Physical Address

115 W Rainey Ave
Weatherford, OK 73096

University Of Pittsburgh Medical School Average Mcat

University Of Pittsburgh Medical School Average Mcat

The next table summarizes the tuition & fees, and other college costs at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is located in Pittsburgh, PA, founded in 1883. The tuition & fees for Medical Doctor M.D. program at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is $60,298 for Pennsylvania residents and $62,600 for others for the academic year 2022-2023.

The acceptance rate is 1.84% and total 153 first-year students enrolled into University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.75 and the average MCAT score is 517.

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2023 Doctor of Medicine M.D. Degree Program Tuition & Fees

The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree program tuition & fees of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is $60,298 for Pennsylvania residents and $62,600 for others for the academic year 2022-2023. The total cost of attendance including room & board, meal, books, and other living costs is $85,324.

The tuition & fees includes direct costs billed by the school and it may include the fees for exams and health related fees, but exclude health insurance costs. The living costs includes costs for room, board, meals, and transportation. You may also need a budget for other personal expenses.

The total cost of four years of M.D. degree program at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is $342,732 for Pennsylvania residents and $351,940 for non-residents. It is based on the official school’s tuition data (see the school’s bursar page for details). The four year costs is based on 2022 tuition data.

The next table summarizes the tuition & fees, and other college costs at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine M.D. degree Program Tuition by Year at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Medical Year M1 M2 M3 M4
Tuition & Fees
Pennsylvania Residents $60,298 $61,013 $62,313 $60,298
Out-of-State $62,600 $63,315 $64,615 $62,600
Living Costs $18,945 $21,050 $25,260 $23,155
Books & Supplies $2,000 $1,000 $600 $500
Personal Expenses $1,350 $1,500 $1,800 $1,650
Total Costs of Attendance
Pennsylvania Residents $82,593 $84,563 $89,973 $85,603
Out-of-State $84,895 $86,865 $92,275 $87,905
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Health Professions and General Program Costs

The tuition & fees of Dentistry program is $65,250 and Pharmacy program is $41,148. This cost is different from the costs of other undergraduate and graduate programs.

For major programs other than medical school program at University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus, the average undergraduate tuition & fees is $21,080 for Pennsylvania residents and $37,320 for others. The average graduate program tuition & fees is $26,142 for Pennsylvania residents and $43,504 for others.

The average living costs including room & board and other living expenses is $15,232 when a student lives on-campus (i.e. dormitory, school owned apartment) and $15,140 when a student lives off-campus.

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus General Programs Tuition & Fees

Pennsylvania Residents Out-of-State Students
Other Health care professions Tuition
Dentistry $54,612 $65,250
Pharmacy $35,942 $41,148
Other Health Professions
General College Costs
Undergraduate Programs $21,080 $37,320
Graduate Programs $26,142 $43,504
Living Costs (room, board, and personal expenses)
On-Campus $15,232
Off-Campus $15,140

GPA and MCAT Scores

The average GPA from enrolled students at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is 3.75 and the average MCAT score is 517. Its GPA is higher than average GPA of all medical schools as well as Pennsylvania medical schools.

The MCAT score of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is higher than average MCAT of all medical schools as well as Pennsylvania medical schools.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Average GAP and MCAT scores

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pennsylvania Medical Schools All Medical Schools
GPA 3.75 3.734 3.732
MCAT Scores 517 513.9 511.5

Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics

For the academic year 2022-2023, total 8,392 students have applied to University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and 295 students have accepted to get into the school. Among the admitted students, 153 students have enrolled into the school. The acceptance rate is 1.84%.

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University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Admission Stats – Applicants, Admitted, and Enrolled

Number of Students / Percentage
Applicants 8,392
Admitted 295
Enrolled (First-year Students) 153
Acceptance Rate 1.84%
Totla Enrollment 711
Men 328
Women 383

Directory & Accreditation Information

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine was founded in 1883. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is located in S520 Alan Magee Scaife Hall, 3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

There are 711 students at medical school – 328 men and 383 women. Last year, 153 students have enrolled newly to University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Directory Information

Name University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Address S520 Alan Magee Scaife Hall, 3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
School Web
Founded 1883
LCME Accreditation
Status Full
Next Survey Year 2026-27
Initial year of Accreditation On or prior to 1942

University of Pittsburgh – School of Medicine

Beginning with the 2019-2020 Admissions Cycle, the following pre-requisites for the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine will be required. ?Biology ? one full year, exclusive of Botany, Ecology, Anatomy and Physiology, with one full year lab or a single two credit lab; ?General/Inorganic Chemistry ? one full year with one full year lab or a single two credit lab; ?Organic Chemistry ? one full year with one full year lab or a single two credit lab; ?Physics ? one full year with one full year lab or a single two credit lab; ?Intensive writing course ? one full year (We will accept courses taken outside of the English department that are deemed writing intensive by your college/university and Philosophy courses to fulfill this requirement.) ?Biochemistry ? one half year; and ?Statistics course ? one half year, preferably Biostatistics. ?In addition to the requirements listed above, the UPSOM Curriculum Committee recommends one half year of Psychology.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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