks when you need to focus on particular material, such as before a test. The general rule is that if you always want to be able to study some content separately, it should be in a normal deck; if you only occasionally need to be able to study it separately (for a test, when under a backlog, etc.), then filtered decks created from tags, flags, marks or fields are better.

Editing Features

The editor is shown when adding notes, editing a note during reviews, or browsing.

Editor icons

On the top left are two buttons, which open the fields and cards windows.

On the right are buttons that control formatting. Bold, italic and underline work like they do in a word processing program. The next two buttons allow you to subscript or superscript text, which is useful for chemical compounds like H2O or simple mathematical equations like x 2 . Then, there are two buttons to allow you to change text colour.

The rubber eraser button clears any formatting in the currently selected text — including the colour of the text, whether the selected text is bold, etc. The next three buttons allow creating lists, text alignment and text indent.

You can use the paper-clip button to select audio, images, and videos from your computer’s hard drive and attach them to your notes. Alternatively, you can copy the media onto your computer’s clipboard (for instance, by right-clicking an image on the web and choosing ‘Copy Image’) and paste it into the field that you want to place it in. For more information about media, please see the media section.

The microphone icon allows you to record from your computer’s microphone and attach the recording to the note.

The Fx button shows shortcuts to add MathJax or LaTeX to your notes.

Cloze icons

The […​] buttons are visible when a cloze note type is selected.

HTML icon

The button allows editing the underlying HTML of a field.

Anki 2.1.45+ supports adjusting sticky fields directly from the editing screen. If you click on the pin icon on the right of a field, Anki will not clear out the field’s content after a note is added. If you find yourself entering the same content into multiple notes, you may find this useful. On previous Anki versions, sticky fields were toggled from the Fields screen.

Pin icon

Most of the buttons have shortcut keys. You can hover the mouse cursor over a button to see its shortcut.

When pasting text, Anki will keep most formatting by default. If you hold down the Shift key while pasting, Anki will strip most of the formatting. Under Preferences, you can toggle “Paste without shift key strips formatting” to modify the default behaviour.

Cloze Deletion

‘Cloze deletion’ is the process of hiding one or more words in a sentence. For example, if you have the sentence:

Canberra was founded in 1913. 

…​and you create a cloze deletion on “1913”, then the sentence would become:

Canberra was founded in [. ]. 

Sometimes sections that have been removed in this fashion are said to be ‘occluded’.

For more information on why you might want to use cloze deletion, see Rule 5 here.

Anki provides a special cloze deletion type of note, to make creating clozes easy. To create a cloze deletion note, select the Cloze note type, and type some text into the “Text” field. Then drag the mouse over the text you want to hide to select it, and click the […​] button. Anki will replace the text with:

Canberra was founded in >. 

The “c1” part means that you have created one cloze deletion on the sentence. You can create more than one deletion if you’d like. For example, if you select Canberra and click […​] again, the text will now look like:

> was founded in >. 

When you add the above note, Anki will create two cards. The first card will show:

Canberra was founded in [. ]. 

…​on the question, with the full sentence on the answer. The other card will have the following on the question:

[. ] was founded in 1913. 

You can also elide multiple sections on the same card. In the above example, if you change c2 to c1, only one card would be created, with both Canberra and 1913 hidden. If you hold down Alt ( Option on a Mac) while creating a cloze, Anki will automatically use the same number instead of incrementing it.

Cloze deletions don’t need to fall on word boundaries, so if you select “anberra” rather than “Canberra” in the above example, the question would appear as “C[…​] was founded in 1913”, giving you a hint.

You can also give yourself hints that don’t match the text. If you replace the original sentence with:

Canberra::city was founded in 1913 

…​and then press […​] after selecting “Canberra::city”, Anki will treat the text after the two colons as a hint, changing the text into:

> was founded in 1913 

When the card comes up for review, it will appear as:

[city] was founded in 1913. 

For information on testing your ability to type in a cloze deletion correctly, please see the section on typing answers.

From version 2.1.56, nested cloze deletions are supported. For example, the following is valid:

The inner cloze is entirely nested within the outer. There is no support for partial overlaps, such as:

[. ] founded in 1913 -> Canberra was Canberra [. ] in 1913 -> was founded 

with the word “was” appearing in both deletions.

Prior to version 2.1.56, if you need to create clozes from overlapping text, add another Text field to your cloze, add it to the template, and then when creating notes, paste the text into two separate fields, like so:

Text1 field: > in 1913 Text2 field: > was founded in 1913 

The default cloze note type has a second field called Extra, that is shown on the answer side of each card. It can be used for adding some usage notes or extra information.

The cloze note type is treated specially by Anki, and cannot be created based on a regular note type. If you wish to customize it, please make sure to clone the existing Cloze type instead of another type of note. Things like formatting can be customized, but it is not possible to add extra card templates to the cloze note type.

Image Occlusion

Anki 23.10+ supports Image Occlusion cards natively. An Image Occlusion (IO) note is a special case of cloze deletion based on images instead of text, and allows you to create cards that hide some parts of an image, testing your knowledge of that hidden information.

Image Occlusion

Adding an image

To add IO cards to your collection, open the Add screen, click on “Type” and choose “Image Occlusion” from the list of built-in note types. Then, click on “Select Image” to load an image file saved on your computer’s hard drive, or on “Paste image from clipboard” if you have an image copied to the clipboard.

Adding IO cards

After loading an image, the IO editor will open. Click on the icons on the left to add as many areas to your image as you want. There are three basic shapes to choose from:

You can also choose between two different IO modes for each note:

  • Hide All, Guess One: All areas are hidden and only one area at a time is revealed while learning.
  • Hide One, Guess One: Only one area at a time is hidden and will be revealed during learning. The other areas will be visible.

Image Occlusion Modes

Once you’re done, click on the “Add” button, at the bottom of the screen. Anki will add a card for each shape or group of shapes you added in the previous step, and you can start reviewing them normally.

Editing IO notes

You can edit your IO notes by clicking on “Edit” while reviewing, or directly from the browser. There are several tools that you can use, most of them are self-explanatory:

  • Select: It allows you selecting one or more shapes to move, resize, delete or group them.
  • Zoom: You can freely move the image and zoom in or out using the mouse wheel.
  • Shapes (Rectangle, Ellipse or Polygon): Use them to add new shapes / cards.
  • Text: It adds text areas to your image. These text areas can be moved, resized or deleted, but no card will be created when you use this tool.
  • Undo / Redo.
  • Zoom In / Out – Reset zoom.
  • Toggle Translucency: Use this tool to temporarily view the hidden areas.
  • Delete: Use this tool to delete selected shapes and text areas. Please note that deleting a shape won’t delete its associated card automatically; you will need to use Tools>Empty Cards afterwards, the same as with regular cloze deletions.
  • Duplicate.
  • Group selection: Use this tool to create a cluster of shapes, which will allow you to move, resize or delete them simultaneously. Please note that two or more single shapes will create only one card once grouped.
  • Ungroup selection: Select a group and then click this button to make each shape independent again.
  • Alignment: This tool can be used to align your shapes / text areas as desired.

While reviewing IO Cards a “Toggle Masks” button will appear just below the image. This button will temporary clear all shapes of the note when using “Hide All, Guess One” mode.

Inputting Foreign Characters and Accents

All modern computers have built-in support for typing accents and foreign characters, and multiple ways to go about it. The method we recommend is by using a keyboard layout for the language you want to learn.

Languages with a separate script like Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and so on, have their own layouts specific to that language.

European languages that use accents may have their own layout, but can often be typed on a generic “international keyboard” layout. These work by typing the accent, then the character you want accented – e.g. an apostrophe (‘) then the letter a (a) gives á.

Keyboards for a specific language are added in a similar way, but we can not cover them all here. For more information, please try searching Google for “input Japanese on a mac”, “type Chinese on Windows 10”, and so on.

If you are learning a right-to-left language, there are lots of other things to consider. Please see this page for more information.

The toolkit on which Anki is built has trouble dealing with a few input methods, such as holding down keys to select accented characters on macOS, and typing characters by holding down the Alt key and typing a numeric code on Windows.

Unicode Normalization

Text like á can be represented in multiple ways on a computer, such as using a specific code for that symbol, or by using a standard a and then another code for the accent on top. This causes problems when mixing input from different sources, or using different computers – if your computer handles keyboard input in one form, but the content is stored in a different form, it will not match when searching, even though the end result appears identical.

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To ensure content can easily be found in searches, Anki normalizes the text to a standard form. For most users this process is transparent, but if you are studying certain material like archaic Japanese symbols, the normalization process can end up converting them to a more modern equivalent.

If you want character variants preserved, the following in the debug console will turn off normalization:

mw.col.conf["normalize_note_text"] = False 

Any content added after that will remain untouched. The trade-off is that you may find it difficult to search for the content if you’re switching between operating systems, or pasting content from mixed sources.

Anki Cloze Deletion Cards: The Ultimate How To Guide

Anki’s cloze deletion feature is an incredibly powerful study tool that can supercharge your learning. Cloze cards allow you to remove key pieces of information from a sentence or passage, turning them into fill-in-the-blank exercises.

Anki Cloze Deletion Cards: The Ultimate How To Guide

Traditional learning methods can be time-consuming and not very effective. Luckily, Anki, a powerful tool, offers a solution to these challenges. Anki uses spaced repetition and active recall techniques, to create simple cards that help you learn faster. In this blog post, we will focus on Anki Cloze cards, a specific type of flashcard within the Anki ecosystem that can be a game-changer for language learners.

Anki Cloze cards are unique compared to Anki’s basic cards. They allow you to hide specific parts of a sentence or text, enabling you to test your memory in the best way. The benefits of using Anki Cloze cards are numerous, including improved memory retention, better understanding of concepts, and increased efficiency in learning.

Ready to get started with Anki cards? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up Anki, creating your first Cloze card, and using advanced techniques to make your learning experience even more effective. Let’s dive in!

What Are Anki Cloze Cards?

Anki Cloze cards are a type of flashcard that allows you to hide specific parts of a sentence or text, forcing you to recall the missing information. This process of active recall helps you retain information more effectively than passive reading or rote memorization.

What Are the Benefits of Using Anki Cloze Cards?

  1. Improved Memory Retention: Cloze cards enhance your ability to retain information by forcing you to recall missing information actively.
  2. Better Understanding of Concepts: By filling in the blanks, you gain a deeper understanding of the concepts you’re studying.
  3. Increased Efficiency in Learning: Cloze cards make your study sessions more efficient by focusing on key information.
  4. Enhanced Engagement with the Material: The interactive nature of cloze cards makes learning more engaging.

These benefits make Anki Cloze cards an effective tool for supercharging your learning process.

How to Create Effective Anki Cloze Deletion Cards

Creating Anki Cloze cards is easy once you understand the basic structure and syntax. In the following sections, we’ll guide you through the process of installing Anki, setting it up, and creating your first Cloze card.

You can download Anki for free from the official website. Anki is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. There are also mobile apps for iOS and Android if you prefer to study on the go.

Once you’ve downloaded Anki, follow the installation instructions for your specific platform. The installation process is straightforward and should only take a few minutes.

After installing Anki, open the program and familiarize yourself with the interface. You may want to adjust some settings, such as the number of new cards per day or the review intervals, to optimize your learning experience.

Create Your First Cloze Card

The cloze deletion card is one of the many note types in Anki. The card template uses a simple syntax to create the cloze deletions. To create a cloze deletion, simply enclose the text you want to hide in double curly braces, like this: > . The “c1” indicates that this is the first cloze deletion in the card.

You can create multiple cloze deletions in a single card by using different numbers, like > and > . Anki will generate separate cards for each cloze deletion, allowing you to review them independently.

Create Cloze Deletion Cards

Anki cloze card

Open up Anki, potentially create a new deck to not mix it with your different cards. If you’re opening Anki for the first time, you can simply create a new deck, create flash cards and use the cloze functionality on your first card.

Click on the “Add” button to create a new cloze card. Select the “Cloze” note type, and enter your text into the “Text” field. Highlight the text you want to hide and wrap it in double curly braces, like this: > . Click “Add” to generate the card.

For example, you could take the example sentence:

And turn it into:

You do this by highlighting the text you want to hide and wrapping it in double curly braces, like this:

Two cards will be generated from this single Cloze card, one for each cloze deletion.

Why are Anki Cloze Cards Effective?

Anki Cloze cards are effective due to their use of spaced repetition, active recall, and interleaved learning.

  • Spaced repetition optimizes your study time by prioritizing cards that need more attention, improving long-term retention.
  • Active recall, facilitated by the missing information in cloze cards, makes your brain work harder to recall the correct answer, strengthening memory retention.
  • Interleaved learning, achieved by mixing different topics or forms of practice, can improve retention by helping you make connections between different subjects and promoting a deeper understanding of each topic.

Spaced Repetition: The Secret Sauce for Memory Retention

Ever wondered how to make your brain prioritize what it needs to remember? Anki’s algorithm does just that. When you review a cloze card and nail the answer, Anki increases the time before you see that card again. This lets you focus on the stuff that’s still a bit fuzzy. But if a card gives you trouble, Anki makes sure it pops up more often to reinforce your memory. This smart system of spaced repetition ensures you spend your study time where it counts the most, leading to impressive long-term retention.

Active Recall: Making Your Brain Work for Better Learning

Want to make your brain work smarter, not harder? Cloze cards are your answer. They promote active recall, a process that makes your brain actively dig up information. When you come across a cloze card with a missing piece, your brain has to hustle to find the right answer. This mental workout strengthens your memory retention. And guess what? Cognitive science backs this up, showing that active recall trumps passive review methods like rereading or highlighting.

Interleaved Learning: Mixing It Up for Deeper Understanding

Ready to shake up your study routine? Try interleaved learning. This technique mixes different topics or types of practice to enhance learning. Instead of drilling one topic at a time, interleaved learning nudges you to switch between multiple related topics or skills. This approach can boost retention by helping you draw connections between different subjects and fostering a deeper understanding of each one.

Here’s how you can blend different topics for better retention using Anki:

  1. Whip up separate decks for each topic you’re studying.
  2. Review multiple decks in one study session, switching between them.
  3. Use tags to sort cards by topic, then create filtered decks that pull in cards from various topics.

By weaving spaced repetition, active recall, and interleaved learning into your study routine with cloze cards, you’re setting yourself up for a more engaging learning experience and improved long-term retention of information.

Cloze tests are great for language learners

Cloze tests are ideal for language learners due to their versatility and adaptability. They assess comprehension of authentic texts, can be adapted for any language level, target specific skills, are simple to create, provide contextual clues, assess both receptive and productive skills, and offer quantitative scores for tracking progress.

  • Learn translations: You can create a hint in your native language on the back of the card to help you learn your target language. This helps you learn faster with additional information when needed.
  • Comprehension of authentic texts: They test comprehension of authentic texts, not just isolated vocabulary or grammar.
  • Adaptable for any language level: They can be adapted for any language level by controlling the difficulty of the passage and which words are deleted.
  • Target specific skills: They allow teachers to target specific skills like vocabulary, verb tenses, or word order.
  • Simple and quick to create: They are simple and quick to create, administer, and score.
  • Contextual clues: They give contextual clues to help recall the right words, reducing the need for pure memorization.
  • Assess both receptive and productive skills: They can assess both receptive and productive skills when students must generate the missing words.
  • Quantitative scores for tracking progress: They provide quantitative scores for tracking progress over time.

With some creativity, cloze tests can be an engaging and effective assessment technique for any language learning environment.

Anki Statistics: Tracking Your Progress

Anki statistics

Anki’s statistics can be a valuable tool for tracking your progress and identifying areas for improvement. To access and utilize Anki’s statistics, follow these steps:

  1. Open Anki and select the deck you want to analyze.
  2. Click on the “Stats” button located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. In the statistics window, you can view various graphs and data related to your learning progress, such as review count, intervals, and correct/incorrect answers.

To identify areas for improvement, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Review count: Check the number of reviews you have completed for each card type (new, learning, young, and mature). If you notice a high number of reviews for certain card types, it might indicate that you need to spend more time on those cards or adjust your learning strategy.
  • Correct/incorrect answers: Analyze the percentage of correct answers for each card type. A low percentage of correct answers might indicate that you need to revise the material or modify your learning approach.
  • Intervals: Examine the intervals between card reviews. If the intervals are too short, you might need to adjust your Anki settings to increase the spacing between reviews, allowing for better long-term retention.
  • Time spent: Monitor the time you spend on reviews. If you find that you are spending too much time on certain cards or decks, consider adjusting your study habits or breaking down complex cards into smaller, more manageable pieces.

To improve your learning experience with Anki, consider using add-ons like “More Overview Stats” or “Progress Graphs and Stats for Learned and Matured Cards” to gain additional insights into your progress. These add-ons can provide more detailed information about your learning process, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimize your study sessions.

Remember that regular review and consistent practice are essential for effective learning with Anki. By analyzing your statistics and adjusting your study habits accordingly, you can enhance your learning experience and achieve better results.


Anki’s cloze deletion is a game-changer for retaining key facts, figures, vocabulary, and more. Cloze cards provide the context of full sentences while zeroing in on the most important information.

Next time you need to memorize names, dates, terms, or definitions, turn them into interactive fill-in-the-blank exercises with Anki’s cloze feature. Mastering cloze cards can take your active recall to the next level.

The key is spending time to create high-quality clozes tailored to your study domain. With deliberate practice, cloze deletion can become your secret weapon for acing tests and excelling in your career.

How WorkbookPDF Can Help

You can create your own workbooks with cloze deletions and print them out! Try it now!

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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