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Best Mcat Anki Deck

Feasibility : 7

Best Anki MCAT Decks in 2023

If you want to know the best MCAT Anki deck, then you have to check these 8 decks out.


Anyone who has tried to find the perfect MCAT Anki deck has quickly realized that it leads to complete chaos. Many decks are constantly building on one another. If you try to download multiple, then they start merging together, making it impossible to know what cards are in what decks. Our goal is to help you decipher the various Anki MCAT decks and figure out what Anki MCAT works best for you.

What makes for a good Anki Deck?

Quick question : Do you know why you are using Anki to study for the MCAT?

Are you looking to learn everything through Anki or are you just trying to make sure you don’t keep forgetting Bernoulli’s Equation? Just knowing what you want will help you get the most out of these Anki MCAT decks.

There are 3 main qualities that indicate the quality of an MCAT Anki deck:

  • Organization
    • The organization of a deck matters because doing every card in a premade MCAT Anki deck can often be a waste of time. A deck with good organization will allow you to sort and filter the cards that require the most time and let you suspend the others.
    • Good organization is often indicated by 1) tags and 2) subdecks. If you want to learn how to customize your decks by sorting and filtering, check out our Anki custom deck guide .

    Best Mcat Anki Deck

    • If you have to get through 10,000 MCAT Anki cards in the next 2 months, it doesn’t matter how good the deck is. It is important that Anki is an activity that you can stick to. So, before committing to a deck, make sure the number of cards is feasible not for a day or week but for >1 month. You can check out the Anki Card Calculator to figure out what a reasonable number of cards and hours per day look like for you.

    Disclaimer : The goal of this guide is to help you decide what decks to use by simplifying the best options. Many of the Anki MCAT decks below are remixes of one another. People have tried to continuously improve them in the ways they seem most fit.

    Let’s get to the MCAT Anki decks.

    1. Miledown MCAT Anki – Best for efficiency
    2. Cubene MCAT Anki – Best for psych/socio
    3. Abdullah’s Deck – Best for comprehensiveness
    4. Jacksparrow – Most overrated
    5. Secret 🔒


    1. Miledown MCAT Anki Deck

    If you want mix of comprehensive but not exhausting you should get the Milesdown Anki deck. This anki deck literally goes miles down to make sure all of the high-yield MCAT information is covered and cleanly organized.

    The Milesdown Anki deck (2,888 Anki Cards) covers content from:

    • 90 page MCAT Review Sheets ( linked here )
    • 300 page Khan Academy Psych/Soc doc ( linked here )
    • All equations covered on Chem/Phys

    miles down anki deck download

    While this content alone won’t get you a 528, it is definitely some of the most high-yield MCAT content. miles down anki deck is the best deck for most students.

    The other huge benefit of this deck is that this deck is not only categorized into the 7 subjects but it is also tagged by sub-topic. This means that if you know you struggle with Genetics, you can filter and make a custom deck with just the genetics mcat cards. If you don’t know how to sort by tags and make custom decks, just check out our quick Anki tags guide .

    Best Mcat Anki Deck

    The last great part of the milesdown Mcat Anki deck is that each card has links to Khan Academy respective YouTube Videos. This makes it easy for you to review the content for Anki cards that you keep missing. This update was done by Reddit u/premedunr (Coffin) to better organize the tags.


    Organization : 8

    Card Quality : 8

    Feasibility : 9

    Total : 25/30

    Final Thoughts:

    • For most people, this deck will be more than enough hit all of the important topics.
    • We strongly recommend most people start with this deck and then go to a more comprehensive deck if they feel like it isn’t detailed enough.


    2. Cubene’s MCAT Anki Deck

    Cubene’s deck, made by Reddit user ( u/premedunr), is made to help you master the P/S section of the MCAT.

    The Cubene Anki MCAT deck (4,600 Anki Cards) covers content from:

    As you might have noticed, even though the Milesdown deck covers more topics, the Cubene deck has significantly more cards. If you are really trying to flush out those final details of the P/S section of the MCAT you should check out the Cubene’s Anki deck.

    Even though this deck was made in 2018, it is still the best psych/socio MCAT deck out there.


    Organization : 8

    Card Quality : 9

    Feasibility : 6

    Total : 23/30

    Final Thoughts:

    • While this deck is a great resource, it is a large number of cards for only one section of the MCAT. Realistically speaking, most people will not be able to stick with Anki for long enough to get through the deck.
    • However, if you have the motivation to do well on P/S, you should definitely use this deck.


    3. Abdullah’s MCAT Anki Deck

    Abdullah’s Anki deck is dense. But, it is definitely the most comprehensive, without being superfluous, deck that exists for the MCAT. If you won’t be satisfied with a 520 and need that 528, this deck might be for you.

    The Abdullah MCAT Anki deck (16,000 Anki Cards) covers content from:

    • All of Milesdown Anki deck (above)
    • All of Cubene’s Anki deck (above)
    • Ortho528 Anki deck (deck of 4,351 cards) covering
      • Examkrakers, The Princeton Review, Khan Academy for Pysch/Socio, and Kaplan for Biochem

      The Anki cards come with images, tags, and links to relevant videos. Unfortunately, not the entire deck has been tagged, but the structure is still there. For example, check out this video from u/humii97 himself showing the organization of the deck.


      Organization : 9

      Card Quality : 9

      Feasibility : 4

      Total : 22/30

      Final Thoughts:

      • This Anki deck is one of the best resources someone could create and give for free. The only thing that holds it back for most people is that getting through 16,000 Anki cards is no joke.
        • Based on the Anki Calculator , even if you studied for 6 months every day without missing one, you should still need to do over 1 hour of Anki a day.
        • If you don’t know how to do this, then check out our 5-minute tutorial .


        4. Jacksparrow2048 Anki Deck

        Before we get into the breakdown of this deck, it is important to emphasize that this deck was never made to be published. The creator of this MCAT Anki Deck got a 527 on the MCAT and other premeds kept asking him to share his deck, so he did. This means a lot of the deck is super raw.

        What does raw mean in this case?

        • Lots of copy-paste of missed questions
        • Lots of copy-paste of paragraphs of explanations
        • Spoilers of Kaplan, UWorld, AAMC questions

        Simply u/jacksparrow2048 made this deck for himself. This means that what worked for him probably wont work for you. Jacksparrow even says in his Reddit post that this deck is very slow and content-heavy.

        The Jacksparrow MCAT Anki deck (6,000 Anki Cards) covers content from:

        • Kaplan Books (except P/S)
        • All of Cubene’s Anki deck (above)
        • Random full-lengths and questions from AAMC


        Organization : 4

        Card Quality : 5

        Feasibility : 7

        Total : 16/30

        Final Thoughts:

        • Given the other decks that are available, we would not recommend this deck.
        • This Anki deck worked incredibly well for jack sparrow to do well on the MCAT, but it is just too catered to his knowledge to be the best resource for others.

        5. Why get an Anki Remote for the MCAT?

        We keep seeing people getting premeds get the Anki Remote to study for the MCAT. After asking them why, this is what we learned:

        • The sheer number of cards makes them not want to do it.
          • These students told us that the Anki Remote makes it feel less like a chore and helps them get through the cards faster.
          • To quote, “The Anki Remote feels like the catalyst I need to lower the activation energy”
          • These students have said that the Anki Remote has made it more fun.

          I absolutely love my anki remote, it makes the mountain of cards go by way faster! I seriously don’t leave my house without it . It makes reviewing cards much more enjoyable and efficient. Cheyanne Dizon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

          MCAT Anki Decks: Which Make the Best Study Resources?

          Best Mcat Anki Deck

          When you are undertaking the monumental task of MCAT content review , you want to be sure you are understanding, internalizing, and retaining the material you’ve studied.

          Flashcards can be an excellent MCAT study resource for testing your recall of important topics, but making your own cards can be incredibly time-consuming.

          How to Create a Med School List for AMCAS

          How to Make the Most of the UWorld MCAT QBank Using the Cloze Deletion Concept

          Many MCAT test-takers use the spaced repetition flashcard application called Anki , and generally use premade flashcard “decks.” There are a lot of these Anki MCAT decks, created by various people on various MCAT forums, each with its own pros and cons. So… which of the best MCAT Anki decksone should you use?

          Jacksparrow2048’s Anki MCAT Deck

          This MCAT Anki deck was created by user jacksparrow2048 on Reddit , which the creator used to score a 527 on their official MCAT exam. The jacksparrow2048 deck is one of the most used Anki MCAT decks out there, and a great MCAT study resource.

          This deck contains 5978 cards, arranged by MCAT content sections : Chemistry/Physics, Biology/Biochemistry, Psychology/Sociology. It also contains flashcards for the official AAMC practice exams, in their own category.

          This MCAT Anki deck is an extremely comprehensive MCAT resource, and generally very well made. This is a deck you can use about 5 months out from your official MCAT test date to make sure that you are adequately working through important material.

          The cards in this deck aren’t simple recall cards—some of them are difficult and require you to think critically, and some contain practice problems. As a result, the deck is extremely slow-moving, as it covers some very low-yield topics.

          Unlike cloze deletion cards, which just make you “fill in the blank,” you will have to dedicate some time to understanding and remembering the information on these cards.

          Given the time commitment required to thoroughly review this deck, it is not recommended to work through more than 50 new cards a day. You might find yourself struggling to get through your daily Anki cards in addition to official AAMC material and UWorld questions. You might begin to feel incredibly bogged down.

          This MCAT Anki deck can help you in both low-yield and high-yield topics. But do not underestimate the time and energy investment needed. It’s one of the best MCAT Anki decks there is available.

          Ortho528 Anki MCAT Deck

          The Ortho528 deck is one of the best Anki decks for MCAT available on student forums, containing 4351 cloze deletion cards. As mentioned in the previous section, cloze deletion Anki cards are “fill-in-the-blank” cards, which might lead you to memorize the card instead of the information. The real MCAT will never ask you to fill in the blank, so why would you train yourself to do so?

          The answer is time and efficiency. It takes much less time and effort to use Ortho528’s Anki MCAT deck as a study resource . Not only are they cloze deletion, but they also contain images and diagrams.

          Although these cards are relatively well-sorted and created, they are lacking in explanation. They only ask you to plug in buzzwords as opposed to meaningfully engaging with the material.

          This deck can be effective if you are having trouble with rote memorization, but know that it does not truly test your understanding of important concepts. Choosing to use Ortho528’s deck as an MCAT study resource is something you are going to have to balance. How much time do you have and the effort you want to put in vs. how much you want to get out of your Anki deck? And how much help and explanation you need.

          MileDown’s Anki Deck

          MileDown’s 2900 cards are also cloze deletion, lending to the efficiency of using this deck as a study resource. In addition, each card contains a link to a Khan Academy video explaining the concept, unlike Ortho528’s deck which has no explanations.

          These cards are also sorted by topic. If you’re having issues with a more particular subject area, you can easily sort the cards to reflect the content you are struggling with. This is unlike jacksparrow2048’s or Ortho528’s decks, which are sorted by MCAT section.

          Many students enjoy MileDown’s cards for their ease of use and simplicity, as well as the guidance towards Khan Academy’s explanations if needed.

          Choosing the Best MCAT Study Resource for You–What Are the Best Anki Decks for MCAT?

          Choosing which MCAT Anki decks to use is up to personal preference. This choice is based on how much time you want to invest into flashcard review and how thoroughly you would like your cards to delve into relevant material.

          One important thing to remember as you begin working through an Anki MCAT deck is that if you find that you are lacking foundational knowledge in the subjects the cards are testing, it may be a good idea to pause and work through an MCAT content review like Sketchy, or enlist the help of an Elite Medical Prep tutor to make sure you are well equipped to make the most out of an Anki study deck.

          Using jacksparrow2048, you might be working through Anki cards that you will almost certainly never see on the actual MCAT. However, the MileDown deck is one you can work through efficiently to potentially avoid experiencing Anki burnout. This is something you will have to decide for yourself.

          If you find yourself struggling with a deck or moving through it too quickly due to already knowing the material, you can easily switch decks for a greater challenge.

          The key part in using any of these decks is to stay consistent –use the Anki app every day and go through the cards as best you can!

          If you feel you need extra assistance in choosing your MCAT study resources (including setting a personalized study schedule and effective content review) consider enlisting the help of an MCAT tutor . They can help you to create a personalized plan of action!

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Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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