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Georgetown Medical School Acceptance Rate

Georgetown Medical School Acceptance Rate

As you might expect, attending Georgetown isn’t cheap. The cost of first-year attendance in the 2023–2024 academic year is billed at $72,126 for tuition and fees alone. With fees, living expenses, and other costs, GUSOM projects their total first-year cost of attendance to be $108,821.

Georgetown University School of Medicine

Georgetown University School of Medicine is located in Washington, DC, founded in 1851. The tuition & fees for Medical Doctor M.D. program at Georgetown University School of Medicine is $69,005 for the academic year 2022-2023.

The acceptance rate is 1.14% and total 203 first-year students enrolled into Georgetown University School of Medicine. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.63 and the average MCAT score is 512.

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2023 Doctor of Medicine M.D. Degree Program Tuition & Fees

The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree program tuition & fees of Georgetown University School of Medicine is $69,005 for the academic year 2022-2023. The total cost of attendance including room & board, meal, books, and other living costs is $95,655.

The tuition & fees includes direct costs billed by the school and it may include the fees for exams and health related fees, but exclude health insurance costs. The living costs includes costs for room, board, meals, and transportation.

The total cost of four years of M.D. degree program at Georgetown University School of Medicine is $384,656. It is based on the official school’s tuition data (see the school’s bursar page for details).

The next table summarizes the tuition & fees, and other college costs at Georgetown University School of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine M.D. degree Program Tuition by Year at Georgetown University School of Medicine

Medical Year M1 M2 M3 M4
Tuition & Fees $69,005 $69,015 $65,127 $64,744
Living Costs $22,200 $22,900 $30,400 $25,940
Books & Supplies $1,700 $800 $500 $500
Personal Expenses $2,750 $2,750 $3,300 $3,025
Total Costs of Attendance $95,655 $95,465 $99,327 $94,209

General Program Tuition

The medical school tuition is different from the costs of other undergraduate and graduate programs.

For major programs other than medical school program at Georgetown University, the average undergraduate tuition & fees is $62,051. The average graduate program tuition & fees is $57,049.

The average living costs including room & board and other living expenses is $21,444 when a student lives on-campus (i.e. dormitory, school owned apartment).

Georgetown University General Programs Tuition & Fees

Tuition & Fees
General College Costs
Undergraduate Programs $62,051
Graduate Programs $57,049
Living Costs (room, board, and personal expenses)
On-Campus $21,444

GPA and MCAT Scores

The average GPA from enrolled students at Georgetown University School of Medicine is 3.63 and the average MCAT score is 512. Its GPA is lower than the average GPA of other medical schools.

The MCAT score of Georgetown University School of Medicine is higher than average MCAT of all medical schools as well as District of Columbia medical schools.

Georgetown University School of Medicine Average GAP and MCAT scores

Georgetown University School of Medicine District of Columbia Medical Schools All Medical Schools
GPA 3.63 3.665 3.732
MCAT Scores 512 509.0 511.5

Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics

For the academic year 2022-2023, total 15,992 students have applied to Georgetown University School of Medicine and 1,158 students have accepted to get into the school. Among the admitted students, 203 students have enrolled into the school. The acceptance rate is 1.14%.

Georgetown University School of Medicine Admission Stats – Applicants, Admitted, and Enrolled

Number of Students / Percentage
Applicants 15,992
Admitted 1,158
Enrolled (First-year Students) 203
Acceptance Rate 1.14%
Totla Enrollment 880
Men 412
Women 467

Directory & Accreditation Information

Georgetown University School of Medicine was founded in 1851. Georgetown University School of Medicine is located in Medical Dental Building, 3900 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007.

There are 880 students at medical school – 412 men and 467 women. Last year, 203 students have enrolled newly to Georgetown University School of Medicine.

Georgetown University School of Medicine Directory Information

Name Georgetown University School of Medicine
Address Medical Dental Building, 3900 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007
School Web
Founded 1851
LCME Accreditation
Status Full
Next Survey Year 2026-27
Initial year of Accreditation 1949

How to Get Into Georgetown Medical School: The Ultimate Guide

Learn the Georgetown Medical School acceptance rate, admissions requirements, and read Georgetown secondary application essay examples

Georgetown Medical School Acceptance Rate

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Georgetown Medical School MD programs

Part 3: How hard is it to get into Georgetown Medical School?

Part 4: Georgetown Medical School secondary application essays (examples included)

Part 5: Georgetown Medical School interviews

Part 1: Introduction

If medical school applications are in your future, Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSOM) may be on your list. Georgetown boasts a curriculum based on cura personalis—care for a patient’s mental and spiritual well-being in addition to their physical health—plus plenty of enviable research opportunities due to its status as one of just three medical schools in Washington, D.C. Georgetown also has one of the lowest medical school acceptance rates in the country, which poses a challenge for even the best applicants.

In this guide, we’ll cover all the information you’ll need to submit a successful application to Georgetown’s medical school, including writing stellar secondary essays that will help you stand out from Georgetown’s tens of thousands of other applicants. Read on to find expert advice and real-life Georgetown med school sample essays, plus Georgetown’s admissions requirements, statistics, and other information you’ll need to apply.

Part 2: Georgetown Medical School MD programs

First, let’s go over what programs are offered by Georgetown. There are several different ways you can get an MD through GUSOM:

  • The traditional, four-year MD program
  • The MD/PhD program
  • The following dual degree programs:
    • MD/MBA in conjunction with Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business
    • MD/MPH in conjunction with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    • MD/MS in any Georgetown Biomedical Graduate Education Master’s program
    • MD/MALS in conjunction with Georgetown’s School of Continuing Studies
    • MD/MA or MD/PhD in in conjunction with Georgetown’s Department of Philosophy

    Georgetown Medical School tuition

    As you might expect, attending Georgetown isn’t cheap. The cost of first-year attendance in the 2023–2024 academic year is billed at $72,126 for tuition and fees alone. With fees, living expenses, and other costs, GUSOM projects their total first-year cost of attendance to be $108,821.

    Part 3: How hard is it to get into Georgetown Medical School?

    Georgetown Medical School admissions statistics

    With an acceptance rate of just 2.84%, admission into GUSOM is highly competitive. Here are admissions statistics for the class of 2026:

    • Applications: 15,992
    • Interviews: 1,105
    • Matriculants: 203
    • Average GPA: 3.7
    • Average MCAT score: 512

    Furthermore, Georgetown states that a “highly competitive applicant” will have a GPA over 3.6, while a “non-competitive applicant” will have a GPA under 3.0. Similarly, an MCAT section score under 125 is considered non-competitive. Use this information as a barometer to determine if Georgetown is a reach, target, or undershoot school for you.

    Georgetown Medical School admissions requirements

    • General biology: 1 year with lab
    • General chemistry: 1 year with lab
    • Organic chemistry: 1 year with lab (Georgetown recommends biochemistry, with no lab required, and notes that it may replace a second semester of organic chemistry with lab)
    • Physics: 1 year with lab
    • Mathematics: 1 semester (calculus is not required; statistics is acceptable)

    Additionally, Georgetown notes that the following coursework is considered useful, though not required:

    • Microbiology
    • Computer science
    • Cellular physiology
    • Genetics
    • Embryology
    • Biostatistics
    • Quantitative analysis
    • Physical chemistry
    • Humanities
    • Social and behavioral sciences

    Beyond coursework, Georgetown also looks for applicants to demonstrate hands-on experience in clinical settings, research, and service to underserved communities, as well as leadership.

    To apply to Georgetown, you’ll need to have taken the MCAT sometime in the two years prior to the year you apply. For example, if you’re applying in the 2023–2024 cycle, you can submit an MCAT score taken between January 2021 and September 2023.

    Georgetown Medical School application timeline

    In order to apply to GUSOM, you’ll need to submit your application via AMCAS. Let’s take a look at Georgetown’s application timeline:

    • May 2, 2023: AMCAS application opens
    • May 30, 2023: AMCAS application can be submitted
    • November 3, 2023: AMCAS application deadline
    • December 15, 2023: GUSOM secondary application deadline
    • April 30, 2024: $500 deposit due

    Georgetown employs rolling admissions. Thus, we advise you to submit your AMCAS application during early summer in order to move onto the secondary application phase as soon as possible.

    Because Georgetown does not pre-screen AMCAS applications, everyone who submits an application to GUSOM will receive a secondary application. Again, responding quickly is important to demonstrate your interest and to take advantage of the rolling component of admissions.

    If you submit and have your AMCAS application verified before July 1st, you should expect to receive your secondary application invitation within the first 5–7 business days of July. If your AMCAS application is verified on or after July 1st, your invitation should arrive 5–7 days after verification.

    If you make it to the next stage of the application cycle, you’ll be invited to interview at Georgetown with approximately 4–6 weeks’ notice. In past cycles, interviews for the MD program have been conducted between August and February, with offers of admission issued between October and July.

    Part 4: Georgetown Medical School secondary application essays (examples included)

    Georgetown’s secondary application consists of three essay questions, two of which are limited to 1000-character responses—around two paragraphs—so remember that brevity and clarity will be key. The final question gives you a bit more space to be expansive.

    Let’s take a look at the questions and some example essays.

    Question 1: The Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSOM) strives to ensure that its students become respectful physicians, with cultural humility, who embrace all dimensions of caring for the whole person. With our Jesuit values of Cura Personalis, People for Others, and Community in Diversity, we are steadfast in our commitment to racial justice and to addressing the health inequities exacerbated by the recent pandemic. Please describe how your values, life experiences, and your identity will contribute to these GUSOM priorities. (1000 characters)

    This question asks for a variant of the diversity essay, which we’ve covered extensively in our guide to medical school secondary essays. Head over there for more insight on writing convincingly about how your unique characteristics or background will contribute to Georgetown.

    It’s worth noting that the question explicitly mentions Georgetown’s mission of cura personalis and its emphasis on “all dimensions of caring for the whole person.” You’ll want to make sure that your essay can convince its readers that whatever aspect of yourself that you choose to write about will contribute to this specific mission.

    Since I graduated from college four years ago, I’ve been a mental health services coordinator at a nonprofit serving unhoused women in Los Angeles. Despite its challenges, I’ve found this job extremely rewarding. I’m able to help women access the mental healthcare that they need to improve their lives. This work has shown me how consequential it can be to nourish and care for elements of our health beyond our physical bodies. As I’ve gotten to know many of the women who seek help, it’s also become clear that a lack of access to mental health services can often be a factor in one’s path towards housing instability. This work has made me reconsider many common assumptions, which I too held, about poverty and mental illness, and has helped me develop a greater sense of empathy and open-mindedness. I believe that these qualities will be an asset as I embark on my journey through medical school, and I hope to be able to share all I’ve learned with the Georgetown community.

    What works in this essay?

    • This nontraditional applicant describes in detail how their work in a nonprofit for unhoused women has helped guide their awareness of the importance of mental healthcare, which fits nicely with Georgetown’s mission of cura personalis.
    • Not only do they use this space to elaborate on an experience that would otherwise be just a line on their resume, but they are also able to show how that experience has helped them develop empathy and open-mindedness, two important qualities for medical students and doctors to have.

    Question 2: Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application? (1000 characters)

    Question 3: Why have you chosen to apply to the Georgetown University School of Medicine and how do you think your education at Georgetown will prepare you to become a physician for the future? (3000 characters)

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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