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Going To Med School At 30

If you know anything about medical school, you know that the process is lengthy. Becoming a doctor is no walk in the park; it can take seven to 13 years to complete all your schooling.

How Old Is Too Old for Medical School?

Going To Med School At 30

Plenty of students every year consider becoming a doctor over 40. With that said, how old is “too old” for medical school? It’s never too late to go to school. Here’s everything you need to know about attending med school at a non-traditional age.

If you know anything about medical school, you know that the process is lengthy. Becoming a doctor is no walk in the park; it can take seven to 13 years to complete all your schooling.

First, medical schools do not have a cut-off age. There is technically no age limit for applying to medical school, and your age should not impact your application. As long as you meet the requirements, you can apply to the medical schools of your choice.

Even though there is technically no age limit on applying to medical school, your age can impact your medical school journey.

Below, we will cover considerations, impacts, and frequently asked questions about beginning your medical school journey at a non-traditional age.

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Does Age Matter in Med School?

The short answer here is no. Age does not matter in medical school. In terms of your classes, if you are attending an MD program at 30, you will likely be the oldest in the class. However, there are some advantages to having a few years on your classmates.

For starters, older students bring more life experience to the table. Relating to people in their 20s may prove to be a bit challenging, but it can give you a leg up in terms of patience and experience.

Beginning at a later age may also mean you’ve had more time to explore other options. When students go directly into medical school at a younger age, they may later change their minds. Older students are not immune to this, but beginning later gives you more time to check out other fields of interest first.

Ultimately, your age may alter your medical school experience but will not make it more difficult from a social or academic perspective.

Average Age of Medical Students

Most med students are around 24 years old when heading into their first year. The average graduating age is 28, but it’s never too late to go to med school.

Non-traditional applicants often fear it may be too late to attend medical school. It’s important to know there is no age limit to attending medical school. You can become a doctor at any age.

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How Age Impacts Medical School Acceptance

Your age will not impact your chances of being accepted into medical school. As mentioned above, medical schools do not have age cut-offs. Plenty of people decide to go into medical school in their 30s,40s,50s, and even 60s.

To be accepted into medical school, do plenty of up-to-date research on what medical schools are expecting. If you’re someone who was interested in applying ten years ago, for example, you’ll have to keep in mind that application requirements change over time.

Make sure to check your school’s current expectations for GPA, MCAT, and prerequisite courses.

Considerations for Older Medical School Applicants

Although medical schools don’t have an age cut-off, there may be other challenges you’ll face as a medical school applicant over 30. Here are some differences to consider:

Financial implications

At an older age, it might be more difficult to fund your time in medical school. It is unlikely you’ll have time to work while doing your studies, and receiving a grant or loan can sometimes be more challenging at an older age.

Once you’ve entered into residency after medical school, you will be paid, but the salary starts on the low end. This could be alright if you don’t have any dependents but may be difficult if you are supporting a family.

If you’re hoping to attend medical school at a non-traditional age, be sure to save up in advance. You should have enough to get you through your studies and part of the residency, just to be safe.

Time away from family

If you’re over thirty, you may have begun raising a family or have a long-term partner. Medical school is very demanding; you’ll be working long hours and studying after classes — not to mention the long residency shifts.

If you are close with your family, remember that medical school will mean spending less time with them. We recommend taking time to have a conversation with your family before applying about how demanding medical school is and how long it will take.

It may serve you well to make sure everyone is on board and will support you through your journey!


Depending on your age, you may want to consider how long you’ll be able to practice medicine before retiring. Depending on your specialty, it can take over ten years to complete your training.

To ensure you’ll be able to have the desired amount of years practicing medicine after your schooling, calculate how old you’ll be when you finish medical school.

Keep in mind that doctors tend to retire later than other professions. Studies have shown that 30% of doctors in the entire country are over 60. That being said, most doctors in the U.S. retire around 65 years old.

The Best Medical Schools for Older Students

Medical schools don’t have an age cut-off. However, some schools make a point of encouraging non-traditional applicants to apply. Here are the best med schools for non-traditional students.

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1. Ohio State University College of Medicine

Dr. Demicha Rankin, an associate dean for admissions at Ohio State University College of Medicine, makes a point of debunking the age cut-off stigma for older medical students.

According to Rankin, there is nothing wrong with trying different careers before going to med school, and older students bring a unique perspective to the table that can even help them excel in their studies.

Additionally, OSU offers childcare services for students to ensure the school is inclusive and allows all students a chance to succeed while balancing life needs.

2. Johns Hopkins School Of Medicine

Johns Hopkins is one of the top medical schools in the US. Although getting accepted to JH can be a challenge, 17% of its current class are non-traditional students. Top schools often seek diversity in applicants to create a balanced and unique student atmosphere.

3. Miller School Of Medicine – University Of Miami

The Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami also accepts non-traditional graduates. According to a non-traditional student testimonial, a 34-year-old was accepted into the program only to find plenty of other students in their 30s at the school.

U of Miami also mentions that “qualified non-traditional students, women, socio-economically disadvantaged students, and minorities underrepresented in medicine, are especially encouraged to apply.”

The Best Specialties for Older Medical School Applicants

Choosing the right specialty for your age demographic can get you in the workforce faster. Medical school in the U.S. takes four years to complete, but your residency program can range from three to seven years. Here, we’ll list specialties with the shortest residencies.

Family Practice, 3 Years

Family practice is also referred to as family medicine, general medicine, and general practice. As one of the most popular specialties with a large number of positions available each year, family medicine is an excellent specialty choice for older medical school applicants.

These programs are typically no more than three years long and are not as competitive as other specialties. A family doctor’s median clinical salary in the U.S. is $290,624.

Pediatrics, 3 to 4 Years

Pediatricians deal with the health of infants and children up to 18 years old. This specialty covers a range of illnesses, from genetic disorders to chronic and acute diseases. Many students demonstrate an interest in working with children, hence the specialty’s popularity.

Pediatrics is a short program and is generally more competitive than others. While these residency positions may be competitive, they are also rewarding and much shorter than other residencies, making them a great option for older students.

The median clinical salary of a pediatric doctor in the U.S. is $183,240.

Internal Medicine, 3 Years

Internal medicine deals with preventing, diagnosing, and treating internal diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, and diabetes. Internal diseases are some of the most common ailments, making internal medicine doctors high in demand.

Internal medicine generally has good job availability and is one of the shortest residencies. The median clinical salary of an internal medicine doctor in the U.S. is $152,000.

Physical Medicine, 3 to 4 Years

Physical medicine, also known as rehabilitation or physiatry, involves the restoration of physical functions. Physiatrists work for people with a variety of physical disabilities to diagnose and prescribe treatment plans for physiotherapists to then perform.

Physical medicine is less popular than other specialties and offers shorter programs. A physiatrist’s median clinical salary of $206,774 is slightly higher than other specialties we’ve listed.

There are many other medical residencies that are three to four years in length. When deciding on your specialty, make sure to account for the hours you want to work, stress levels, residency length, position availability, and salary.

FAQs: How Old is Too Old for Medical School?

Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions about how old is too old for medical school.

1. Can I Go to Med School in My 30s?

Absolutely. There is no age cut-off for medical students. Many people have gone into med school in their 30s.

2. How Old is the Oldest Practicing Doctor?

Doctor Howard Tucker, 98 years old, is the oldest practicing physician in the world.

3. What Can I Study After 50?

Health is one of the areas with the most opportunities for people over 50, alongside finance, management, and administration. You can go back to school at any age. Many people successfully switch career paths later in life.

4. At What Age do Most Doctors Retire?

Most doctors retire at around 65 years of age.

5. How Old is the Average Medical Student?

The average age of entering MD students is 24. The average graduating age is 28.

6. Is 40 Too Old to Become a Doctor?

It’s never too old to go back to school. Although you may be older than your classmates, there’s no age limit for attending medical school.

7. Is a DO or MD Better for Older Medical Students?

There isn’t much difference between older medical students applying to an MD vs a DO. The biggest consideration between the two is that there are fewer jobs available in DO positions. Your likelihood of acceptance is the same between the two.

8. Who Is the Oldest Med Student In History?

Dr Atomic Leow Chuan Tse was the oldest known medical student, graduating at 66 years old from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania, in 2015.

Is It Too Late to Become a Doctor?

If you’re over thirty and wondering if you should apply to medical school, don’t let your age deter you from applying. Plenty of students begin their journey through medical school at a non-traditional age.

If you’re concerned about your odds of acceptance, focus more on your application materials. Remember, medical schools do not have age requirements. Make sure your GPA, MCAT, and prerequisite courses are all complete and meet the standards of the schools you’re applying to.

Attending medical school at an older age could be a bit more difficult for personal reasons. Ensure your decision makes sense financially and your family is supportive of your medical venture.

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How Old Is Too Old to Start Medical School?

How Old is Too Old to Start Medical School?

If you’re above the traditional age for medical students, you might be wondering if you’re too old to start medical school. This is a common concern for nontrads, but it really doesn’t need to be.

How old is too old for medical school? There is no age limit for medical school. You can become a doctor in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s. In the end, medical schools want students who will make good physicians. Age is not a factor.

In this podcast episode and article, we will cover statistics about older medical students and share success stories to inspire you to explore a medical career regardless of your age.

Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points.

You’re Age Won’t Stop You From Becoming a Physician

Age is not a factor when it comes to medical school admissions.

Here are some facts and figures:

  • Every year about a thousand medical students over the age of 30 matriculate into allopathic medical schools, which is about 5% of the total number of students who start each year.
  • From that number, about 200 are over the age of 35.
  • Every year about 350 people over the age of 31 start in osteopathic medical schools.
  • Every year about 10-12 people over the age of 50 start medical school.

Success Stories: Starting Med School After 50

One of the success stories we’re familiar with is Laisha Heedman, a nurse/midwife who recently graduated from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine at the age of 57. She has gone onto a residency in family medicine.

If you look at my podcast The Premed Years, I’ve interviewed many older medical students. Here’s my interview with Renee, a 54-year-old med student at the time. Here’s my interview with Kate, who was a 56-year-old med student when we talked.

Success Stories: Parents in Medical School

Another great success story is a medical student I interviewed on The Premed Years, Rebekah. She was a 35-year-old mother of three kids when she started med school. She told me about how she finds time to balance everything and still put family first as a med student.

I also interviewed Adrienne, an MD/PhD student, about her journey as an Army Vet and mom of 3 in medical school. She talks about the challenges she’s faced along her path.

Another resource to listen to is this episode of The Shortcoat Podcast. It’s a discussion all about how parents make med school work! Great insights here if you’re looking to go through this process as a parent.

Is There Any Bias Against Older Applicants to Medical School?

Applicants who are above 40 years of age seem to be less represented in medical school, but there’s no bias going on in the admissions process. Factors affecting how many older students apply may be the difficulty in preparing the application, getting the grades, and getting shadowing and volunteering when working full-time and raising children.

Many people who have been successful in other medical careers such as nurses, midwives, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or PhD researchers have also been successful at getting into medical school at age 40 and above.

What About Getting an MD/PhD or Going into Surgery as an Older Student?

Since the education track for MD/PhD is even longer than for MDs, we have a separate podcast episode addressing that question specifically: Listen here.

And since the training for surgeons is especially long and grueling, we also have a podcast episode addressing whether you’re too old to be a surgeon: Listen here.

The short answer is that you can still pursue these long paths as an older student. There are factors to consider, which we cover in the other episodes—but if it’s the right path for you, then your age will not be what stops you.

MD vs DO for Older Premed Students?

The applicant base for MD schools is about 50,000, while for DO schools it’s under 20,000. That’s a big difference. From an applicant-per-seat basis then, it’s more competitive to get into an osteopathic school than it is to get into an allopathic school.

That said, osteopathic (DO) medical schools do have a reputation for accepting more nontraditional students. Generally, my advice is to consider both MD and DO schools to increase your options.

At the end of the day, a physician is a physician. The specific letters after your name aren’t what matters.

“But Older Students Have Fewer Years Left to Work as a Doctor…”

Many people would assume that medical schools are hesitant to accept applicants in their 30s, 40s, and 50s because those people will have less time to practice as a physician.

But there are different variables to consider with this issue:

  • Burnout is one of the most common issues for physicians, and it cuts a lot of careers short regardless of age.
  • Prior work experience in healthcare helps you because it shows that you can handle the environment and that you are way ahead of the curve with what you know going in. Many older med students are coming in with some of this prior experience.

The Only Thing That Matters in the End (It’s Not Age)

In the end, medical school admission committees will not reject you due to your age. Even if certain programs judge you for your age, it will not be a problem across the board. It won’t hold you back.

Here’s the one thing they are looking for:

  • Will this person be a good physician who patients want to be treated by?

As an applicant to medical school, your job is to build your story and tell it in such a way that the answer to that question is clearly yes.

Links and Other Resources

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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