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Law School Diversity Statement

Law School Diversity Statement

Growing up, I always thought of my family and upbringing as average for our area: we were white, middle class, attended church on Sundays. My parents were raised in my hometown of Bismarck, as my grandparents were before them. As long as I can remember, though, I felt different from my family and friends. The awareness that the world was a large, exciting place loomed large in my imagination. I longed to live in a big city, to access international art and culture, and to find myself among people who had different points of views through which I could learn more about the world.

How to Write an Amazing Law School Diversity Statement (Example Included)

Decide whether to write the optional diversity essay and learn how to make it stand out

Law School Diversity Statement


The law school diversity statement is optional, and you may be unsure whether you should even write one.

This uncertainty induces a lot of anxiety. This anxiety is particularly high for applicants who feel as though they are not “diverse enough.” This may be true if you are White, male, or otherwise not part of an underrepresented racial, ethnic, or religious minority. For others, there is a fear that their essay may come across as cliché or trite as admissions officers read scores of essays about first- and second-generation immigrants, or various stories of adversity, such as those of poverty, sexual orientation, racial background, or mental health.

This article will directly answer questions about the diversity statement for law school, while providing specific tips for how to write it well.

Why is diversity important to law schools?

Let us first spend some time defining diversity as it is understood to law school admissions officers. The legal profession is often regarded as unrepresentative of America’s vibrant ethnic and racial diversity. As such, law schools are trying to attract students who are not only among the country’s brightest, but are also from minority backgrounds in an effort to mitigate this gap.

Some law schools will ask, “Describe how your background or experiences will contribute to or enhance the diversity of the law school community (e.g. based on your culture, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, ideology, age, socioeconomic status, academic background, employment experience, etc.).” This is an expansive understanding of diversity. The definition encompasses a range of unique experiences that could color your ability to engage in the classroom and provide your peers with perspectives and viewpoints that are crucial to receiving a holistic legal education. They are looking for experiences and backgrounds that will help to enrich the broader law school community. These include stories of adversity, whether those adversities are economic, health difficulties, or disabilities.

Should I write a law school diversity statement?

Before jumping into drafting, take some time to explore the possibility of submitting the essay. Everyone should engage in this exercise of self-reflection. Do not shy away from the steps if you feel you are not unique enough for the purpose of the essay.

Follow the guiding steps below as you work through the brainstorming process.

1. Reflect. Take some time to jot down a few transformative moments in your life. Broadly, the reviewers are looking for diversity of thought, geography, faith, experiences, backgrounds, ethnicity, gender, and interests. Examples include:

  • Living in a state that is historically less represented
  • Living with a chronic illness or disability
  • Service in law enforcement or military
  • Growing up in certain faith communities
  • Extensive work experience (over five years)
  • Growing up in a household with an abusive parent, or a caregiver with addiction issues
  • Competing in sports professionally
  • Parenting, or raising children through a guardianship
  • Attending public school, if a majority of your peers attended private schools
  • Ethnic, racial or national identity
  • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Living in poverty

Through this reflection exercise, ask yourself:

  • How am I different from my peers?
  • How am I different from the broader American culture, and legal culture in particular?
  • What sets me apart?

After reflecting, you may still feel lost and unsure. There is no red-line answer for whether your particular background warrants another essay. However, there are two ground rules if one is still feeling stuck. First, ask a trusted friend or colleague about your dilemma. Oftentimes, talking through an issue out loud helps one to better articulate a solution. Second, if you are feeling ambivalent, err on the side of not writing the diversity statement. It is better to skip the essay altogether than to write material that lacks depth. Remember, your application should be complete without the essay, and deciding to forego writing an essay will not hurt your chances.

2. Impact. Before we begin the writing process, be sure to spend some time brainstorming moments wherein your experiences impacted your life. Outline specific stories and moments in your life that made you feel alienation, or a lack of belonging. These should be in the form of anecdotes and short stories or memories. Examples include:

  • The day you decided to leave a career you have been pursuing for five years in government for a chance to attend law school.
    • Feeling overwhelmed and unsure about the path you are pursuing.
    • Feeling emboldened to make a dramatic shift to mitigate feelings of stagnation.
    • Reveling in the excitement of merging your skills and experiences in different sectors.
    • Feelings of isolation and fear in a new and perhaps alienating space.
    • Beginning to gain a sense of understanding behind the socioeconomic imbalances of educational opportunities between public and private institutions.
    • Feeling excited by the prospects of new growth opportunities, and merging them with your communities and passions.

    As you’re outlining, ask yourself:

    • How did this experience or background impact you?
    • What challenges did it pose?
    • What benefits did it give rise to?
    • How will it inform your persona and professional goals?
    • How may this impact your law school experience?

    How should I format my essay?

    Unlike your personal statement , your diversity statement should be concise. The essay should generally be no more than 500 words. Each and every word, sentence, and story counts. With this in mind, let’s jump right into the content and structure of the essay.

    The most successful diversity statements are those that laser focus on one theme or story. That can be a particular experience or an identity. Be as specific and explicit as possible about what you would like to highlight.

    My journey to America began well before my birth. My father migrated to the United States in the midst of political turmoil and unrest from Iran in 1980. Shortly thereafter, my mother joined him with three children in a one-bedroom apartment. My parents may have left Iran, but they ensured that their cultural practices and traditions informed our daily family gatherings.

    The opening paragraph will unveil the root of the story, whereas the rest of the essay will add depth and layer the story in compelling ways. Think creatively about ways in which various moments or experiences informed one another and find thematic connections between your experiences. There are several ways to structure the remaining 2-3 paragraphs of the essay. Some suggestions include:

    1. Tracking an emotional journey. Perhaps you were embarrassed by your background as a child, but have grown to be more appreciative of your unique background. Help guide the reader through this journey.

    In my youth, I was preoccupied with my difference of culture, language, and food. I refused to bring my home-made lunch to school, and shied away from any mention of my Korean family or their migration story. I felt ashamed and ostracized, and I sought to erase my unique cultural background in school. I have come to understand that while I sought assimilation in my childhood, I was now seeing authenticity and integration without compromise.

    2. Developing context. It may be the case that you share a story that is difficult to process or understand for an outsider who does not share your particular background. If so, add context to the story by briefly explaining the larger context within which you live. Do not spend more than two sentences explaining context, as every sentence should center your narrative and journey.

    I walked home with a limp after my competition, though I knew that I would need a doctor within seconds of my injury. Rather than pass me Advil to numb some of the pain, my mother continued to pass the hanyak, or traditional Korean medicine, before taking me to a Korean herbal clinic. At the clinic, the healer would diagnose me by feeling my radial pulse and visualizing the tension and maladies plaguing my body.

    In the example above, a reader may not have understood what a Korean herbal clinic entails, and providing context may add depth to the essay. If you are using a term that is not readily known, such as hanyak above, define it immediately. Again, brevity is key.

    Finally, be sure to end the essay succinctly. The ending of the essay should round out the essay and take the reader back to the opening scene. Weave the initial storyline back in and track the trajectory.

    In many ways, my life abroad instilled in me a desire to further the demands of human rights activists and victims. I plan on carrying with me the stories of the many women I met in India in my career and in my personal commitments. It is on the shoulders of fierce and courageous giants that I stand, and hope to make my mark.

    Full-length Law School Diversity Statement Example

    Now, let’s look at a full-length law school diversity statement example so you can see how all the parts come together.

    Growing up, I always thought of my family and upbringing as average for our area: we were white, middle class, attended church on Sundays. My parents were raised in my hometown of Bismarck, as my grandparents were before them. As long as I can remember, though, I felt different from my family and friends. The awareness that the world was a large, exciting place loomed large in my imagination. I longed to live in a big city, to access international art and culture, and to find myself among people who had different points of views through which I could learn more about the world.

    In high school, my parents were apprehensive of my plan to apply to colleges on the East Coast, but their resistance did not deter me. When I finally found myself in New York, attending Columbia, I couldn’t have been more excited to be among what I perceived to be “my people.” What I didn’t anticipate was that, for the first time, I was considered different because I was from North Dakota. Whenever I met someone new and inevitably exchanged geographic origins, I could read the surprise on their face as soon as the words “North Dakota” left my mouth. In many cases, people simply remarked, “Wow!” But in others, they would say, “Wait, really?” as if I might be joking, or even “I didn’t know people actually lived there.” Occasionally, friends would introduce me as “Ryan from North Dakota,” as if it were my most defining feature.

    As someone who knew the full complexity of North Dakota’s lived experience, and its many beautiful places, I didn’t feel that there was anything intrinsically embarrassing about having grown up there. But in my desire to fit into my new environment, the reactions and stereotypes bothered me. Was I really so different from my peers who had been raised in New Jersey, Connecticut, and California? As the years went on, a backhanded compliment entered the pool of responses: “I never would have guessed.”

    If you live anywhere long enough, it inevitably shapes you. I know that I am in countless ways different after living in New York for the last three years, that I’m better acclimated to the hustle and bustle and infinite diversity of the city. But I also feel that I’m still a North Dakotan at heart, and I’m grateful for the perspective that my “unusual” background has given me. For instance, I’m often surprised by how few of my classmates have informed opinions on agricultural policy or oil drilling—two issues that the average North Dakota resident can speak to. That’s why I believe that, as a law student and lawyer, I will bring a crucial but often missing perspective to the legal community. In turn, I plan to use my education to represent and fight for a populace that’s frequently overlooked in our country’s national conversation.

    What works about this diversity statement?

    • It focuses on what makes the applicant unique. Ryan writes about hailing from a state that’s underrepresented in both the legal community and the elite university he attends. At the same time, he implicitly acknowledges that, in other ways, his demographic profile is not particularly unusual. Crucially, he doesn’t falsely equate his point of difference with being disadvantaged—a mistake that is sometimes made with diversity essays. Instead, he simply focuses on why he brings a different perspective.
    • It tracks a journey. Ryan describes how, as a child, he perceived his upbringing to be average, a perception that shifts as his worldview expands.
    • It comes full circle. Ryan concludes by noting the ways that his background will bring a new point of view to the legal community, as it has during his time at Columbia. He also describes how his awareness of difference has shaped his professional goals, making the case that he will benefit from attending law school.

    Final thoughts

    The law school diversity statement is yet another chance to showcase your writing and share some of your most meaningful life experiences. Do not shy away from sharing stories that are personal if you are comfortable doing so. This short essay will shed light into the ways in which you will engage in the law school community and layer your portfolio with rich narratives. Edit this essay as meticulously as you do your personal statement, ensuring that it is as evocative and passionate as possible.


    How to Write a Diversity Statement for Law School

    8 Tips for Writing a Better Diversity Statement for Your Law School Application.

    Your law school application likely requires several written documents in addition to the usual suspects, like transcripts and test scores. This entire package gives admissions officers a comprehensive, yet personalized picture of your aptitude for advanced study and fit for their specific program. And, more and more often, admissions offices are asking that a diversity statement be included in that picture.

    Law Student Writing Diversity Statement

    What is a Diversity Statement?

    Generally speaking, a diversity statement details [1] your experience with diversity, personally and professionally, and [2] your approach to advancing equity and inclusion within the community and your workplace.

    At Stetson Law, for example, our school’s statement includes our definition of what diversity means to us: “an acknowledgment of differences between groups of people and perhaps an invitation for such groups to join a community, inclusion involves embracing those differences by valuing and supporting the backgrounds and experiences of every individual and group in a way that will help create a sense of belonging and unity.”

    Because we value the perspectives from the communities represented by our student body, faculty and staff, we also include their voices in our statement.

    Similarly, the American Bar Association places great emphasis on diversity and inclusion, and has created its own mission statement outlining what diversity means within the justice system and for practicing lawyer: “promoting collaboration, coordination, and communication to … eliminate bias and enhance diversity and inclusion throughout the Association, legal profession, and justice system.”

    Of course, these are statements written by a group to represent institutions. They can be helpful in getting you closer to your own definition of what diversity means to you, but their aims are ultimately a bit different from a diversity statement you write for law school.

    That’s why we’ve developed this comprehensive guide to help you get started with yours.

    Should I Write a Diversity Statement for Law School?

    Some schools require a diversity statement as part of their application process, but others keep it optional. If you do get a choice in the matter, you’re left facing the question: should I write one? Is there any benefit, or risk, to your application if you choose to forego or submit a diversity statement?

    Here are a few things to weigh as you make a decision.

    The Pros

    1. 1. Your diversity statement may be able to tell part of your story that the rest of your application can’t.

    If you have expertise in working across different communities, including those that are historically underserved by the justice system, you’ll probably want to write a diversity statement. You’ll be able to use the extra space provided by a diversity statement to convey that depth of experience and to outline your specific skills in more detail.

    Or maybe you’ve encountered obstacles, experienced injustice yourself, in ways that shape your desire to pursue legal studies and your approach to law. A diversity statement could be an opportunity for you to point out related interests or specializations, like Social Justice Advocacy, or to speak to the unique skills you’ve developed that make you a stronger lawyer-in-training.

    If there’s more to your story, a diversity statement is a great place to tell it. Just make sure that you explain the connection between these experiences and your interest in studying law at that school.

    1. 2. The type of law you plan to study, or where you wish to practice, may ask that you have diversity training and experience connecting with people across different communities.

    For example, maybe you state in your application that your dream is to work as a public defender or a district attorney. Given that such roles require you to represent people from different backgrounds and communities, it’s a good idea to write a diversity statement. In your statement, you could point to specific resources and courses of study offered by that law program, which you plan to pursue throughout your studies to prepare you for your chosen career.

    Or perhaps you’re interested in a specialized field, like LGBTQ+ policy or environmental law. Identifying a preferred area of focus in your overall application can be a great way to show admissions committees that you’re aware of the programs they offer (you’ve done your research!) and that you’re already thinking long-term about a legal career. But you may also want to write a diversity statement that expands on those investments. You could include volunteer or advocacy work you’ve done for environmental causes, for instance, or whatever area of interest you’ve chosen. You could identify landmark cases that you’d want to study and revisit in your own career, or existing policies you’d want to examine closely throughout your studies.

    And if a prospective law school offers specific concentration, a diversity statement could help you make your case for why you should study at that particular school.

    Jen Rex, 2L at Stetson, did precisely that. “When I was looking into law schools, I really wanted to find a school that had a student organization for LGBTQ+ students and offered a welcoming environment,” Jen said. “ I was happy to find Stetson’s Lambda Legal Society. The organization continues to grow and find ways to get involved and I am excited to be a part of it. I also appreciate that I can see myself represented in the faculty by multiple professors who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community and a host of others who are allies to the community. “

    The Cons

    1. You may not have enough time in your busy schedule to create another quality piece of writing for your application.

    If the diversity statement is optional, you may choose not to write one because you’re pressed on time. The written documents for law school applications can take hours to polish, and ideally include a few rounds of revision. If you’re fortunate enough to get your written pieces in front of word-sharp colleagues, professors or practicing lawyers, all the better.

    But maybe you’re working full time, have an overbooked family life, or have been out of school for a few years and no longer have a campus-size roster of resources to workshop your writing samples. In this case, you may decide that writing a diversity statement isn’t the right choice for you at this time. It’s important to showcase your best work to admissions committees, and sometimes your best work includes wise restraint.

    1. 2. You may not have enough experience, knowledge, or training in diversity and equity issues to write effectively on the subject.

    It’s vital that lawyers and legal professionals have diversity training. Hopefully your law school has built diversity education and resources into its program.
    That said, maybe at the time of your application you don’t have that much knowledge or experience about the issues. In that case, it’s probably a good idea to hold off on writing a diversity statement. Instead, you could spend that time researching recent law articles on diversity topics or request a syllabus reading list from your chosen law school. That way you can get a head start on the work of diversity education, even if you’re not prepared to write an effective statement.

    These are just a few of the pros and cons of writing a statement. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if a diversity statement can advance your candidacy, or if your application is strong enough without one.

    How Do I Write a Diversity Statement?

    If you’re here, you’ve decided that writing a diversity statement is the right option for your law school application. Now you’re faced with the bigger challenge: outlining, drafting, and revising your statement.

    Here are some useful guidelines to get you started.

    Structure Tips

    Approach your diversity statement with a clear purpose in mind. Are you writing it because of a specific experience that has shaped your approach or inspired your interest in a specific field? Are you invested in pursuing a particular type of legal practice or course of study at that law school?

    Whatever the reason, it’s best to be upfront about it early in your diversity statement. Think of it as your opening statement, pun intended.

    1. 2. Define your approach to diversity, then explain what shaped that approach in the narrative that follows.

    “Diversity” is a big word. And while diversity in thought and practice centers on inclusivity, it’s crucial that you define your own approach to that practice. This definition is also helpful from a structural vantage point: once you outline your approach to diversity, you can make sure the rest of the narrative that follows supports that definition. For writing in general, it’s best practice to define the terms you’re using as a framework. This way, you’ve gotten your readers on the same page as you, and the rest of your writing will be clearer and cohesive. All the makings of great legal writing!

    1. 3. Use that narrative structure to connect your personal experience with your professional training and education.

    Your diversity statement might be very personal to you, and include very personal details. Or your diversity statement may center on education and professional training. Either is a great reason to write a diversity statement. But no matter what path your narrative takes, all roads lead back to your pursuit of legal studies – and your pursuit of legal studies at that law school, in particular. Many applicants get caught up in the details of their own narrative and forget their audience is an admissions committee. Law schools are invested in your stories, but they also need to know how they fit into your story and, in turn, how you fit into theirs. Make your case clear throughout your narrative. For example, you could cite specific courses you want to take that would help you advance skills you’ve already started. Or you could point out a legal society you’d like to join at the school that brings communities together around advocacy work that matters most to you. You could research that society’s recent and upcoming events, even its publications or press releases, to incorporate specific ways you’d want to get involved and do your part.

    Personal and professional narratives work best when they forge a connection with an audience. So don’t forget to center that connection as you tell your story.

    1. 4. Before you conclude, make sure you’ve outlined how your law school pursuits align with your diversity goals for growth and engagement.

    Building off of the previous tip, make sure that you end with a clear picture of how law school will help you advance your diversity goals. This is a great tip to revisit during the editing stage of your writing process. If, by the end of your read-through, it’s not clear (1) what your diversity goals are, and (2) how this law school will help you achieve them, you know you need to go back and edit your statement. The point to keep in mind here? Admissions committees need to leave your application with a firm grasp of how this school is right for you, and how you are right for them.

    Style Tips

    “Throughout time,” “the human condition,” “society as a whole.” The phrases your writing teacher warned you about? They all apply here. A diversity statement can’t possibly take us through a history of time, or define what we mean by something as lofty as “the human condition.” Your statement is short, so you need to take advantage of the space by telling your story, in your terms, as specifically as possible. And, given that your application is designed to make you stand out as a prospective student, it’s best to avoid any phrases that cast you back into the crowd.

    Similar to the previous tip, it’s important to offer concrete details wherever possible. When you make general or generalizing claims in a personal diversity statement, you’re losing valuable real estate. Give the admissions committee a specific glimpse into how you think, how you learn, how you write, how you approach justice and communities.

    1. 3. Eliminate filler words or unnecessary padding.

    Legal writing should be clear and to the point. As a prospective student, you should try to model that in your own application materials. That doesn’t mean eliminating turns of phrase or thick descriptions that give readers insight into your personality. It does mean cutting “filler” words from your prose. If you can rewrite a sentence the same way, but shorter? Do it! This is great practice for legal writing, but it’s also respectful of your readers. Admissions committees read a lot of applications, so great editing is a true kindness.

    1. 4. Be aware of your audience: be thoughtful in your word choice.

    Speaking of admissions committees…

    It’s important to remember that you’re writing for them. Even if your diversity statement is quite personal, your goal is to communicate your readiness to study law to a committee of experts. This means you need to be thoughtful in your word choice and focus. Lawyer jokes? Probably not a great idea. And, given that you’re writing a diversity statement, insensitive word choice is particularly glaring. Be thoughtful and deliberate in how you write your statement.

    How Long Should a Diversity Statement Be?

    Before you take advice from anything you read online, contact your law school admissions department first. They may have specific guidelines on how long your statement should be.

    That said, if no parameters exist, you could safely aim for one to two pages, single spaced, with 12 point font. That’s about 500 – 800 words.

    Ready to make real change? Stetson Law invites you to join our community of movers and shakers.

    As you research prospective law schools, consider Stetson Law. We offer a range of courses, programs and resources dedicated to building diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal community.

    We’re also here to answer any questions you may have about the program and admissions, including diversity statement guidelines! Contact us any time.

    Interested in J.D. from Stetson Law? Apply now.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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