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How To Write An Addendum For Law School

How To Write An Addendum For Law School

If you answered “yes,” you probably have a specific issue you’re thinking about that needs to be explained regarding your application. There are three reasons for writing a law school addendum:

How to Write a Law School Addendum: The Ultimate Guide (Examples Included)

Should you submit an addendum for a low GPA or LSAT score?

How To Write An Addendum For Law School


When applying to law school, your goal is to establish that you’re an accomplished student and a conscientious, upstanding citizen. Put simply, you want to present your best self to an admissions committee. But what if there’s a flaw on your record that disrupts the exemplary image you’re trying to convey? That’s where writing an addendum for law school may be useful.

An addendum is an optional statement that you can submit with your law school applications to explain any aberration on your legal or academic record. However, many applicants struggle to write an effective addendum or to understand whether they should include one at all.

In this post, we’ll unravel the ins and outs of law school addenda to give you a clear sense of how and if you ought to write one. We’ll go over which situations warrant an addendum, how to successfully compose one, and we’ll show you well-written examples and help you understand why they work.

Why do law school addenda exist?

The purpose of an addendum is to provide you with a space in which you can clarify anything in your academic or legal background that an admissions committee might see as a red flag. While the idea of discussing what may be a low point in your personal history likely seems unappealing, think of an addendum as an opportunity to frame a negative experience in the way that you want it to come across, rather than leaving it up to misinterpretation.

By proactively addressing any irregularities in your record and displaying subsequent correction or improvement, you also have the chance to demonstrate that you can take responsibility and learn from past mistakes and obstacles.

What situations warrant an addendum?

It’s not always the case that an addendum is necessary to explain an imperfect situation. In this section, we’ll go over the scenarios that most often lead applicants to submit addenda and help you determine whether or not an addendum is appropriate for you.


The most frequent reason that applicants choose to send an addendum with their law school applications is poor academic performance in college that’s resulted in low grades and/or a low GPA.

A useful rule of thumb is: if your weak academic performance was caused or contributed to by unforeseen events or extenuating circumstances, you should include an addendum. For example, valid reasons that you should discuss include bad grades due to a medical issue, family emergency, or death of a loved one, just to name a few.

An addendum is also necessary if, for whatever reason, you’ve received failing or near-failing grades (a D or F) or you’ve faced academic probation or dismissal.

On the other hand, a challenging major or strenuous course load are not good reasons to submit an addendum. Doing so will most likely come off as trivial and sympathy-seeking. For instance, if you’re an English major whose otherwise excellent GPA dipped one semester because you decided to try organic chemistry, trust that admissions committees will be able to read between the lines.

Similarly, admissions officers understand that many students’ grades improve after freshman year once they’ve adjusted to college life. So unless your first year grades are catastrophic, it’s probably not necessary to address them.

Low LSAT score

If your LSAT results aren’t what you’d hoped for, you should consider writing an addendum if your score was adversely affected by circumstances beyond your control, such as illness or a car accident on the day of the test. These are sound explanations, particularly if you later retook the test and got a markedly better score.

In fact, if you’ve taken the LSAT more than once and received significantly different results, it’s a good idea to account for why, no matter the circumstances. Frame your low score as an anomaly and explain how your improved score better indicates your true capabilities.

However, don’t use an addendum to justify a bad score due to inadequate preparation or nervousness, especially if you’re unable to show improvement.

Some applicants use an addendum to situate their low LSAT score in an ongoing struggle with standardized testing. We suggest doing this only if your testing difficulties are substantial and verifiable and you can prove that you’re an otherwise outstanding student.

In other words, your LSAT and other standardized test scores need to be fairly low and your GPA needs to be fairly high for this explanation to be convincing. An addendum would be appropriate if, say, you received a 150 on the LSAT but had a 3.8 GPA from a competitive college, and your SAT scores were mediocre as well.

Other reasons to include an addendum

Besides academic performance, here are the most common reasons that applicants write addenda:

  • A withdrawal, leave of absence, or transfer from college
  • Academic misconduct or disciplinary action received in college
  • A criminal record

It’s safe to say that if any of the above apply to you, you should address it in an addendum and err on the side of full disclosure.

Particularly in the cases of collegiate misconduct or criminal behavior, it’s crucial not to omit or gloss anything over. Not only do you want to convince law schools that these incidents do not reflect the responsible, rule-respecting person you are today, it’s also important not to set a precedent of hiding elements of your history, since you’ll need to disclose past infractions when applying for admission to the bar.

That said, law schools do vary in their requirements of what incidents must be reported. Some may only want to know about severe infractions, such as felonies and misdemeanors, while others will require that you disclose any legal or disciplinary troubles, down to traffic violations.

Certain schools may also allow you to omit sealed or expunged charges. Make sure to read application guidelines closely to understand what to talk about in your addendum. Remember that it’s better to risk full disclosure, no matter how unpleasant, than to have it come out later.

If you’re still just not sure whether an addendum is necessary for you, imagine reading your application materials from the perspective of a stranger and see if anything sticks out. If so, an addendum is likely worth writing. Another good option is to ask the opinion of a trusted advisor, professor, or friend in law school.

While you don’t want to run the risk of unnecessarily drawing attention to minor missteps that might otherwise be overlooked, you do want to prevent misunderstandings and show that you can take accountability for your actions.

Writing a law school addendum: Dos and don’ts

An addendum should be a short, concise document—in most cases, one to three paragraphs will suffice. It’s rare that you’ll need to write more than one double-spaced page.

In creating your addendum, your goals are as follows: to acknowledge what happened, to give further context as to why, and to explain why the incident should not negatively impact your chances of admission.

Strive to present your situation clearly and without extraneous detail. This isn’t the place to use the creative flourishes that you might in a personal statement. However, you should incorporate enough detail to ground your reader, making sure to include important specifics such as dates and place names.

It’s important not to editorialize, complain, make excuses, blame others, or seek sympathy or pity. Instead, simply state the facts in an even-handed tone. Admissions committees are looking to see that you’ve grown from your experience, so do take responsibility for your actions and failings and keep your perspective positive.

On that note, an addendum doesn’t need to be gloomy. It can be a good idea to highlight positive elements of your candidacy so long as they’re relevant to the subject at hand. For example, if you’re addressing a weak GPA but your LSAT score is impressive, briefly (and without sounding self-congratulatory) point out that your LSAT results better demonstrate your talents.

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How to structure your law school addendum

Here’s a simple, three-paragraph structure that can be used to write any type of addendum. Adapt it as necessary, making sure to follow the guidelines of the law schools to which you’re applying.

Law School Addendum Paragraph 1

Your first paragraph should serve as an overview of the situation. State what happened, sticking to the objective facts.

Law School Addendum Paragraph 2

Next, describe what caused the situation and how you’ve changed as a result. Though you don’t want to deflect blame or take an overly emotional tone, this is where it would be appropriate to discuss the personal. You should mention any circumstances in your life that led to the incident, what effect it had on you, and what you’ve learned. You should also express, if applicable, recognition of mistakes.

Law School Addendum Paragraph 3

Conclude by explaining that you’ve been on a better, more positive path since the incident. For instance, if your addendum addresses failing grades due to a bout of illness, note that you’ve earned straight As since your recovery. Or if you have a DUI in your past, mention that you’ve had a clean record for the past four years and that your driving privileges have been reinstated.

If your addendum covers an ongoing issue such as addiction, chronic illness, or a learning disability, it would also be beneficial to clarify in this paragraph why you believe you won’t face the same difficulties in law school.

Law school addendum examples

Here are two examples of addenda to show you how applicants have handled different issues.

Low GPA addendum

In February 2017, during my freshman year, I was a passenger in a car that was struck by a drunk driver. While I walked away with only minor injuries, my roommate was killed. After this incident, my academic performance suffered, which is reflected in my low grades that semester, including a D+ in GOV 206: Urban Politics and an F in GER 102: Elementary German.

My grades that semester were the result of the trauma of the accident and the loss of my roommate and close friend. I became depressed and was not able to focus adequately on my coursework. In retrospect, I should have opted for pass/fail options for some of my classes or taken a leave of absence. Though it did not occur to me then to ask for help, when I went home for the summer, I started seeing a therapist who helped me begin to process what had happened.

My grades greatly improved when I returned to school in the fall. I found a new therapist near campus and have continued to do well academically. Though I know I cannot undo my work from that semester, my GPA after freshman year averages out to 3.75, which I believe represents my capabilities as a future law student.

Criminal record addendum

In July 2015, when I was eighteen years old, I was found in possession of two grams of marijuana near my family’s home in Philadelphia. Under Pennsylvania law, I was charged with a misdemeanor. As a first-time offender, I paid $500, received six months of probation, community service, and entered a diversion program. At the end of the program I applied successfully to have the charge expunged from my record.

In high school, I occasionally smoked marijuana to relax an overactive mind. I was later diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed medication, which has been very beneficial. Though I knew marijuana was an illegal substance in Pennsylvania, I did not accurately weigh the risks of using or possessing it. I should have known better. This incident forced me to grow up and I now have a much greater appreciation for the law than I did as a teenager.

I have not used marijuana since my possession charge and have had no further legal run-ins. I’m happy to report that today my criminal record is completely clean.

These two addenda work well because they are clear, concise, and factual. They present the applicants’ points of view while maintaining a neutral and mature tone. They demonstrate that these law school candidates are able to take responsibility and learn from their mistakes. Most importantly, they help admissions committees better understand the scenarios in question and lay to rest any doubts that these candidates are unfit for law school.

Final thoughts

Not all applicants need to include an addendum when applying for law school, but for those who do, an addendum is a chance to clarify a less than ideal situation and to show accountability and growth. To write an effective addendum, keep things simple, brief, and respectful in order to illustrate that you’re a strong candidate for law school and will make an excellent future attorney.

How and When to Write a Law School Addendum

law students

Do you have a low LSAT score? Low grades on your transcript? A leave of absence or withdrawal from classes?

Or, did you receive disciplinary action in college? Do you have a felony or misdemeanor?

These are all potential reasons to write a law school addendum.

What is a law school addendum?

A law school addendum offers law school applicants the opportunity to clarify anything in their academic or legal background that could be seen as a red flag by admissions.

This means that you have the space to tell your story, rather than leave it open to misinterpretation. Proactively addressing any potential issues may show that you can hold yourself accountable and learn from past mistakes or obstacles.

Should I write a law school addendum?

“While many situations do not require an addendum to your application, there are certain circumstances that warrant additional explanation that may not fit elsewhere in your application,” according to Hailey Russell, Director of Law Admissions at ONU. “For example, if you were required to work full or part-time during your academic career to support yourself or your family financially and your undergraduate GPA suffered, the admissions committee at ONU Law would love to know that. Otherwise, assumptions about a student’s work ethic inside the classroom may be questioned.”

Before you consider the specific reasons to write a law school addendum, here are two questions to ask yourself:

  • Does the addendum tell the admissions committee something they wouldn’t already know from your application?
  • Does the addendum act more as an excuse than an explanation?

If your answer to either of these questions is “no,” then you should reconsider whether or not writing an addendum is right for your application.

If you answered “yes,” you probably have a specific issue you’re thinking about that needs to be explained regarding your application. There are three reasons for writing a law school addendum:

  1. Low LSAT scores.
  2. Low GPA, low grades or other transcript issues.
  3. “Character and fitness” issues — namely, disciplinary action or a criminal record.


A low LSAT score is NOT, in and of itself, a good enough reason to write an addendum. While getting a good LSAT score is an important factor, law school admissions committees know to consider your entire application.

Some LSAT-related reasons that don’t merit writing an addendum include:

  • Learning disabilities: The Law School Admissions Committee (LSAC) offers accommodations for those with learning disabilities. If you have a learning disability, please reach out to the LSAC before taking or re-taking the LSAT.
  • A marginally lower score: If you have taken the LSAT multiple times and are scoring within 3-4 points, this isn’t a substantial enough difference to note anything on your application.
  • A cancelled score: If you cancelled a score, you don’t have to explain that on your application.

However, there are certain extenuating circumstances that do make sense to explain in an addendum, including:

  • Unforeseen circumstances: If your LSAT score was adversely affected by something beyond your control, like an illness, car accident or other sudden catastrophe, and was therefore lower than you expected. If this is the case, then you should retake the LSAT and explain the reasoning behind your (hopefully) higher score.
  • History of not testing well: If you have testing difficulties that aren’t covered by the LSAC’s learning disability accommodations but are substantial and verifiable, and you can prove that you’re an outstanding student otherwise, you can explain that in your addendum if you have a low LSAT score. For example, you may have gotten good grades in high school but a poor SAT score, which would fall in line with your excellent undergraduate GPA and poor LSAT score.
  • English isn’t your first language: If English is your second language and you struggled to complete the test on time, you should communicate that in your addendum.
  • Large score discrepancy: If you had a big jump in your scores — six points or more — you should explain how that occurred. If you experienced a large drop in your LSAT score, you can provide context into what happened if the drop was due to the unforeseen circumstances described above. If you had a large increase in scores, you may not need to say anything unless the law school specifically requests it.
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GPA and other transcript issues

While the LSAT is standard across all law school applicants, your GPA and transcript are subject to different college experiences. So, this area better lends itself to an addendum.

A challenging major or difficult course load are not good reasons to seek an addendum. Also, if your first year grades were poor but you improved after that, you don’t need to submit an addendum, as that is a normal college experience.

Instead, you should consider writing an addendum if you have grades at the D or F level, if you were on academic probation, or if you were subject to dismissal due to extenuating or unforeseen circumstances. Valid reasons include:

  • Family emergency or unusual family responsibility: For example, if you took care of an ill or disabled sibling or parent, and that led to lower academic performance.
  • Health issues: Undergoing an illness, physical trauma, substance abuse or mental health issues can be explained in an addendum.
  • Illness or death of a loved one: If your grades suffered from the illness or death of a loved one, again, this is an issue you can explain in your addendum.
  • Tough transition: If you had a difficult transition from high school or college, or maybe you started school too young, there is a potential for discussing that in your addendum, especially if your grades improved in your later college years — you can highlight your GPA from the second half of your undergraduate career.
  • Job and financial reasons: If you worked through college, and this caused your grades to drop, be specific about your responsibilities and how your work influenced your academics.
  • English as a second language: If you write an addendum about struggling with English as a second language, be sure to highlight how it has improved over the course of your undergraduate career, as reading and writing papers in English is a key part of law school.
  • Personal difficulties: If you have suffered from personal challenges that directly impacted your academic performance, such as an abusive relationship or your parents’ divorce, then you can discuss that in an addendum.

Other transcript issues to possibly write an addendum about include withdrawals or leaves of absence from classes. You should always explain course withdrawals, whether it’s from one class, two classes, or all of your classes for the term. And, whatever the length, if you have a leave of absence on your college transcript, you should explain it in your addendum.

Character and fitness

There are a few reasons why you should add a character and fitness addendum to your law school application.

The first is infractions that happen in college, such as academic misconduct (e.g., plagiarism) or something else that leads to disciplinary action like a formal warning, community service, probation, suspension or expulsion. If you have anything like this on your record, providing an explanation in your addendum can show that you have learned from your mistakes (but, more on that later).

The second is if you have any kind of criminal record, including traffic violations, misdemeanors, and felonies. If this is the case, you need to read the directions of each law school application very carefully. The school will typically provide instructions for describing your record in the “misconduct” or “character & fitness” sections of the application. While some schools may want you to detail everything, including traffic violations, others may not require you to explain anything that’s been expunged from your record.

PreLaw Guru Peg Cheng provides examples for different types of law school addendums in her free guide, including those for people with criminal records. View the guide here.

How to write a law school addendum

We’ve covered the “when” to write a law school addendum — now, how should you write one?

What to include in a law school addendum

The easiest way to write a law school addendum is to break it down into this three-part structure:

  • Part 1, The Introduction: Overview what happened. Why are you writing this addendum?
  • Part 2, The Explanation: Discuss what caused it and provide context. Explain why the situation shouldn’t impact your chance of admission. How have you changed and/or learned because of it?
  • Part 3, The Conclusion: End on a positive note and highlight any good stuff that’s come from your experience. How are you moving forward?

For the overall tone of your addendum, you should stick to the facts. Don’t be overly emotional, flowery, or extraneous in detail.

How long should a law school addendum be?

Your law school addendum, regardless of subject, should be concise. Three paragraphs, meaning one page or less, is the appropriate length.

Do’s and don’ts for writing a law school addendum

As you write your addendum, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple, short, and concise.
  • Maintain an objective tone.
  • Explain, don’t excuse.
  • Take full responsibility for your actions.
  • Don’t downplay the incidents you were involved in if you are writing a character & fitness addendum.
  • Don’t call out anything about your application unnecessarily.
  • Don’t write an addendum unless you really need to.

If you still are unsure whether or not you should submit a law school addendum, you can reach out to your college’s pre-law advisor or contact the admissions office at the law school.

How to submit your law school addendum

If you are going to submit an addendum, make sure you follow whatever format is required of the law school. ONU Law, for example, provides an opportunity in the free online application to include a detailed explanation of any character and fitness issues if applicable.

This made a difference for Savannah Murphy, L-3.

“I chose ONU Law because they were the only school that could look past my low LSAT score and see a hardworking, dedicated student,” Murphy said. “I applied to many schools that looked at my entire application and saw a promising future law student. However, because my LSAT score was below what one may deem acceptable, they gave me a ‘conditional acceptance.’ I am dyslexic. For years I have worked at not letting this learning disability hold me back. I worked long and hard for many years to get to a point where I did not need accommodations.

“My triumph helped me succeed in all scenarios except standardized testing… I needed somebody to listen to that side of my story. ONU Law did… I went to the school that looked past that number and saw a person who was capable and passionate.”

ONU Law evaluates law school candidates from a holistic perspective, making sure to discover students who will be able to reach their full potential in law school. Our Summer Starter Program, for example, is specifically designed for students who excelled as undergraduates but received a lower LSAT score. At ONU Law, you’ll never feel like just a number.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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