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How Long Should You Study For The Dat

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

If you have weaknesses in science or other subjects that will come up in the DAT then you need to be prepared for them. The best way to actually do this is to acknowledge that you need to work on this and plan to do so.

The Ideal DAT Study Schedule (1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 4 Months)

Proven DAT study schedule templates to help you score 23+, regardless of the time you have to prepare

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

Part 1: Introduction to building a great DAT study schedule

Part 2: A step-by-step approach to building a DAT study schedule

Part 3: DAT study schedule templates (1 month | 2 months | 3 months | 4 months)

Part 4: Strategies for staying on task

Part 1: Introduction to building the ideal DAT study schedule

You likely know that the Dental Admission Test (DAT) is one of the biggest hurdles to becoming a dentist and that your score on the exam, along with your GPA, make up your dental school application “stats.”

You might be thinking, “I attend a prestigious school and have a high GPA, how much can a low DAT score possibly hurt me?”

After all, would admissions committee members really value your score on one exam—taken on a single day—as much as your GPA or extracurricular profile, which are developed over the course of years?

Or perhaps you have a lower GPA and are wondering if you still have a chance to get into dental school with a high DAT score.

The DAT is used as a standardized measure to make dental school admissions decisions. It compares your academic readiness with your peers’, regardless of where you attended school or your GPA.

While a high score can boost your odds of getting in, a low DAT score can sink your application, even if you have a high GPA from a prestigious school.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by taking the DAT, we understand.

That said, with proper preparation, we know you can score a 23+ and get accepted to dental school, because we’ve seen it on numerous occasions.

The most important aspect of preparing for the DAT is creating and following an effective study schedule, one that outlines the high-yield topics you’ll study each day and when you’ll take practice exams.

It will serve as a roadmap that will take you from day one to test day while helping you avoid unhelpful detours and keeping you accountable.

You should spend at least an hour or two creating your study schedule because it will save you massive amounts of time en route to reaching your goal score.

This guide will teach you how to create the ideal DAT study schedule so you can maximize your learning and crush the DAT.

What this DAT study schedule guide covers

Given the importance of having a clear game plan heading into the exam, we developed a comprehensive guide to developing a great DAT study schedule that covers the following:

  • A step-by-step walkthrough to creating your own DAT study plan, including choosing a test date and planning each week until your exam.
  • Example study schedules for 1, 2, 3, and 4 months.
  • Frequently asked questions about the DAT study schedule.
  • Strategies for staying on task.

Part 2: A step-by-step approach to building a DAT study schedule

Step 1: Choose your DAT test date

The first step to conquering the DAT is selecting a test date, and these questions will help you choose the right one:

  • When do you plan to apply to dental school? Dental school applications open at the beginning of June each year, and you’ll want to complete your exam before then.
  • Have you completed the necessary classes covering DAT subjects? General chemistry I & II, organic chemistry I & II, and introductory biology are all tested on the DAT and are prerequisites for dental school. Other helpful courses include human physiology, genetics, and plant and animal science.
  • What daily time commitments do you have that will impact your availability to study?

How long do most people study for the DAT?

Most people require at least 300–350 total hours to adequately prepare for the DAT. In some cases, people spend up to 500 hours preparing for the DAT. This preparation includes studying DAT content, taking and reviewing practice tests, and revisiting difficult topics. You may spend more or fewer hours based on factors such as familiarity with the material, your major, how long it has been since you took the relevant classes, etc.

Studying for the DAT is a big commitment, and you need to dedicate significant time to prepare well. The steps below will help you figure out how much time you should study each week.

  1. Select your test date.
  2. Identify all of your other commitments between now and your chosen test date, such as:
    • Classes
    • Exams (incl. study time)
    • Work
    • Volunteering/Shadowing
    • Personal time
    • Holidays
    • Family
  3. Having considered each of these time constraints, determine the average number of hours you can spend preparing for the DAT each week.

How many months does it take to study for the DAT?

3 months is usually enough time to effectively prepare for the DAT if you study for 100-120 hours per month. Alternatively, you can prepare for the DAT in one month if you study close to 10 hours per day.

If 300 total hours is the minimum amount of time you should devote to your DAT, divide that by the number of weeks until your test date.

For a 12-week study schedule, this would be 25 hours per week, or at least 3.5 hours each day. If you want to study less during the week and more during the weekends, you can adjust your schedule as needed. You may also have more than 12 weeks to study or be on a tighter schedule.

Regardless of the time you have to prepare, you’re in the right place. This guide will walk you through creating a 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-month study schedule, as well as how many hours you should study per day in each different phase of preparation.

What does the dental admission test (DAT) consist of?

The DAT has 4 different sections: natural sciences (biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry), perceptual ability, reading comprehension, and quantitative reasoning.

You’ll have 90 minutes to complete 100 natural science questions (40 biology questions, and 30 questions each for general and organic chemistry) followed by 60 minutes to complete 90 perceptual ability questions. After an optional 30-minute break, you’ll have 60 minutes to answer 50 reading comprehension questions and 45 minutes to complete 40 quantitative reasoning items.

Step 2: Create your DAT study schedule: Content phase

After selecting a date to take the DAT, outline topics to study each day. You should split your DAT prep into two phases, with the first phase focused more heavily on content and the second phase focused more on practice.

If you have 3 months to study for the DAT, the first 6-7 weeks will be content-heavy, with roughly 70% of your time focused on content review and 30% on strategy and practice. Here’s an example of the first 7 weeks of a 3-month study schedule:

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

You can use this study schedule as is, or adapt it to whatever DAT prep materials you’re using. If you choose to create your own schedule, be sure to include some of the features found in the example study schedule.

Each subject area should be studied in parallel. For example, you study chapter 1 for biology, chemistry, and organic chemistry over the first three days, rather than three straight days of the same subject. Studying in parallel will help you better remember what you learned at the beginning of your study schedule come test day.

This study plan is built around the benchmark of 300 total hours, or 3-4 hours each day. About 3/4 of your time each day should be spent studying science content, with the other 1/4 dedicated to perceptual ability (PAT), reading comprehension (RC), or quantitative reasoning (QR) content.

Your total science score may only make up half of your “academic average” (i.e., overall DAT score), but science covers much more content and requires more memorization than the other sections and should be your top priority during the content phase.

An important note about the content phase is the focus on strategy for the PAT and RC sections. For the first week of PAT and RC study, you should learn effective strategies for these sections. After that, there isn’t much content to be studied, as these sections don’t require you to memorize details. Therefore, your time will be spent practicing PAT questions and RC passages while determining what strategies work best for you.

Despite the content-heavy focus of the first phase, you’ll still take two full-length exams during this period. These exams will help you discover what content you need to review while helping to build your testing stamina early on.

A “flex day” is built into each week of the schedule. Studying for the DAT can be taxing, and rest is important to avoid burnout. You can use these flex days as rest days, or you can choose to review content you’ve studied each week.

There are also subjects listed as “flex review.” This flex review allows you to catch up on any content you may not have finished studying during the previous week, or can be used to review more difficult material.

Step 3: Create your DAT study schedule: Practice phase

The second phase of your DAT study schedule will be focused on practice, with about 3/4 of your time spent practicing and 1/4 spent reviewing content. This practice will include five full-length DAT exams, smaller practice tests for each subject, and question banks.

Here’s the second half to the 3-month study schedule that was shown earlier:

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

Looking through this example, you can see that there is a lot of time built in to review practice tests or missed question logs (MQLs), which are critical for DAT practice.

Simply taking exams and skimming through the questions you got wrong or guessed on is good prep, but really understanding each answer choice will help you prepare even better. The MQL is how you’ll keep track of all the questions you miss, whether via spreadsheet or other document.

For example, let’s say you took a biology practice exam and saw the following question:

Which type of cells are found in the small intestine?

  • a) Chief cells
  • b) Goblet cells
  • c) Parietal cells
  • d) Acinar cells

You can’t quite remember, so you incorrectly answer chief cells (c). After completing the practice exam, you see that the correct answer is goblet cells (b).

On your MQL, you should record this question and a definition for each of the answer choices. In this example, you would write where chief, goblet, parietal, and acinar cells are located. Then, when it’s time to review the MQL, you’ll be reminded of not only why you missed the question, but also the definition of each of the incorrect options. Your MQL may look something like this:

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

This example DAT schedule includes some other features that will help when building your own study plan. Just like the content phase, the practice phase has a built-in flex day. This flex day is usually scheduled the day after full-length exams, which last around 4.5 hours. You should use this day to rest and recharge.

The next study day after each full-length test is focused on a full-length review. During this review, you should look back through every question, making note on your MQL of any questions you missed or didn’t fully understand.

This review should take about the same amount of time as the test itself. Reviewing your full-length exams is crucial because it shows you what areas you need to keep working on and helps you learn from your errors so you won’t make the same mistakes on the actual exam.

The week before taking the DAT, be sure to review some of your stronger topics. It’s likely that you haven’t reviewed them in a while, and you want to make sure that you don’t have any lapses on the easier content.

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A rest day is scheduled the day before taking the DAT. With test day so close, you’re likely to feel some nerves. The purpose of this rest day is to help you reset and ensure that you’re physically and mentally prepared for your exam. You’ve spent so much time preparing and should be confident going into your exam.

How many full-length practice exams should I take before taking the DAT?

You should take at least five full-length exams before taking the DAT. This will help you build testing stamina and feel more prepared for the structure of the actual exam.

You can take up to ten or more full-length exams if you have more time, but remember to spend adequate time reviewing your exams so you know what topics to focus on.

Step 4. Update your DAT schedule

After you’ve completed your DAT study schedule and followed it for a while, you may notice that some things aren’t quite working for you.

Maybe you aren’t getting through as much content as you planned to, or perhaps you’re completing each day’s tasks with time to spare. Whatever it might be, your schedule may need to be adjusted.

Don’t be afraid to spend some time updating your study plan. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content to cover, it’s much better to take a step back, refine your schedule, and create a plan than give up because you fell behind.

Take advantage of the flex reviews by scheduling any topics you didn’t get to. By updating your schedule, you’ll ensure that your schedule is personalized to your understanding.

If you need to reschedule your test, you can do so up to 24 hours before. There’s a rescheduling fee that increases the closer you get to test day. If you must reschedule, it’s best to do so early.

Can I study for the DAT while working full-time?

It’s possible to study for and take the DAT while working a full-time job. Many students have scored well on the DAT while working full-time. The most crucial aspect of studying for the DAT while working full-time is consistency. You should study daily, even if it’s only for an hour. Realistically, you can adequately prepare over 4-6 months if you study 1-3 hours each day.

The full-length practice exams are also key to your preparation. It may be hard to find a 4.5-hour block of time to take a practice DAT, but these tests will help you identify weaknesses and become accustomed to the format of the DAT.

Part 3: DAT study schedule templates

1-month DAT study schedule

If you only have 1 month to prepare for the DAT, you should aim to study 8-10 hours each day, and perhaps more.

Even though time will be scarce, it’s still possible to do well. When studying content, you should focus on breadth over depth; in other words, being familiar with many topics will serve you better than knowing a few topics in-depth.

Additionally, spend adequate time taking practice exams. Taking and reviewing practice exams is one of the fastest ways to identify your weaknesses and areas that need improvement.

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

Our Select Plan (10 hours of live tutoring) for 1:1 DAT tutoring will help you identify topics to focus on. During this 4-week period, we will:

  • Work with you to create a customized day-to-day schedule based on your current time commitments, previous DAT experience, and available resources.
  • Identify the most high-yield topics to review.
  • Help you eliminate your bad study habits—especially the ones you don’t know you have—while doubling down on what’s working for you in the short time remaining.

You may be thinking that there isn’t enough time to refine or change your study strategies. And while the best time to get good help was yesterday, today is the next best.

DAT Select Plan (10 Hours)

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

2-month DAT study schedule

With 2 months to study for the DAT, you should aim for 5-6 hours per day.

If you have two months to study for the DAT, we recommend signing up for our Superior Plan. This plan includes 25 hours of customized, 1:1 DAT tutoring.

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

During this 2-month period, we will:

  • Create an individualized 2-month schedule built around your commitments like school, work, and extracurriculars.
  • Help direct your study to high-yield topics that will have the highest impact on your score.
  • Develop (or refine) strategies that work for you when it comes to understanding perceptual ability and reading comprehension questions

DAT Superior Plan (25 Hours)

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

3-month DAT study schedule

The 3-month study schedule puts you in the “sweet spot” of having enough time to prepare well while not scheduling your DAT too far off. Following a 3-month schedule, you should aim for 3-4 hours of study per day.

With 3 months of prep time, the Superior+ Plan (40 hours of live tutoring) is a great fit for individualized, 1:1 DAT tutoring.

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

During your 3-month study period, we will:

  • Work with you to create a daily study plan unique to your schedule and help you stay accountable
  • Review high yield content that frequently shows up on the DAT
  • Develop an individualized strategy with you to help with all sections of the DAT

DAT Superior+ Plan (40 Hours)

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

4-month DAT study schedule

Following the 4-month study schedule, you should aim for 2-3 hours of study per day. Having 3 to 4 months to study is ideal because you have adequate time to focus on testing strategies and content.

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

If you have more time to devote to studying for the DAT, our Top Scorer Plan (60 hours of live tutoring) for 1:1 DAT tutoring is the optimal choice. With several months available (approximately four to six months), we’re positioned to:

  • Create an individualized study plan that ensures you take into account your own school, work, and personal activities (including holidays and time for relaxation). By setting you up for success from the outset, you’re better equipped to reach your study goals.
  • Learn all DAT content that you need to know.
  • Establish a customized strategy based on empirical data during the content review phase so you’ll enter the practice phase feeling confident about your ability to conquer the exam.

DAT Top Scorer Plan (60 Hours)

How Long Should You Study For The Dat

Part 4: Strategies for staying on task

Here are some additional strategies from our experienced tutors to help improve your productivity:

Consider where you’re studying. Do you frequently study in an environment conducive to learning? Are you studying in a dorm where roommates are frequently interrupting you, a noisy coffee shop, or a quiet library?

The place you choose to study plays a big role in how effective your study time is and how well you retain information. You should choose a quiet place to study where you can focus well. If you’re struggling with burnout, consider switching up your study spots.

Minimize distractions. Distractions can come from other people or the outside world, but can also be your own doing. Your phone can be one of the biggest distractions to completing your study schedule, whether due to social media, games, etc.. Consider using features or apps to limit distractions or leaving your phone in your backpack during study time.

Utilize proven study techniques. One popular study strategy is the Pomodoro technique. To study more effectively, you set a 20-30 minute timer. For the duration of the timer, you study intensely with no breaks or distractions. When the timer goes off, you rest for 5-10 minutes before beginning the study timer again.

By following this study technique, you get a large dose of extreme concentration paired with a mental rest to give your brain a chance to absorb the new information. This technique is effective because it breaks up large periods of time and information into manageable study sessions.

Final thoughts

Preparing for the DAT can be daunting, given its importance in applying to dental school and the breadth of information it covers. By creating an effective study schedule, you can prepare well for the DAT and achieve your highest score.

DAT Study Schedule: Get a 30 Score in 2022

Your studies can take a lot of space in your schedule. When it comes to a test as hard and long as the Dental Admission Test, dedication and constancy can go a long way. This is the main reason why we’re bringing you a great proposal for a DAT study schedule. With it, you can rely on careful planning for your study and be completely prepared for the DAT.

Furthermore, we based this DAT study schedule on an 8-week plan that will be sufficient for you to ace the DAT with a mere two-month preparation. Our alternative offers the chance to study completely based on what resources you have plus a few great ones.

DAT Study Schedule

Forget about cramped schedules and this as bothered some as long sleepless night of hard study. You can get all the required knowledge to be fully prepared for the DAT following a simple, yet comprehensive, schedule.

Since everybody is different and our aim here is to offer a well-balanced plan to help every reader with their studies. The following DAT study schedule is made so that everybody can accommodate their needs and material into it. This planning also works regardless of your background formation, you can be great at chemistry and focus a little more on other subjects or vice versa. Let’s present a more formal introduction to our DAT study schedule.

The 8-week study schedule for the DAT.

8 weeks is enough time to sufficiently prepare for the Dental Admission Test. Within this time, you can cover the main and most relevant subjects that will determine whether you approve or fail. This DAT study schedule can be modified in order to cover your weak points or other issues you’re having problems with. In case you have a busy schedule; you can increase this schedule to cover more than 8 weeks by reducing the time you spend studying every day. However, you should keep the schedule shorter than 12 weeks.

Maxing out your time by trying to go by this schedule too fast isn’t recommended either. You should keep the overall planning longer than 4 weeks. Remember that resting and letting your system take in all the new information is also an important part of studying. The average pre-dental student spends about 10 weeks in preparation for the DAT, however, most people can cut down that time to 8 weeks with a good schedule.

The most common bachelor degree for pre-dental students is biology. Which is good since it gives a good foundation on biology and chemistry, to a point in any case. Regardless of how well you did on either biology or chemistry, the idea is to adapt the number of hours of this planning to cover your weak points. The actual schedule below is aimed at a person that needs to study chemistry a little bit more than other subjects. But before we get into that, there’s some useful information like tips, tricks and advice, that you can benefit from having.

How to prepare for the DAT.

Allow us to give you some insight on how to prepare for this DAT study schedule and overall the DAT itself. Remember that you can always set your schedule based on your personal needs. For most people, you can find real value in the following tips and advice to do before you begin your studies.

#1 Treat your preparation like your full-time job.

The recommended amount of study hours per week is of 40 hours, in any case, you can lower it if you feel like it’s too much. There can be days when you feel like you can put extra study hours and others when you feel like 8 is too much for one day. In any case, just make sure not to overdo it. A schedule can only help you if you follow it as closely as you can.

Don’t take multiple days off from studying too often, this can and likely will, be harmful for your preparation. The key is to stick closely to the schedule and make sure that you’re keeping a good and regular study habit. Emergencies and family time are of course exceptions to this. Regardless try to keep up with your studies as much as you can.

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#2 Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

You can adjust your DAT study schedule only if you know at which areas you need to put some extra work. This is the same as saying that you need to know your strengths and weaknesses to optimize your planning. The key to any good schedule is to study smart, not simply hard.

If you have weaknesses in science or other subjects that will come up in the DAT then you need to be prepared for them. The best way to actually do this is to acknowledge that you need to work on this and plan to do so.

#3 Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many preparation materials.

Many pre-dental students do this. People seem to think that between more study material you have the better you’ll do at the DAT. This is a big misconception. What you actually need is reliable material for study. Think less about the amount and more about quality.

Sure, you can have multiple sources of information, but the thing is that they need to complement each other, ideally. For instance, you can us here at DATprep for great Chemistry courses and a different source for the other parts of the DAT.

#4 Pick the right study materials.

Again, you need to think about the quality of your study material. Get reviews on different sources of it and inform yourself as much as you can. There are a lot of opinions available on the internet, just make sure that you get your reviews from people that have actually tried those services. Otherwise, you’ll just be believing what someone else says for no good reason.

Ultimately the choice of study material is completely yours. A good idea to practice is to actually try these services yourself and see how good they are. Once you’ve got an idea of each you can go about choosing the best for you.

#5 Don’t get stuck studying one topic at a time.

It’s not bad to want to focus on a single topic and put a lot of effort into it. The problem comes when that prevents you from studying different subjects. You have to remember that while you may have weaknesses the DAT consists on different parts. You must be prepared for all of those parts even if you can’t turn your weak subjects into your strong ones.

Keep your study schedule fresh and don’t get stuck on a single topic for too long. That can only hinder your progress.

#6 Do lots of practice questions and test/quizzes.

Practicing for the actual test is just as important as the material you study. Otherwise, you won’t know if you’re ready to take the DAT. Every DAT study schedule should include a healthy amount of practice and prep quizzes. There are different services that can help you with this, some even offer detailed scores for your analysis.

Just studying for the test is one way to actually learn half of what you need. The other half comes from learning about the answers you got wrong in the mock tests you take. Often times these provide better lessons for our progress.

#7 Be healthy and don’t disregard your body while you study for the DAT.

You must stay active in preparation for your DAT. Feel free to modify our DAT study schedule to include exercise and other activities. This also counts as preparation since it prevents you from overstudying and burning yourself out.

You don’t have to sacrifice your social life or even sleep hours if you plan accordingly to what your needs are. One of those needs is to stay healthy before, during and after your Dental Admission Test.

DAT study schedule and plan.

The actual outline of our DAT study schedule can be modified to serve your particular needs, as mentioned several times now. The main objective of this schedule plan is to provide a basic plan that can be adapted to every need you have for your DAT preparation. The subjects listed are based on the difficulty and length of the material.

You should be focusing on one section at a time per material and subject, only move on to a different point in the subject once you’ve finished one of its points. You should also go through the section one more time once you’ve finished a point.

Also, be sure to have an overview of the entire material before you reach week number six in our schedule. The last two weeks should be to spend focusing on practice tests and mock questions. These last weeks are also a great chance to review the material that you still feel as your weak point. We recommend taking at least three different DAT practice tests before finishing with the schedule. Ultimately the more practice tests you take, the better results you can expect from your study. You will find some practice test scheduled in our planning.

Though it is advisable to actually take mock tests and practice question during your whole period of preparation. You get the last work on this subject. We would recommend taking a few practice questions after finishing every two-hour block on the schedule. This is also a great time to find your deficiencies in any pertinent topic. Of course, this is during and after week number six in our planning. Do remember that the most important part of the practice questions is to learn why you got some answers wrong if any.

A brief comment on the other parts of the DAT.

The parts of the DAT regarding the PAT, reading comprehension test and quantitative reasoning, are not as demanding of study hours as the rest. This is the main reason you’ll find these have a lower number of hours in our DAT study schedule.

When it comes to the Perceptual Ability Test or PAT, the main factor is practice and experience solving these problems. We can recommend a great service that can help you out with that, PATCrusher. This service guarantees a higher score for all its users and with a long list of students helped, this is one service that we can confidently recommend.

The reading comprehension test is mostly based on experience with the reading material. If you have never read a scientific article, you should get a few and see if you can understand and analyze the material. As for the quantitative reasoning test, this one also depends on how much practice you get. The best way to be well-balanced in every subject of the DAT is to follow a good study schedule, like the one below.

The 8-week DAT study schedule.

Week 1.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM Biology; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM Biology; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry.

Week 2.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM Biology; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM Biology; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry.

Week 3.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Practice Test; 10-12 PM Practice Test.

Week 4.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry.

Week 5.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM General Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry.

Week 6.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM Organic Chemistry.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Practice Test; 10-12 PM Practice Test.

Week 7.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Practice Test; 10-12 PM Practice Test; 1-3 PM Review; 3-5 PM Review.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Practice Test; 10-12 PM Practice Test; 1-3 PM Review; 3-5 PM Review.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry.

Week 8.

  • Monday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM QR.
  • Tuesday: 8-10 AM Practice Test; 10-12 PM Practice Test; 1-3 PM Review; 3-5 PM Review.
  • Wednesday: 8-10 AM Biology; 10-12 PM General Chemistry; 1-3 PM Organic Chemistry; 3-5 PM PAT.
  • Thursday: 8-10 AM Practice Test; 10-12 PM Practice Test; 1-3 PM Review; 3-5 PM Review.
  • Friday: 8-10 AM Light Review; 10-12 PM Light Review; 1-3 PM Relax; 3-5 PM Relax.
  • Saturday: 8-10 AM DAT; 10-12 PM DAT.

The take away from our DAT study schedule.

Following our basic DAT study schedule, you should be able to pass the DAT with a sufficiently high score. This is regardless of how many weak points you have and the amount of material that you need to review.

As you might have seen there’s no schedule for Sundays and for a good reason. You should consider taking Sundays off to rest and take in all that you’ve studied each week. Getting proper rest is also a very important part of the learning process.

Based on our schedule this is the number of hours per subject:

We’re pretty confident that with the right materials and a good discipline to follow this schedule, you’ll have no problems when taking the DAT. Hopefully, this is enough to convince you that a good study habit is fundamental for dental school and all its courses. You can always use the knowledge you gain from this experience to further prepare yourself for future tests whether in dental school or otherwise.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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