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Casper Test Prep

Casper Test Prep

At BeMo, we have used the a rigorous scientific approach, in collaboration with our team of scientists and former CASPer raters to design an evidence-based strategy to help you prepare for the test. Our CASPer prep programs include:

Preparing for Casper

Double check your account information and the time zone carefully prior to test day to ensure your account information is accurate and that you have the correct date and time for your test. Test times are either in the North American Eastern time zone EDT/EST (Eastern Daylight /Standard Time), or Australian Eastern time zone AEDT/AEST (Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time) unless indicated otherwise. To avoid time zone scheduling issues, check the countdown timer on your test page in your Acuity Insights account.

Log in and complete a system requirements check before your test to avoid technical difficulties and ensure your computer can run the test on test day

Given the online nature of Casper, ensuring that your computer system can support the test is very important to your success on test day. As such, we recommend that you verify your computer set-up and environment by taking the system requirements check:

  • at least 3 days prior to your test day to provide time to resolve any potential issues in advance of your test
  • with the same set-up and in the same environment that you plan to take the test in

This is all to ensure that your webcam, microphone, keyboard, browser and internet connection speed are adequate and all working properly.
To be safe, be sure to restart your computer on the day of your test to make sure all needless background programs are closed.

Familiarize yourself with the test format

Going into the test knowing what to expect is the best way to prepare!
The test is divided into 2 response sections; the video response section, which is the first portion of the test, followed by the typed response section. There are a total of 14 scenarios to be completed in 90-110 minutes.

You are given an optional 10 minute break once you have completed the video response section, and another optional 5-minute break after the first four typed response scenarios. During your break time, you can stand up to stretch or use the washroom.

There are 2 types of scenarios; word-based scenarios present you with a short statement to consider. Video-based scenarios indicate your role in the scene and then play a short video. All video-based scenarios are equipped with optional closed captioning.

Response Sections:
In the video response section, you are presented with two word-based scenarios and four video-based scenarios which appear in randomized order. When each scenario finishes, you’ll have 30 seconds of reflection time and 10 seconds to read the question. You are then given one minute to record your responses to each of the two open-ended questions. Raters are instructed to not take jargon, accents, or grammar mistakes into account when evaluating your responses – do your best to answer both questions as clearly as possible. Your recording is either uploaded immediately once you submit your response or automatically after the one minute timer runs out. Once your response is submitted or the timer runs out, you are automatically advanced to the next scenario. You can choose to submit your responses before the timer runs out but keep in mind you won’t be able to go back.

In the typed response section, you are presented with three word-based scenarios and five video-based scenarios which appear in randomized order. When each scenario finishes, you have 30 seconds of reflection time and then you are given a total of five minutes to type your responses to three open-ended questions in the designated text boxes. Once the five minutes are up, you are automatically advanced to the next scenario.

Practice taking the test

There is a full 14-scenario sample test containing both the video and typed response sections that you can use to practice as many times as you like. As it is just a practice test, your answers will not be saved or submitted for review or feedback.
Take this opportunity to seriously consider the scenario you are presented with, then try to answer the probing questions as you would in a true test sitting. This will help you get a sense of the time limit and can help you practice formulating responses quicker. Feel free to do the practice session multiple times so you feel comfortable with the test format and being in front of the camera for the video response section. We have found that applicants who complete the practice test generally perform better on Casper.

You don’t need a third party prep course

There are many third party test preparation tools available for Casper. However, Casper is designed to elicit authentic responses from test-takers and as such does not require any more preparation than the free practice test and prep resources we have provided. We found that taking a 3rd party prep course, and not preparing at all were associated with worse test performance

Helpful strategies when taking your Casper test

Read the questions fully, then plan your response
In the video response section, for each scenario, the two questions are presented one at a time, and you are provided 10 seconds to read each question before the recording starts. Be sure to use this time to read the question, take a few seconds to reflect and plan your response.
When completing the typed response section of the test, for each scenario, all three questions are presented at once. Be sure to read all three questions fully, take a few seconds to reflect, then plan your response. Being aware of what all three questions are asking can help you avoid repeating yourself in your responses as you move from question to question. It can also help you avoid missing a question altogether given the time limit..

Respond to all of the questions
We encourage you to focus on the content of your responses and do your best to respond to all of the questions in each scenario.
Casper raters are trained to disregard minor spelling and grammar mistakes when evaluating responses.Keep in mind that raters will accept any typed answer, whether it be in point form/bullet points or complete sentences.

Take the full time to respond
During the test, ensure you take the full minute provided for each question in the video response section and all five minutes to respond to the three questions in the typed response section.
This is important because we have found that test takers who have taken all the time available tend to score higher than those who do not. So, do try and make use of all the time you have!

Don’t panic if you don’t finish your thought in a scenario
Try not to worry if you don’t finish your thought or sentence before being automatically progressed to the next scenario. Just take a deep breath and focus on the new scenario. Raters are trained to ignore incomplete sentences in both sections, as they know you are under a time limit and instead focus on your train of thought and try to understand the general point you are trying to make.

Remember: everyone is in the same situation as you and is feeling pressed for time. Know that taking the full response time available is actually an advantage and can help with your success on the test.

Find a quiet place to take the test

The test requires your full concentration as it progresses through the scenarios and sections automatically. Be sure to find a space that is free of distractions. You’ll also want to make sure that there is little to no background noise. Ask people around you to keep their voices low or ask them to refrain from playing or listening to music and keep pets away if possible. You’ll also want to record your video responses in a room that is well-lit and private. This is to make sure you won’t be interrupted or accidentally display something in the video that you don’t intend for others to see.

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Check your attire

We train our raters to focus on the substance of your answers and not your clothing, but be mindful that certain clothing choices are distracting (e.g., pajamas). While you don’t need to get too dressed up, it may help to think about how you’d like to be seen on camera by an interviewer. We recommend wearing smart casual attire like a dress shirt, sweater, or blouse, and pants to complete your Casper test. Remember that our raters are not evaluating your fashion choices, so keep it simple and comfortable.

Make sure you have the right equipment to take the test

The following equipment is required to take the test:

  • a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam
  • headphones or earphones with a microphone (or headphones and a separate microphone)
  • a reliable, high speed-internet connection
    • download speed of at least 1.5 megabytes per second (MB/s) and upload speed of at least 2 MB/s is required
    • Verify your connection with an internet speed checker

    To get your internet speed results, please wait a few seconds for the numbers on the site to stop changing. To get your upload speed, click on the ‘Show More Info’ button below your internet speed and wait a few seconds for the numbers on the site to stop changing).

    Note that if you see the speed in gigabytes per second (GB/s), that’s sufficient!

    Tips to record outstanding video responses

    This is the time to showcase who you are as a person! As such, you’ll want to make sure there are as few distractions as possible that could affect a rater from being able to get a good sense of your unique personality. The most important thing to remember is to just be yourself! Here are some additional tips to help get that across successfully:

    • Pay attention to your body language and tone. Try sitting up straight, use gestures to emphasize some of your points, and speak as clearly as possible.
    • Maintain eye contact. Get comfortable being in front of and talking to the camera. Try to imagine yourself having a real conversation with someone.
      • You can work through the awkwardness of being in front of the camera by having multiple practice runs recording yourself. You can practice with apps like Camera (if you’re a PC user) or Photo Booth (if you’re a Mac user). Review the video afterwards and identify areas for improvement. Get another person, such as a friend, to review your recordings and provide some feedback — it’s helpful to have another perspective!

      Review the three sample scenarios below

      Get a sense of the types of scenarios that you may be presented with. All of the test scenarios present generic ethical dilemmas that you may encounter in your everyday life. The scenarios are NOT specific to the program or profession you are applying to. Be sure to read the associated questions and consider all aspects of the dilemma.

      Casper Test PrepVideo-based scenario 1: Paternity Leave

      Ultimate Guide to CASPer® Test Prep By BeMo®

      CASPer® Test Preparation Tips, Strategies & Sample Questions

      CASPer is a trademark of McMaster & Altus. BeMo does not recommend, endorse nor affiliate with CASPer, Altus or McMaster.

      Casper Test Prep

      Casper Test Prep

      Click on each button below to read more:

      • CASPer Test Prep Tips
      • What schools use CASPer?
      • How is CASPer scored?
      • CASPer Sample Videos & Questions
      • Structure of the test
      • Why Do Most Students Use BeMo?
      • How can BeMo help?

      How to Prepare & Ace the CASPer Test: Top 15 Tips

      What is CASPer?

      CASPer is an acronym for Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics, which is essentially an online multiple mini interview (MMI).

      Before we jump into our strategies let’s make something clear. We do not endorse CASPer and its use is not recommended. We strongly encourage all applicants, their parents, and admissions professionals to proceed with caution when deciding to use CASPer or when reviewing claims made by its creators and its for-profit administrator, as none of their claims appear to have been independently verified. We have seen claims that may be hurtful to applicants’ chances of acceptance, their CASPer scores, and worse the general literature and previous studies suggest that situational judgment tests may cause bias. In fact, If you are too worried about the test, you may want to consider applying to schools that don’t require it. If you have no choice, we are here to help you ace your test. This is why we offer CASPer prep programs because we want to level the playing field so everyone has a fair chance of admission.

      Furthermore, we have already discussed our frank opinion about the myths surrounding CASPer preparation in this blog. Most of our students say that they find it laughable that some argue it’s not possible to prepare. Of course you can prepare in advance because no one is born with professional skills. In fact, in this study we show how our students increased their CASPer SIM score by an average of 23% using appropriate preparation. Most of our students (76%) who gain acceptance use a form of deliberate preparation. It turns out preparing for CASPer is actually much easier than other tests if you employ the right strategies and prepare well in advance.

      1. Practice using realistic simulations:

      Just like any other skill set you must practice using timed and realistic CASPer simulations. The same way you practiced for your MCAT for example or when you were learning how to ride a bike. Non-cognitive skills develop just like cognitive skills via practice and experience. (To learn more about our CASPer SIM™ practice tests & preparation programs click here.)

      2. Get expert feedback:

      Without expert feedback, you will not be able to identify your weakness and learn from them. We highly recommend that you take advantage of expert feedback from BeMo’s CASPer experts, who receive over 100 hours of training to become our certified CASPer experts and have acted as former CASPer raters.

      3. Read the 3 questions and answer the easiest question first.

      This is the best strategy, especially when faced with multiple really tough questions in a given scenario because: A) answering the easiest question first ensures that you have answered at least one question before the time is up, which may still get you full marks as you will see below, and B) since you have read over all the questions, your subconscious mind will be busy formulating a response to the more difficult questions while you answer the easiest ones.

      4. Focus on the most important issue.

      The first thing you do after watching a CASPer scenario or reading a text-based question is to make sure that you understand what the most important issue is at hand. Is it the well-being of those under your care? The well-being of the public at large? Or the reputation of your organization? We recommend that you review some of our sample questions and expert answers to understand this very important concept. But the best way would be to do lot of simulated CASPer tests followed by expert feedback.

      5. Always remain non-judgmental until you have gathered all the facts.

      CASPer is designed to see if you are going to be judgemental and jump into a hasty conclusion or if you reserve judgement after gather all the facts. Take the time to delay judgement until you have all the facts.

      6. Gather all the facts. Don’t make any blind assumptions.

      Let’s assume a CASPer question implies that a person is completely drunk and is heading to their car with the ignition keys in hand. There are too many unknowns here and you can’t be 100% sure. For example, how can you be 100% sure they are indeed durnk? What if the person has a medical condition that causes them to seem drunk and even have alcohol breath? (e.g. ketoacidosis in diabetics) On the other hand, what if they are simply going to grab their cell phone from their car to call a cab? The point is this: don’t make any assumptions until after you have gathered all the facts, which may include having a private conversation with the individual, if the matter is not urgent, so that they are not embarrassed in public.

      7. Figure out all the parties that are involved.

      A professional understands that nothing is black and white in real life and our actions normally have consequences for many people directly and indirectly involved. So let’s say you are faced with the dilemma of firing a university professor for professional misconduct. Who is directly involved? You and the professor. Who is indirectly involved? The professional, the university and the community at large.

      8. You must be able to have a specific strategy for each type of CASPer question.

      Since it’s not possible to predict actual test questions, the best way to prepare is to realize that there are a finite number of types of questions. In fact we have identified a total of 16 different possible types of questions and once you know how to identify and answer each type of question, you’ll be able to ace any CASPer question. Period.

      9. Use “if, then” strategy to formulate the most rationale and ethical decision.

      A common mistake by most applicants is to read complicated ethics books but that’s not necessary. All you have to do is show that you have common sense and can make sound judgement in everyday ethical dilemmas. The best way to do that is use the “if, then” strategy. For example, “. if after having a private conversation, I realize that the driver is drunk and planning to drive away, then. ” Or, “. if I realize that the driver is simply going to grab their cell phone from the car, then. “

      10. Take your time. It’s totally OK if you miss a few questions!

      CASPer exam is not meant to test your typing speed. In fact, CASPer raters are told to assign you an overall score for each scenario even if you have missed a question or two. So if you answer at least one question really well, you can potentially still receive full marks because no marks are deducted for missed questions.

      11. Study ethics:

      Many of the questions asked during your CASPer test are based on ethical dilemmas that arise during real-life situations and scenarios, therefore it is recommended that you get to know the governing body of your professional school system and the daily dilemmas faced by the profession.

      12. Read up on relevant news:

      Keep up to date with the relevant news and issues facing the profession.

      13. Personal preparation:

      There are usually a few sections of the CASPer test designed to get to know you better. These sections serve the same purpose as the traditional autobiographical sketch. This is your opportunity to ‘talk’ to the admissions committee. Your goal is to demonstrate your high level of maturity, excellent communication skills, quick decision-making abilities, leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility based on your own personal experience. A good way to prepare for this is to think of such scenarios in advance and have them prepared; this will save you time trying to think of some during the test.

      14. Ignore the negative talk about CASPer preparation

      Additionally, we talk about avoiding online premed forums in this blog post so we won’t go into details except to mention that if you want to stand out, you must avoid the common places the masses hangout – how can you possibly stand out if you do what everyone else is doing? Importantly those forums are full of misinformation, and are routinely monitored and appear to be manipulated by admissions committees and test administrators.

      15. Prepare well in advance

      How long does it take to prepare for CASPer? It takes between 6-8 weeks to prepare for CASPer and sometimes longer. This is because CASPer is a behavioral type test and it takes a long time to learn new behaviors and modify unwanted behaviour. Ideally, you should start preparing well in advance because it is not possible to prepare for CASPer last minute like academic tests that require memorization of facts.

      What is CASPer?

      The Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics (CASPer) test, is a web based assessment of interpersonal skills and decision making abilities for screening applicants’ professional and personal characteristics.

      Which schools use CASPer?

      Click the link for complete list of schools that use CASPer.

      Click the link for complete list of CASPer test dates.

      How important is CASPer to your application success?

      Every school uses your CASPer score differently in their admissions process, for example, the exam is worth 32% of the total pre-interview score of your application to McMaster medical school, this makes it weighed equally against your MCAT scores as well as your grade point average (GPA). What about other schools? Given the fact that other schools and programs using CASPer have adopted similar admissions screening tool, you can be sure that doing well on this test no matter what program or school you are applying to is going to be very important for admissions success.

      Your CASPer Score

      Some of the most common questions we hear from our students include the following:

      • “how is this test scored?”
      • “what if I miss a question?”
      • “who are the CASPer raters/evaluators?”
      • “do the CASPer raters mark the test based on an answer sheet?”
      • “what if I have a difficult rater with extremely high standards”
      • “when will I get my CASPer score back?”

      We wrote a comprehensive blog post on this topic with answer to all these frequently asked questions about CASPer scoring protocols. Click here to read more.

      Click here to practice with our free sample CASPer videos & questions

      Test format:

      The test consists of 12 sections, followed by 3 questions related to the material presented in each section. These include both video-based and text-based scenarios based on every-day situation. The short video clips will ask for your response to various situations and scenarios. The text-based sections usually involve ‘personal’ questions, designed to find out more about the applicant. In total, CASPer takes 90 minutes to complete; with each section allowing only 5 minutes to answer all 3 questions, as well as a 15 minute break half way through and a short survey at the end.

      Here’s why students choose to prep with BeMo:

      • Leaders in CASPer preparation
      • Proven to increase your practice score by 23%
      • The only scientifically proven CASPer prep available
      • Outstanding success rate
      • Admissions experts with 53 years of combined experience
      • 91% of our students refer us to their friends
      • Invest in our development of fair & scientifically sound admissions screening
      • Money back guarantee

      BeMo CASPer Preparation Programs:

      At BeMo, we have used the a rigorous scientific approach, in collaboration with our team of scientists and former CASPer raters to design an evidence-based strategy to help you prepare for the test. Our CASPer prep programs include:

      • Test taking strategy – We will arm you with the ability to successfully answer ANY type of question.
      • The ONLY realistic CASPer simulation (CASPer SIM™ tests) including HD video-based and text-based scenarios.
      • Comprehensive analysis of your performance by experienced professionals – Our CASPer test experts will go over each question, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and provided you with specific recommendations.
      • CASPer prep video course: learn our strategies to identify and ace ANY type of CASPer questions (16 in total)

      Most of our students (76%) who gain acceptance use a form of deliberate preparation!


      BeMo®, BeMo Academic™, BeMo Consulting™, BeMo Academic Consulting ™, SJT®, CASPer SIM™, MMI SIM™, Get In Or Your Money Back® are trademarks of BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators.

      CASPER is an acronym for computer based assessment for sampling personal characteristics, which McMaster and Altus assert is their trademark. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with CASPER, McMaster or Altus and vice versa. BeMo is an independent educational firm and provider of CASPer preparation programs and simulations only (CASPer SIM™). To find out how to take the actual test, contact Altus directly.

      All rights reserved. © 2013-2023 BeMo Academic Consulting Inc.| Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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