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Upenn Medical School Acceptance Rate

Upenn Medical School Acceptance Rate

Here, we’ll run through strategies and examples that will strengthen your UPenn Medical School supplemental essays, as well as provide pointers for tackling your interview.

How to Get Into Perelman School of Medicine: Requirements and Strategies

Learn UPenn Medical School requirements, admissions strategies, plus a sample response to the “Why UPenn Medical School?” question

Upenn Medical School Acceptance Rate

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: UPenn Medical School MD programs

Part 3: How hard is it to get into Perelman School of Medicine?

Part 4: UPenn Medical School secondary application essays (examples included)

Part 5: UPenn Medical School interview

Part 1: Introduction

The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, aka Penn Medicine, is not only the oldest medical school in the country—it’s also one of the most renowned. Currently ranked #3 on U.S. News and World Report’s list of the top research medical schools, UPenn Medical School has been producing leaders in the medical field for more than two centuries.

Some of the most important medical advancements of the last 100 years have been developed by UPenn Medical School alumni. As an Ivy League institution, the Perelman School of Medicine has high standards and low admission rates and will be a reach school for anyone. Test scores and excellent grades can help you get your foot in the door, but it’s the qualitative aspects of your application, especially the supplemental essays, that can make the biggest difference and set you apart.

Here, we’ll run through strategies and examples that will strengthen your UPenn Medical School supplemental essays, as well as provide pointers for tackling your interview.

Part 2: UPenn Medical School MD programs

The Perelman School of Medicine offers several ways to attain the MD:

  • The traditional, four-year MD program
  • The Medical Science Training Program (MD/PhD)
  • A variety of MD/Master’s degrees (MD/JD, MD/MPH, MD/MBA, and several others)

UPenn Medical School tuition and scholarships

Base tuition and fees for Penn Medicine in 2023–2024 run $71,935. Taking into consideration living expenses, travel costs, books, and other expenses, UPenn recommends a yearly budget of $109,497 for first-year students.

This may seem high, but UPenn offers a number of need-based scholarships and fixed-interest loans. There are also 34 full tuition scholarships given annually on the basis of student excellence as part of the Twenty-First Century Scholars Program. The class of 2023 graduated with, on average, $150,000 in debt.

Part 3: How hard is it to get into Perelman School of Medicine?

UPenn Medical School admissions statistics

UPenn Medical School’s current acceptance rate is 3.8%, and we can look to admissions statistics for the class of 2027 to see that Penn Medicine’s standards are stringent:

  • Matriculants: 157 (92% out-of-state, 8% in-state)
  • Mean GPA: 3.92
  • Mean MCAT: 520.8

UPenn Medical School admissions requirements

The Perelman School of Medicine does not require applicants to complete specific coursework. However, successful applicants will demonstrate the following competencies:

Furthermore, the MCAT must be taken within three years of applying. If you’re aiming to matriculate in the fall of 2024, your MCAT score must be earned between January 2020 and September 2023.

According to the UPenn Medical School website, students with degrees from foreign institutions (with the exception of Canada) “must complete a full-time year of science (biology, chemistry and physics) coursework before applying.”

Many applicants to prestigious medical schools like Perelman will meet the coursework standards and have impressive grades and test scores. However, the admissions committee will also want to see candidates who exhibit leadership and compassion, candidates who are intellectually curious and devoted to a field of study. Furthermore, they are interested in supporting candidates who’ve overcome hardships in their lives and can contribute to the diversity of the matriculating class. There’s no better place to showcase these attributes than in your supplemental essays.

UPenn Medical School application timeline

To apply to UPenn Medical School, you should submit your AMCAS application according to the following timeline:

  • May 2, 2023: AMCAS application opens
  • May 30, 2023: AMCAS application can be submitted
  • July 2023–November 2023: AMCAS applications transmitted to UPenn
  • August 1, 2023: AMCAS application deadline for Early Decision
  • August 2023–January 2024: Applications reviewed
  • August 16, 2023: UPenn secondary application deadline for Early Decision
  • September 2023–January 2024: Interviews conducted
  • October 2, 2023: Early Decision applicants notified
  • October 15, 2023: AMCAS application deadline
  • November 15, 2023: UPenn secondary application deadline
  • March 2024: Admissions decisions released

Although you can submit your UPenn application well into the fall, it’s in your best interest to submit your materials as early as possible. Competitive applicants often submit their personal statements and supplemental essays as early as June or July of the year they’re applying.

As noted above, the Perelman School of Medicine has an Early Decision program. The admissions website states that successful Early Decision applicants will meet the average GPA and MCAT scores of the most recent entering class, and it recommends that applicants consult with the Office of Admissions prior to June 1 of the year they’re applying.

Part 4: UPenn Medical School secondary application essays (examples included)

With your medical school personal statement out of the way, you’ll be ready to tackle the UPenn secondary essays. Here, you’ll find the 2022–2023 prompts as well as strategies for each, plus example essays for the major questions. The examples are based on composites of students we’ve worked with in nearly 20 years of advising.

While 11 prompts might seem like a lot, note that many of them are optional. You should certainly answer any questions that are relevant to you, but feel free to leave blank the ones that don’t apply. The three required essays come towards the end with Questions 7, 8, and 11.

Question 1: Were there changes to your academic work and/or personal circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic that you would like to share with the committee? If yes, please describe these changes during this time in 500 characters or less.

Chances are, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your life in some way. As you respond to this prompt, you’ll want to keep your answer focused on ways that your education or personal life changed and describe how that may have obstructed your path to medical school. For instance, perhaps testing centers near you were closed and, in turn, your MCAT test date got pushed back. Or, maybe you faced the untimely death of a loved one during the pandemic.

Whatever story you tell, focusing on any lessons you learned or ways you adapted will show resilience and the ability to adjust to quickly changing circumstances. This prompt is not simply asking you to explain why the pandemic caused you to hit a few obstacles, it’s asking you to explain what you did in response to those obstacles. How can you use these events to portray yourself as a leader? How can you show that you’re a decisive and committed individual to the practice of medicine?

Regardless of your situation, keep your response factual, to the point, and ultimately positive as you demonstrate that those changes have no bearing on your candidacy for medical school.

Here’s one example of how you might answer this prompt:

Due to COVID, my MCAT was canceled twice, which delayed my application. Moreover, the closure of my campus housing led me to quarantine with my family, which includes my parents and grandparents, who have multiple chronic health conditions. For their safety, and to meet the requirements of MCAT testing centers, I had to temporarily leave my work as an EMT. My hospice volunteering program was closed. I used this time to make masks for the local hospital and work as an online COVID test scheduler.

What makes this an effective response?

  • When answering a COVID response, it’s important not to sound like you’re making any excuses for poor academic performance or if your MCAT test score isn’t as high as you’d like. With this in mind, this response works because it’s straightforward and showed that the student was determined not to let changes in their plans stop them from pursuing medical school.
  • Additionally, their singularity of purpose didn’t affect their concern for others, as is shown by their ability to be flexible regarding their job and the MCAT so as not to infect immunocompromised individuals.
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In our guide on secondary essays, we’ve included information on COVID essays along with another example.

Question 2: If you were offered an option to continue courses with a standard grading system or switch to Pass/Fail, and you chose Pass/Fail, please describe the reason(s) for your decision here. (500 characters)

Question 3: Have you taken any online courses for credit (not due to the COVID-19 pandemic)?

Question 4: Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization?

Question 5: Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? If so explain in 500 characters or less.

Question 6. Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? If so, explain in 1,000 characters or less.

Question 7: The Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is deeply committed to recruiting a diverse class to enrich an inclusive team-based learning experience. How would you and your experiences contribute to the diversity of the student body and/or how would you contribute to an inclusive atmosphere at PSOM? Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

Question 8: We are all navigating through challenging times, and physicians and physician-scientists must contend with many instances of uncertainty. Describe a time when you faced a situation that was ambiguous, confusing, or uncertain, and how you navigated making a decision without complete information. (3000 characters)

Question 9: Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? If yes, please explain briefly in 1,000 characters.

Question 10: Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates.

Question 11: Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

MD-PhD prompts

Question 1: Please use keywords or phrases, separated by commas, to identify your research interests more specifically. Do not use tabs or add lines by hitting the enter key. There is a limit of 500 characters.

Question 2: List your research experiences chronologically, starting with the most recent. For each experience, please provide clear information about the time commitment. (For instance, if you worked continuously in one lab for a year, putting in full time hours during the summer, and part time hours during the school year, you might state: “full time (about 50 hours a week) from mid May until the end of August, continuing part time (about 10 hours a week) from September to April”. Note that if you worked two summers in the same lab, but did *not* work in that lab at all during the school year, these should be listed as two separate research experiences.)

For each experience, indicate whether your mentor will provide a letter of recommendation. Please note that letters are a significant aspect of your application. We encourage you to solicit at least 3 letters which will specifically address your research ability and potential. Included in these should be letters from mentors who have guided you through your most significant research experiences. If you do not solicit a letter from an individual with whom you have had an extensive research experience, please provide an explanation in the comments section.

Question 3: If you have publications as a result of your research, please provide the full citations here. If you do not have any publications at this time, please indicate that in the box (eg by typing “no publications yet”). Please note there is an 8,000 character limit.

How to Beat 6,500 Applicants and get into The University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (2020-2021)

Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania

The oldest medical school in the United States, Perelman School of Medicine is part of the prestigious University of Pennsylvania. Penn Med, as it’s colloquially known, has remained one of the top med schools in the country since its founding in 1765, currently ranked #3 in U.S. News and World Report . Read on to find out what you can do to get into the Perelman School of Medicine.

UPenn Medical School Admissions:

“Our mission is to advance knowledge and improve health through research, patient care, and the education of trainees in an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, fosters innovation, stimulates critical thinking, supports lifelong learning, and sustains our legacy of excellence.”

Penn Med Virtual Tour

How difficult is it to get into the Perelman School of Medicine?

Given its renowned reputation as one of the best medical schools in both the U.S. and the world, Penn Med’s admissions process is extremely rigorous. It’s also highly selective, with one of the lowest acceptance rates in the country.

Perelman School of Medicine Acceptance Rate

In 2019, Penn Med had an acceptance rate of 4 percent. Of the 6,500 students who applied, 720 were interviewed, for a total interview rate of 11 percent. Ultimately, 150 accepted students ended up matriculating.

Of the students who attended Perelman as first-year students, 46 percent were men, and 54 percent were women. The student body also included a majority of out-of-state students — 76 percent — and 3 percent international students.

Perelman School of Medicine Average MCAT

Given the University of Pennsylvania Medical School acceptance rate, it probably comes as no surprise that accepted students have top MCAT scores. On a scale of 472-528, the average score for accepted students is 521.4. A score of 517 would put you in the 10th percentile, while a score of 525 would put you in the 90th percentile of accepted students.

Perelman School of Medicine Average GPA

The med school also expects applicants to perform well academically in their undergraduate studies. The average GPA for admitted applicants is 3.89, with a range of 3.74-4.0 for the 10th and 90th percentiles respectively.

Majors for Matriculants to Perelman School of Medicine

Like most med schools, Perelman does not require you to major in a specific discipline or even area. Still, of admitted students, 79 percent majored in a science discipline, while only 21 percent chose other areas of study.

Perelman School of Medicine Application Deadlines

You must submit your application to the Perelman School of Medicine via the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) by November 1st at 11:59 pm EST. Once you are designated as a verified applicant, you’ll receive a medical school supplemental application, which you must submit along with your $90 application fee or fee waiver, MCAT score, and letters of recommendation by December 1st at 11:59 pm EST.

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Interviews are by invitation only between September and January .

If you’re applying for Penn Med’s Early Decision Program (EDP), you must submit your application to AMCAS by August 1st and your completed application by August 15th. Before applying under the EDP plan, you’re required to discuss it with the Office of Admissions before June 1st of the admissions cycle in question.

The Perelman School of Medicine admissions department encourages all students to submit their applications early to ensure they have enough leeway at each stage of the process.

Perelman School of Medicine Requirements


Perelman School of Medicine admissions are not based on the student having completed specific courses but rather on the knowledge and competencies students have gained throughout their education as they prepare them to be a physician. That means there are no specific prerequisites for admission; instead, students should demonstrate that they have built skills in:

  • English and communication
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics and mathematics
  • Behavioral disciplines

Applicants must also hold a bachelor of science or arts from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or Canada before they matriculate at Perelman. If they attended a foreign institution (outside of Canada), they must complete at least one year of science coursework at an accredited institution in the U.S. before they apply.

UPenn Medical School Tuition

The annual sticker price of tuition at UPenn Medical school, including associated fees, is $65,497. With food, housing, and other expenses, the school estimates a total annual cost of $91,184-100,019, variable by the year and the individual.

Most students, however, don’t end up paying full price. Eighty-six percent of Perelman students receive financial aid of some type, and many receive merit scholarships. There are 30 full-tuition scholarships available annually via the Twenty-First Century Scholars Program.

The average student graduates with $129,945 of debt.

UPenn Secondary Essays

In addition to your personal statement, you’ll be tasked with writing Penn Med’s secondary essays. Below is a list of the current prompts and our advice on how to respond.

Some general tips:

  • Get started early.
  • Make your responses specific to Penn Med wherever possible.
  • Be honest.
  1. Have you taken any online courses for credit? Y/N

This is a straightforward question that solicits a straightforward response. If you have taken online courses for credit, list them here if space allows.

  1. Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? Y/N and list all awards received here.

Again, this response doesn’t require any embellishment — simply list your awards if applicable.

  1. Have you taken or are you planning to take time off between college graduation and medical school matriculation? If Yes: Please describe your activities during this time in 500 characters or less.

This is an opportunity to demonstrate your maturity and breadth of experience since your undergraduate years. Perhaps you wanted to gain work experience or perspective in your “gap” time. Or maybe you simply didn’t feel you were ready at the time or had different plans. Give an honest response, while emphasizing the positive and how you believe it contributes to your readiness for med school now.

  1. Have you participated in any global activities outside of the U.S. prior to submitting your AMCAS application? Y/N (1000 characters or less)

If you’ve participated in global activities, particularly volunteer or humanitarian work, briefly describe them and explain how they contribute to your preparation for a career in medicine. You should also connect it to your personal growth and perspective.

  1. Are there any special, unique, personal, or challenging aspects of your personal background or circumstances that you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions, not addressed elsewhere (siblings/relatives at Penn, applying as a couple, educational environment, culture, ethnicity, etc.) Y/N If Yes: Please explain and limit your response to 1,000 characters.

This question is intended to help the Perelman admission committee understand your background and how your experiences may have contributed to your identity as a student. If, for example, you faced a unique difficulty that might have impacted your coursework, they will use that information in evaluating your application.

Of course, you should never fabricate a hardship or anything else on your application.

  1. Have you or your family experienced economic hardships? Y/N. If Yes; Please explain briefly in 1,000 characters:

Similar to the previous question, this will give Perelman insight into your background and circumstances beyond your control that might have impacted you as a student and candidate. Just be forthcoming here — it will be to your benefit.

  1. Have you been employed at the University of Pennsylvania Health System or Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and worked with a Penn faculty mentor? If yes, please indicate name, department, phone number of faculty, and start/end dates.

This is another one with a clear response. Just be honest here.

  1. Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters:

This “Why us?” question is a prompt you may have encountered when you were applying to undergraduate colleges. It requires you to go beyond the surface level to identify the specific aspects of Penn Med that appeal to you.

Steer clear of factors like prestige and U.S. News ranking, and instead focus on the curriculum, unique approach, strength in your specialty of choice, research or extracurricular opportunities, faculty you admire, and so on. You can touch on its impressive reputation, but avoid making it seem as though you only want to attend the school for the name recognition. Be as specific as possible when writing about why you want to attend Penn Med.

  1. The Perelman School of Medicine seeks to foster a safe and welcoming environment for all students. In this spirit, the following optional questions are asked about sexual orientation and gender identity. You may choose to answer, one, both or none of these questions. This will not have any impact on your application and will not be shared as part of the admissions process. Rather, this information will enable us to better facilitate any visit that you have to the School of Medicine. If none of the following designations adequately describe how you identify, please feel free to elaborate in the option marked “Other.” We recognize that improving our understanding of sexual and gender identities are a continuous process, and welcome your input. Do you identify as (please check all that apply): Heterosexual/Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Asexual, Queer, Other

Do you identify as (please check all that apply): Cisgender, Transgender, Gender non-conforming, Gender non-binary, Other

Please let us know if you have a preferred name and/or preferred Gender Pronouns.

Note that your responses here will not be factored into your admissions decision. However, they can benefit you if you do end up receiving an interview invitation. Perelman wants prospective students who visit to have an experience that makes them feel safe and welcome. By answering these questions, they’ll be able to connect you with helpful school ambassadors who can show you what resources they have available to students who are part of these underrepresented groups.

You may choose to respond to this series of prompts only if you feel comfortable doing so. Remember: your responses will NOT factor into your admissions decision.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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