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Duke Premed

Duke Premed

For more information about prehealth requirements, visit the Office of Health Professions Advising website at


Duke Premed

Health profession schools often require that you take many courses pre-matriculation to meet entry requirements and/or prepare for standardized tests. Applicants will need to check for variations at the specific schools where they intend to apply.

Course requirements for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, and physician assistant programs will include lists similar to the one below.

General/Inorganic Chemistry 2 courses with lab
Math Calculus required for Physics + a few medical
schools have a math requirement
Biology 2 courses with labs + (physiology recommended for MCAT)
English 2 courses (one will be WRITING 101)
Psychology 1 course
Sociology 1 course in medical sociology recommended
Statistics 1 course
Organic Chemistry 2 courses with lab
Physics 2 courses with lab
Biochemistry 1 course

Prehealth courses at Duke are rigorous, and you’ll want to plan your prehealth schedule carefully. Many prehealth students begin taking chemistry and calculus in the fall, and then will add biology in the spring. AP, IPC or PMC credit may be used for some requirements. See the Office of Health Professions Advising website for more details. Here are some things you should do as a prehealth student this year:

  1. Read the information on the prehealth website. Visit
  2. Enroll in math and chemistry courses this fall. Trinity students should aim for a balanced schedule which includes no more than two lab math/science courses.
  3. FOR PRATT STUDENTS ONLY: Consult with a Pratt advisor about how these requirements are incorporated into your engineering curriculum.
  4. Attend a Prehealth Group Advising Sessions when they are offered.
  5. Sign up for prehealth email announcements:
  6. Use weekly Zoom drop-ins to get your questions answered; we use a waiting room for privacy. See our weekly announcements for details.


For more information about prehealth requirements, visit the Office of Health Professions Advising website at


You don’t have to major in a natural science to be a strong candidate. Duke’s Health Professions Advising Office encourages students to focus on what interests them most. Many Duke students interested in prehealth careers major in social sciences or humanities and are as successful with admissions as those in a STEM field.


There is no “pre-law track” at Duke, but there is a pre-law process. Being pre-law at Duke means engaging with the information and programming provided by the Office of Pre-Law Advising to help you determine if law school is right for you. The Office of Pre-Law Advising sponsors programming through the Bench & Bar Pre-Law Society and the Black Pre-Law Society. All students with any interest in pursuing law school are strongly encouraged to join either or both of those student groups. For more information, visit the Office of Pre-Law Advising’s website at and join the listserv using your Duke e-mail address now at You can also follow us on Instagram at duke.prelaw.


Exploring Pre-Med Opportunities at Duke University

Choosing your path for higher education is a significant decision that can pave the way for your professional future. Among the various disciplines and course streams, studying medicine is typically regarded as one of the most challenging and rewarding endeavors. Pre-Med, as an undergraduate program, holds key importance in shaping a student’s medical career. Duke University offers an impressive array of options, resources and services specifically designed for pre-med students. This article will look into a deep dive into understanding what pre-med studies are and the opportunities available at Duke University.

Understanding Pre-Med Studies

Students looking at a laptop while being instructed by a teacher.

What is Pre-Med?

Pre-med is an academic track that undergraduate students follow in anticipation of becoming a doctor or entering a medical field. It’s not a major, but a guiding pathway that incorporates the necessary groundwork courses that a student must complete planned for success in medical school.

When embarking on the pre-med journey, students immerse themselves in a world of knowledge and preparation. They delve into the fascinating realm of medicine, exploring the intricacies of the human body, the complexities of diseases, and the art of healing. This path is not for the faint of heart, as it demands dedication, perseverance, and a genuine passion for the field.

While the exact composition may vary from institution to institution, most pre-med tracks include rigorous science coursework, lab work, and philosophical studies that shape a well-rounded, competitive candidate for medical school. These courses lay the foundation for future medical professionals, providing them with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their chosen field.

Importance of Pre-Med Studies

Pre-Med Studies are an essential foundation for prospective medical students aiming for a successful career in the health sector. They are designed to equip students with the prerequisites to understand medical school material.

Medical school is a rigorous and demanding journey, and without a solid pre-med background, students may find themselves struggling to keep up with the fast-paced curriculum. Pre-med studies act as a compass, guiding students through the vast sea of medical knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

The curriculum exposes students to the core sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Through courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and sociology, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the human body, the intricacies of diseases, and the social factors that influence health. This interdisciplinary approach not only broadens their knowledge but also cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving, empathy, and communication skills – all crucial for a healthcare professional.

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Moreover, pre-med studies provide students with valuable opportunities for hands-on experience. From volunteering at hospitals and clinics to conducting research in cutting-edge laboratories, students have the chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical settings. These experiences not only deepen their understanding of medicine but also allow them to develop essential skills such as teamwork, adaptability, and resilience.

Ultimately, pre-med studies serve as a springboard for aspiring medical professionals, propelling them towards their dreams of making a difference in the lives of others. It is a transformative journey that shapes individuals into compassionate, knowledgeable, and skilled healthcare providers.

Pre-Med Curriculum at Duke University

When it comes to pursuing a career in medicine, Duke University offers a comprehensive Pre-Med curriculum that equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills. The curriculum not only covers the core courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, and English, but also provides opportunities for students to explore various specialized areas within the field of medicine.

Medical students using a microscope in the laboratory.

Core Courses in the Pre-Med Track

At Duke University, the Pre-Med curriculum covers a broad spectrum of subjects. The core courses include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, and English. These courses serve as the foundation for a successful career in medicine, providing students with a solid understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts.

By integrating a cross-disciplinary approach, Duke ensures a broad scientific base for their pre-med students. This approach allows students to see the interconnectedness of different scientific fields and how they contribute to the study of medicine. It also fosters critical thinking skills and encourages students to approach medical problems from multiple perspectives.

Additionally, the curriculum offers opportunities to delve into areas such as biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, and human anatomy. These specialized courses provide students with in-depth knowledge and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the human body and its functions. Moreover, there is an emphasis on rigorous lab work to acquaint students with practical aspects of the subject matter. This hands-on experience allows students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, preparing them for the challenges they may face in their future medical careers.

Elective Options for Pre-Med Students

Further to the core courses, Duke allows a variety of elective options for pre-med students. These elective courses provide students with the opportunity to explore their interests and broaden their knowledge beyond the traditional medical curriculum.

Electives can range widely but often include subjects such as medical anthropology, health psychology, and global health. These courses enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the social, cultural, and psychological aspects of healthcare. They also provide insights into the global health challenges faced by communities around the world.

The elective options offer pre-med students the flexibility to tailor their studies based on their interests or the specialized area they wish to pursue in the future. Whether it’s exploring the impact of cultural beliefs on healthcare decisions or understanding the psychological factors influencing patient care, these electives allow students to develop a well-rounded perspective on medicine.

In conclusion, Duke University’s Pre-Med curriculum goes beyond the core courses, providing students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for the challenges and complexities of the medical field. By offering a wide range of courses and elective options, Duke ensures that pre-med students have the opportunity to explore their interests and develop a strong foundation in both the scientific and social aspects of medicine.

Faculty and Research Opportunities

Meet the Pre-Med Faculty

Duke University prides itself on its talented corps of pre-med faculty who are both accomplished academics and compassionate mentors. The faculty comprises experts who have made significant contributions to their respective fields.

When it comes to teaching, the faculty at Duke University goes above and beyond. They not only deliver comprehensive classes but also guide the students through their academic journey, offering counsel, support, and inspiration. With their wealth of knowledge and experience, the faculty members are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of medical professionals.

Male and female student leaning on a bookshelf.

Students have the opportunity to learn from renowned professors who have conducted groundbreaking research and published influential papers. These faculty members bring real-world experiences into the classroom, providing students with valuable insights and perspectives.

Furthermore, the faculty at Duke University are not just teachers but also mentors. They take a personal interest in their students’ success and well-being, offering guidance and support throughout their pre-med journey. Whether it’s helping students choose the right courses, providing advice on research opportunities, or offering career guidance, the faculty at Duke University are committed to helping students thrive.

Research Opportunities in Pre-Med

Duke University embraces research as a component of medical education. It recognizes the importance of hands-on experience in shaping future physicians and scientists. As a result, the university provides its pre-med students with numerous research opportunities throughout their academic journey.

Students at Duke University have the chance to participate in cutting-edge research across a variety of medical and scientific fields. From studying the genetic basis of diseases to exploring innovative treatment methods, the research opportunities available are diverse and exciting.

Engaging in research allows students to obtain firsthand experience in the scientific process. They have the opportunity to work alongside faculty members and graduate students, contributing to ongoing projects and making meaningful contributions to the field of medicine. Through these research experiences, students develop critical thinking skills, learn how to analyze data, and gain a deeper understanding of the scientific method.

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Moreover, participating in research provides students with a unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of scientific discovery. It allows them to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world problems, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of medical science.

At Duke University, research is not limited to the laboratory. Students can also engage in community-based research, working with local organizations to address healthcare disparities and improve access to medical services. These experiences not only broaden students’ understanding of healthcare but also instill a sense of social responsibility.

Overall, the research opportunities at Duke University offer pre-med students a chance to explore their interests, contribute to the advancement of medical science, and prepare for future careers in healthcare and research. By engaging in research, students develop skills that will serve them well throughout their academic and professional journeys.

Pre-Med Student Life at Duke University

Being a pre-med student at Duke University is an exciting and enriching experience. The university offers a vibrant student life, with numerous organizations and clubs specifically catering to pre-med students.

Pre-Med Student Organizations

One of the standout organizations for pre-med students at Duke is the Duke Medical Mentorship Advisory Program (Duke Med MAP). This society serves as a hub for networking and mentoring opportunities, connecting students with professionals in the medical field. The society also hosts regular guest speakers, who share their insights and experiences, providing valuable knowledge and inspiration to aspiring doctors.

In addition to networking and mentoring, the Duke Med MAP offers assistance with internship searches. They provide resources and guidance to help students secure internships at prestigious medical institutions, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in their desired field.

These organizations not only provide valuable resources and support but also foster a sense of community among pre-med students. The journey to becoming a doctor can be challenging, but having a community of like-minded individuals can make it more manageable. Students in these organizations often form study groups, share tips and advice, and offer mutual support and encouragement.

Support Services for Pre-Med Students

Duke University recognizes the rigorous nature of pre-med studies and understands the importance of providing support services to help students succeed. The university offers a range of support mechanisms to ensure that pre-med students have the resources they need to excel academically and maintain their overall well-being.

Male student and a teacher talking about a lesson.

Academic advising is one such support service. Pre-med students have access to dedicated academic advisors who specialize in guiding them through the intricacies of their coursework. These advisors help students plan their schedules, choose the right classes, and ensure they are on track to meet their academic goals.

Workshop and tutorial support is also available to pre-med students. These sessions provide additional guidance and practice in challenging subjects, helping students strengthen their understanding and improve their performance. Tutors are often upperclassmen who have excelled in their pre-med courses and can offer valuable insights and strategies for success.

Mental health services are another crucial aspect of support for pre-med students. Duke University offers counseling and therapy services to help students manage the stress and pressures that come with pursuing a career in medicine. These services provide a safe and confidential space for students to discuss their concerns and develop coping strategies to maintain their mental well-being.

Furthermore, Duke University has a dedicated Pre-Health Advising center. This center serves as a comprehensive resource for pre-med students, providing guidance on medical school applications, internships, and career options. The advisors at the Pre-Health Advising center are knowledgeable and experienced, offering personalized advice and support to help students navigate the complex path to becoming a doctor.

In conclusion, being a pre-med student at Duke University offers a wealth of opportunities and support. The student organizations and support services available ensure that students have the resources and guidance they need to excel academically, build a strong network, and maintain their overall well-being. Duke University truly prioritizes the success and well-being of its pre-med students, making it an excellent choice for aspiring doctors.

Future Prospects for Duke Pre-Med Graduates

Medical Schools and Duke Pre-Med Graduates

Duke Pre-Med graduates have a strong history of acceptance into prestigious medical schools across the nation and globe. They are known for their strong science foundation, multidisciplinary knowledge, leadership skills and a research-oriented approach.

The solid pre-med preparation at Duke makes its graduates attractive candidates for medical schools, paving the way to study in various medical specialties and disciplines.

Career Paths for Pre-Med Graduates

While many pre-med graduates from Duke University find their calling in clinical roles as physicians or surgeons, there also exist numerous other career options. Some graduates pursue public health or healthcare administration, while others find success in medical research or as medical educators.

Moreover, the critical thinking and analytical skills gained through pre-med studies open the door to non-traditional careers such as health policy, medical journalism, or bioethics.

In essence, the pre-med track at Duke University offers a versatile foundation that can support a wide range of career trajectories in the realm of healthcare and beyond.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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