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How To Get Into Duke

How To Get Into Duke

As you can see, demonstrated interest does matter at Duke—this is why the Duke Early Decision acceptance rate is far higher. However, regardless of which Duke application deadline you select as you plan how to get into Duke University, expect Duke to be a “reach” school.

How to Get into Duke University

Duke is one of the most sought-after non-Ivy schools. In fact, it’s commonly mistaken for an Ivy. Getting into Duke is a matter of balancing stellar academics (they care about these a lot) with values like ambition, curiosity, and persistence that the school is very transparent about.

With an acceptance rate of 5.9%, you might be fooled into thinking that Duke is in the Ivy League. It’s not—it’s just a really good school.

Of the nearly 50,000 Duke hopefuls who apply each year, 94% are denied admission. To avoid being one of them, you’ll need more than good grades and a few extracurricular accolades.

You’ll need a smart application strategy.

In this post, I’ll guide you through finding an application narrative that will increase your chances of admission. Our team of former admissions officers and professional writers has helped students just like you get into Duke, and these are some of our best-kept secrets.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s get to it.

How to Apply to Duke University

As with most colleges, you can apply to Duke directly through the Common Application. If the Coalition Application is more your style, you can apply that way, too.

Either way, you’ll need those application essentials: background information, extracurricular activities list, personal statement, high school transcript, school report, and letters of recommendation.

You’ll also need to complete the Duke supplement. And if you want, you can submit your standardized test scores and apply for an alumni admissions interview.

Duke Application Options

You’ve got two options when applying to Duke: Early Decision or Regular Decision. No Early Action—sorry!

Early Decision is, of course, binding. That means if you get in, you’re going—no backing out (with a few exceptions, like financial aid). But as we know from our Duke Common Data Set post, applying ED may just increase your chances of admission by about 10%.

If you’re not ready to commit, then you should apply Regular Decision.

Duke Application Deadlines

Early Decision: November 1

Regular Decision: January 3*

*The Duke website does note that December 20th is the priority deadline for the student portion of your application if you want to have a better chance of scoring an alumni interview.

How hard is it to get into Duke?

At a 5.9% admit rate, this should go without saying. Getting into Duke is hard. That’s just the cold, hard, North Carolinian truth.

To put things in perspective, Duke’s acceptance rate is lower than that of UChicago, Dartmouth, and Johns Hopkins. It’s only 0.6% higher than Yale’s and right on par with UPenn’s. Especially if you’re applying to a more popular major, your application will need to be on its A-game.

What does Duke University look for in applicants?

Sadly, you can’t just make your Common App account, write your essays, and hit submit. You need to think strategically about what your application is communicating to your Duke admissions officer.

We call this approach your “application narrative.” Think of it like your own personal brand. When Duke admissions members read your application, what do you want them to come away thinking of you? (Hint: It should probably be something related to Duke’s institutional values.)

And therein lies the key. Your application narrative should be authentic, but it should also send an underlying message to Duke admissions officers that Duke is exactly where you belong.

So how do you do that? You communicate that message through your essays and activities. And to do that well, you need to look at Duke’s values.

Thankfully, the Duke admissions office has made your life easier. They have a whole page that breaks down what they’re looking for in applicants.

Here are some of the adjectives they use to describe successful applicants:

  • Intelligent
  • Creative
  • Enthusiastic
  • Ambitious
  • Curious
  • Talented
  • Persistent
  • Energetic
  • Human

Think of these adjectives as values. How can your application show that you’re an intelligent, creative, enthusiastic, ambitious, curious, talented, persistent, energetic, and straight-up human person? That’s where you begin.

Duke GPA requirement

Duke doesn’t have a GPA requirement, per se. But your GPA can help you determine whether you’ll be a competitive applicant in Duke’s pool.

While the Duke Common Data Set doesn’t give us specifics about applicant GPAs, we do learn that of the enrolled first-year students who reported class rank, 80% ranked in the top 10th. That means that they had perfect or near-perfect GPAs.

So if your unweighted GPA is less than about a 3.75, you’ll probably be a less competitive applicant to Duke. Of course, GPA isn’t the only factor that Duke’s admissions officers consider, but it is one of the most important.

Duke SAT Scores

As of the 2022-2023 admissions cycle, Duke is still test-optional, so you’re not required to submit any scores at all.

That said, we know from the Duke Common Data Set that Duke highly values test scores in the admissions evaluation process, so you should probably submit them if you can.

So what’s a good test score for Duke? To answer that question, we’ll need to look at Duke’s middle 50% score range. Here it is, taken from their Common Data Set:

SAT Composite: 1490-1560

ACT Composite: 33-35

Since these are the scores within which 50% of Duke’s enrolling first-year class fell, you’ll want to aim for a score within these ranges to be competitive.

Does Duke superscore?

Yep—Duke superscores. Your composite SAT or ACT score will come from your highest scores in each individual section, even if you got those scores on different dates. Nobody’s perfect all the time, so superscoring can make a huge difference in your test scores and let you relax a little come test day.

What high school course work do I need to get into Duke University?

Here’s what they recommend your coursework look like:

  • English: 4 years
  • Math: 3+ years
  • Sciences: 3+ years
  • Foreign language: 3+ years
  • Social studies: 3+ years

If you’re planning on applying to engineering, you should probably take calculus and physics. And when you opt to take three years in a subject instead of four, be sure that the course you’re taking instead is still an academic solid—that is, it still falls into one of the major categories of English, math, sciences, language, or social studies.

In all cases, you should be taking the most rigorous courses you can. Rigor looks different at different schools. Some schools have tons of AP or IB options, and some only have a few. Others have dual-enrollment classes with a local community college, and others yet have their own honors programs.

Whatever your school looks like, your Duke admissions officer will evaluate how much you’ve challenged yourself given what your school offers. So make the most of what’s available to you.

What extracurriculars do I need to get into Duke University?

To answer this question, let’s return again to Duke’s admissions website because I like their wording. They say that they value “well-rounded” as well as “well-lopsided” applicants who have impacted their communities and will continue to impact the Duke community.

So what do “well-rounded” and “well-lopsided” mean?

In short, these are two ways you can approach your extracurriculars.

Let’s start with “well-rounded.” You’ve probably heard the term before. It means that you haven’t pigeonholed yourself into one thing. Instead, you’ve spread yourself out across different areas of interest, and you’ve given them all your best effort. That might mean that you’re a varsity athlete but also in your school’s chamber orchestra. Or maybe you’re a watercolor artist and a robotics champion. Well-rounded means that you have some narrative diversity.

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“Well-lopsided,” on the other hand, is almost the opposite. I like Duke’s phrase because it validates that some students have one main passion that they go all-in on. For some students, doing one thing really well works out a lot better than trying to do everything all at once. Well-lopsided might look like a drama student who participates in their school productions, does community theatre on the side, and teaches at a theatre camp for kids in the summers. Or maybe you’re an award-winning classical pianist who dedicates six hours a day to practicing. If you’re well-lopsided, your narrative is deep rather than diverse.

No matter your extracurricular approach, be sure to write about the impact, reach, and magnitude of each of your activities. (For more details on what that means, check out our extracurricular activities strategy post.)

Final Takeaways

And with all that, you’re ready to formulate your Duke application strategy. Remember that at the heart of any good application strategy is the ability to balance your weaknesses with your strengths. Finding your alignment with Duke’s values as you create your application narrative can make all the difference.

Once you’ve gotten your strategy all planned out, it’ll be time to start on your Duke supplemental essays. We’ve got you covered there, too. Hop over to our Duke Supplemental Essay guide, or enroll in the Essay Academy, when you’re ready to get started.

How to Get Into Duke Guide

How to Get Into Duke

How to get into Duke University-General Information

Duke University is a private research university originally founded by Quakers in 1838 before it was relocated to its current home of Durham in 1892. The Duke enrollment is 6700 undergraduates in total.

What we’ll cover in this How to Get Into Duke University guide:

  • Duke GPA requirements
  • Duke enrollment statistics
  • Optimal Duke SAT scores
  • Details on Duke Early Decision
  • Duke application deadline
  • Duke interview
  • Perfecting your Duke supplemental essays
  • And more!

If you’re planning your path for how to get into Duke University, start preparing early. In your freshman year, you should begin building the foundation for a strong GPA and engaging extracurriculars.

By the time the Duke application deadline rolls around, you can rest assured that you surpass the Duke GPA requirements and Duke SAT scores. This will let you focus instead on the Duke interview and Duke supplemental essays. Early preparation is the best advice for how to get into Duke University.

Figuring out how to get into Duke University takes strategy. We can help.’s network of 300+ Admissions Experts (and former admissions officers) includes Duke graduates. Want to maximize your Duke admissions odds? Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343–6272.

How hard is it to get into Duke?

Duke’s class of 2025 saw a more competitive admissions cycle than ever before. Almost 50,000 students applied for a mere 2,855 places—an acceptance rate of just 5.8%. This is a 25% increase in applicants from the year before, and admissions are only becoming more competitive. Given the relatively low Duke enrollment, you can expect this acceptance rate to remain low.

That’s a lot of numbers—but what does it mean for a student wondering how to get into Duke University? Essentially, it means that no matter what you do, there will inevitably be a degree of luck in Duke admissions. You have to view Duke as a “reach” school and plan your college list accordingly.

However, you can still optimize your chances of securing Duke enrollment. Keep reading to learn more about how to surpass the Duke GPA requirements, meet the average Duke SAT scores, plan effective extracurriculars, and more so that you have the best chance of getting past the 5.8% acceptance rate.

What is the average GPA for Duke University?

Students planning their “how to get into Duke University” strategy are often curious about the Duke GPA requirements. The GPA is an important metric for applicants, used as a measure of how prepared a student is for rigorous coursework.

Duke doesn’t publish their average GPA nor any Duke GPA requirements. Based on the quality and quantity of their applicants, however, you can assume the average is close to 4.0. You should consider these numbers as the unofficial Duke GPA requirements.

So, are there Duke GPA requirements? Not exactly. However, with how competitive admissions have become, a high GPA is no longer enough to ensure Duke enrollment. Instead, think of it more like a box that you’re trying to check off in the application; don’t give Duke a reason to pause on your GPA.

What does the Duke application look like?

To strengthen your “how to get into Duke University” strategy, you should familiarize yourself with the application far in advance of the Duke application deadline.

Duke accepts applications via any one of three platforms:

Once you have picked your application, you can decide to apply to Duke before one of two deadlines:

  • Duke Early Decision — November 1
  • Duke Regular Decision — January 4

If you apply to Duke Early Decision, keep in mind that this decision is binding. An offer of admission via Duke Early Decision commits you to Duke enrollment.

Regardless of which Duke application deadline you choose, you will need to ensure you have each of the following:

  • Application fee or waiver
  • High school transcript
  • Counselor recommendation
  • 2 teacher recommendations
  • Duke SAT scores or ACT scores (optional)
  • Duke supplemental essays

Be sure to schedule meetings with your guidance counselor and teacher recommenders well before the Duke application deadline. Give yourself time to ensure you understand the requirements and can upload them to your chosen platform.

Finally, note that while the Duke SAT scores and ACT scores are now optional, we advise that you send standardized test scores if possible.

What extracurriculars does Duke look for?

Aside from the numbers used in your application—the Duke GPA requirements and Duke SAT scores—your extracurriculars make a huge difference to Duke admissions. Still, it can be hard to choose the right extracurriculars. For instance, students often pursue activities they don’t care about because they think it’s how to get into Duke University. However, the best extracurriculars for college admissions—at Duke or anywhere else—are the ones that matter to you.

So, how should you select your extracurriculars? First, note that there’s no such thing as the perfect set of extracurriculars. So, don’t choose activities in an effort to become a picture-perfect applicant. This won’t help you stand out.

Instead, find what makes you tick. What are you passionate about? What problems keep you up at night? Determine these early in your high school career. Then, find ways to take these passions to the next level. Show initiative. Go above and beyond—this is how to get into Duke University or any top school.

What is the acceptance rate for Duke?

As you think about how to get into Duke University, you’re probably wondering about the acceptance rate. Duke has an overall acceptance rate of 5.8%. Suffice it to say: the acceptance rate is low. However, let’s break this down for each Duke application deadline.

For the class of 2025, Duke received 49,555 applications total, spread out across two application deadlines. Duke Early Decision received 5,036 applications, of which 840 were offered Duke enrollment. This comes to a 16.7% Duke Early Decision acceptance rate.

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Regular Decision, on the other hand, received 44,519 applications and 2,855 students were offered Duke enrollment. This represents a 6.4% acceptance rate.

As you can see, demonstrated interest does matter at Duke—this is why the Duke Early Decision acceptance rate is far higher. However, regardless of which Duke application deadline you select as you plan how to get into Duke University, expect Duke to be a “reach” school.

Want to learn more about acceptance rates? Check out our expert guide.

Does Duke University require interviews?

The Duke interview is an optional component of the Duke application. However, you should plan on a Duke interview if you’re serious about your “how to get into Duke University” strategy.

Any student with alumni presence in their area will receive an invitation for a Duke interview. If you do not receive a Duke interview, this is not an indication of your application status. Also, note that you won’t be offered a Duke interview until after the Duke application deadline.

So, should you attend the Duke interview? Absolutely. This is your chance to supplement your GPA and Duke SAT scores by showing Duke who you are as a person. A Duke interview captures your personality in a way that few written parts of the application can.

The Duke interview also lets you show your interest in the school. Duke looks for students who genuinely want to attend. They want to see that you care about Duke for reasons beyond prestige.

As you prepare, try to think of your Duke interview as a conversation. While your interviewer will ask you many questions, you can also use your Duke interview to learn more about the university. So, come prepared to talk about your key accomplishments as well as why Duke interests you.

Tips to write a Duke supplemental essay

The Duke supplemental essays give you a unique chance to stand out. You should view your Duke supplemental essays, then, as a vital part of how to get into Duke University.

First, let’s take a look at the Duke supplemental essays themselves. There is one required supplemental essay and two optional Duke supplemental essays.

The required essay asks students to discuss why Duke is the right school for them. For this prompt, make sure that you do your research. You should discuss both what you offer Duke and, in turn, what Duke offers you. Use as many specific details as possible—this shows that you’ve taken time to research what makes Duke unique.

The optional Duke supplemental essays let you discuss your background and identity. If you want to strengthen your application, you should respond to both optional Duke supplemental essays.

Overall, the key to writing strong Duke supplemental essays is to make sure your unique voice comes through. Some students make the mistake of being too stiff or formal in their responses. However, Duke wants to get to know you and what makes you unique. Often, the strongest responses are those that tell stories and have powerful narrative voices. Leveraging your writing skill is a great tactic for your “how to get into Duke University” strategy.

Finally, your Duke supplemental essays should be free of any typos or grammatical mistakes. We recommend leaving ample time before the Duke application deadline to write your essays. This lets you review and edit your responses.

For more tips on the Duke supplemental essays, check out our Duke essay guide.

How does Duke University review applications?

Students who want to know how to get into Duke University often wonder what occurs once they press submit. So, what happens after you’ve sent your Duke SAT scores but before you hear back about your Duke enrollment status?

Duke reviews applicants the same way for both Duke Early Decision and the RD Duke application deadline.

First, your application is read by an admissions officer who specializes in your geographic region. At this point, 50% of applications are labeled as competitive. Those that are competitive get an additional two reads. A fourth assessment is then done, at which point a mere 5% of applicants are admitted. The rest are brought to the committee.

This means, in order to even be considered for Duke enrollment, your application will be read at least four times. So, you should pay attention to every part of your application in order to stand out.

Will Duke look at my social media accounts?

Many students wondering how to get into Duke University are concerned that admissions officers will look at their social media profiles. So, will Duke look at your Instagram or Twitter?

The truth is, admissions officers have thousands of applications to get through in a very short amount of time. This means they largely don’t have time to search for individual applicants on social media.

With that said, you should always be aware of what you put on the internet. Even if Duke doesn’t use it as a factor, future employers might. While you don’t have to put all of your accounts on private or wipe the internet of your presence, always use careful judgment.

Is Duke the school for me?

Before you send in your Duke application and Duke SAT scores—and especially if you are considering Duke Early Decision—think about whether Duke is truly the school for you. Some students get so caught up in how to get into Duke University that they forget that not every school is right for every student, regardless of prestige.

Duke students note the pride that infuses the school and its social life. Students at Duke are proud of their school, from classes to sports and everything in between. Students who prefer to keep their distance from athletics and parties, then, may find Duke’s school spirit to be overwhelming.

In addition, students at Duke are passionate about learning for the sake of learning. Students who are focused on a specific career track or don’t find an interest in the more generalized education that comes with a liberal arts degree may feel frustrated at Duke.

Duke is known as a high-energy school full of passionate individuals. So, if that sounds like a match for you, read on for a few last tips on how to get into Duke University!

Additional tips to get into Duke University

So you’ve surpassed the Duke GPA requirements and you’re confident in your Duke SAT scores. How else can you optimize your “how to get into Duke University” plan?

The best advice we can offer Duke hopefuls is to start planning early. Duke’s admissions process is competitive, and there is very little room for error. Plan your extracurricular track early, commit yourself to advanced classes, and try to craft thoughtful essays that tell your story. Every part of your application should showcase what kind of student you would be on Duke’s bustling campus.

Finally—and we can’t emphasize this enough—be yourself! Admissions are stressful, and sometimes students get caught up in trying to project a crafted, performative version of themselves. However, this is not how to get into Duke University or other top schools. Duke doesn’t want you to be anyone other than yourself. Challenge yourself, but stay true to what makes you happy.

How To Get Into Duke

This guide was written by Becky Weinstein. If you want to know how to get into Duke, we’ve got you covered.’s network of 300+ Admissions Experts (and former admissions officers) includes Duke graduates. Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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