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115 W Rainey Ave
Weatherford, OK 73096



Experts predict that a technology called POCUS will transform the practice of medicine. And, in a first for medical education in the eastern United States, the Lewis Katz School of Medicine has supplied the technology to every medical student in its classes of 2024 and 2025 within the same academic year.

Lewis Katz School of Medicine – Home Page

With three-and-a-half months of learning beneath them, the 34 students who comprise the Lewis Katz School of Medicine’s Physician Assistant Class of 2025 marked a milestone in their medical education and training.

Katz has been hosting the White Coat Ceremony for almost a decade, continuing the long-standing tradition of this momentous occasion for the MD class of 2027.

The Class of 2023 is the sixth to graduate since the PA program’s launch at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University.

Experts predict that a technology called POCUS will transform the practice of medicine. And, in a first for medical education in the eastern United States, the Lewis Katz School of Medicine has supplied the technology to every medical student in its classes of 2024 and 2025 within the same academic year.

Taking a major step forward in HIV research, Temple researchers have successfully edited SIV – a virus closely related to HIV, the cause of AIDS – from the genomes of non-human primates. This breakthrough brings the research team closer than ever to developing a cure for human HIV infection.

How to Get Into the Lewis Katz School of Medicine (2023)

Learn the Lewis Katz School of Medicine’s requirements, acceptance rate, and admissions strategies, plus an LKSOM secondary essay examples


Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Lewis Katz School of Medicine MD programs

Part 3: How hard is it to get into Lewis Katz School of Medicine?

Part 4: Lewis Katz School of Medicine secondary application essays (examples included)

Part 5: How are Lewis Katz School of Medicine applications evaluated?

Part 6: Lewis Katz School of Medicine interview

Part 1: Introduction

Founded in 1901, The Lewis Katz School of Medicine (LKSOM) became the first co-educational medical school in the state of Pennsylvania. Since then, they have developed a reputation for training not only biomedical scientists but also humanistic clinicians. With its unique location, LKSOM provides free and low-cost care to disadvantaged populations in Philadephia. Not only does LKSOM value service, but with its many specialized research centers investigating a range of illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Cardiovascular disease to Neurovirology, LKSOM stands at the forefront of the creation of physicians who demonstrate clinical excellence as well as intellectual curiosity. Furthermore, its new clinical skills and robotic simulation center is pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved through the pairing of medicine and technology. If you’re looking for a school that will foster your curiosity and assist your growth into a variety of interests, LKSOM has it all.

With LKSOM receiving 12,756 applications in the 2022-2023 year alone, it makes sense that you would be worried about how you stack up against all the competition. In this guide, we provide you with our high-yield tips founded on countless years of experience helping applicants get into the Lewis Katz School of Medicine

We’ll shed light on the different programs, admissions data, and requirements specific to LKSOM as we demystify the admissions process and what it takes to impress adcoms. On top of that, we will also cover LKSOM’s secondary application, with sample prompts, responses and our professional insight into why they work.

Part 2: Lewis Katz School of Medicine MD programs

Before diving into the nitty gritty of the application process, we think it’s important to highlight the different program offerings at LKSOM so you’re most informed. Their general curriculum consists of Phase 1—the first two years in which core scientific and biological concepts are taught—and years three and four, in which clinical clerkships and electives are undertaken. Phase 1 is organize as a “1-pass model,” where organ systems are studied in-depth in individual blocks. Overall, the teaching is longitudinally interwoven and interdisciplinary with a large amount of case-based learning. Additionally, LKSOM has a comprehensive global medicine program that consists of interactive learning, research, exposure to leaders in global medicine, and emergency disaster care.

LKSOM also offers a number of dual degree programs, such as:

  • MD/PhDProgram
    • This 7-8 year program is for students who not only want to be physicians, but also want to devote their time to a research project and develop into future physician-scientists. The research portion is to be completed between the preclinical and clinical years. The areas of concentration offered include: cancer biology & genetics, infectious disease & immunity, molecular & cellular biosciences, neuroscience, and organ systems & translational medicine.
    • MD/MA in Urban Bioethics Program
      • This unique offering at LKSOM offering an additional degree that focuses on the ethical challenges of health inequity in urban contexts. This program adds no extra time to the MD degree program and is designed to be completed within the standard 4 years.
      • MD/MBA
        • This program is offered alongside the Fox School of Business for those interested in healthcare as contextualized in a business environment and is also meant to be completed within the standard time frame.
        • MD/MPH
          • This program is offered in conjunction/cooperation with Temple University’s College of Public Health. Students are able to choose a single public health specialization from the following options: Epidemiology, Health & Policy Management, or Social & Behavioral Sciences. This dual degree program adds an additional year to the typical MD degree program and takes five years to complete.


          LKSOM is a bit unusual in that they have two campuses students can choose from – the North Philadelphia campus and the St. Luke’s Bethlehem campus.

          The North Philadelphia campus houses the schools of Pharmacy and Dentistry as well as the Medical Education and Research Building. Located close to downtown Philadelphia, students will experience how underserved populations are cared for in an urban setting and be able to complete rotations at St. Luke’s, clinical sites in the area, or at the world-renowled Temple University Hospital.

          The St. Luke’s Bethlehem campus offers high-quality medical education with a small-town feel and a focus on underserved populations. St. Luke’s is part of a health system serving western New Jersey and central Pennsylvania and students will participate in rotations at Temple Health hospitals near the end of the MD program.

          LKSOM Scholarships and Tuition

          Pursuing a medical education at LKSOM is a hefty investment with tuition costing $56,080 for in-state residents and $59,462 for out-of-state residents. However, the difference in tuition from in-state and out-of-state is not as significant as other institutions adding to LKSOM’s appeal to non-Pennsylvania residents. Additionally, LKSOM does have financial aid options to help support its students. Beyond loans, LKSOM also awards a number of scholarships which students are automatically considered for upon submission of the general medical school application for admission.

          Part 3: How hard is it to get into Lewis Katz School of Medicine?

          Getting into medical school is hard with the average medical school having an acceptance rate of around 3-5%. Gaining admission into LKSOM is particularly more difficult, with its acceptance rate hovering at ~ 1.5%. While this number seems daunting, with the information in this guide, you will be able to approach the application process with more confidence.

          The average MCAT and GPA for LKSOM in 2023 was 512 and 3.74 respectively. However, it’s important to note that scores are not everything and LKSOM has other ways that it evaluates applicants. Before we go there, it is pertinent to mention that LKSOM places an emphasis on service especially given its location in North Philadelphia – an underserved community. Therefore, in order to be successful, you should strive to demonstrate some form of commitment to service, community work, or caring for underserved populations in your application.

          LKSOM Admissions Requirements

          While LKSOM does not have a specific list of coursework that is an absolute requirement for admission, they do expect their students to demonstrate competency in the sciences and to be adequately prepared for medical school. This includes coursework in Biology, General and Organic Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology, Humanities, in addition to strong writing skills. Furthermore, it is preferred that such courses are not taken online with the exception of COVID affected coursework.

          As mentioned earlier, GPA and MCAT scores are not all-important and other components of the application bear significant weight including extracurricular activities that highlight a student’s other desirable attributes and competencies.

          These activities include volunteering, research, and shadowing experiences, much like other medical schools. Keep in mind, though, that they want to see commitment from their applicants, so just obtaining a bunch of different experiences to list on your application will not enhance your chances. Aim to demonstrate longevity in your extracurriculars to paint a clear picture of your interests and what you can bring to LKSOM. Your activities outside of the classroom are a fantastic place to showcase your commitment to underserved populations—often a key marker of a stand-out LKSOM candidate.

          Letters of Recommendation

          LKSOM requires its applicants to submit letters of recommendation from either of the following options: a premedical committee, a packet from school letter compilation service, or three individual letters. Furthermore, if submitting individual letters or a packet, they state that they prefer 3-6 letters. Of these letters, two should be from science professors (biology, chemistry, or physics) and one from a non-science professor, work experience, or service experience.

          Situational Judgment Test

          In addition to the standard application materials, LKSOM also requires its applicants to complete Casper – an open-response situational judgment test. Casper tests your personal characteristics by asking you to describe the negative effects of cyberbullying on society or for your thoughts about decriminalizing drug possession. These questions are accompanied by either text-based for video-based scenarios for you to comment on and is intended to give adcoms a deeper understanding of your sense of ethics, empathy and communication skills.

          LKSOM Application Timeline

          This section gives a brief overview of the timeline for application to LKSOM. LKSOM, like most US medical schools, uses AMCAS for their applications.

          • May 2, 2023: AMCAS application opens
          • May 30, 2023: first day AMCAS application can be submitted
          • December 15, 2023: AMCAS application deadlines
          • December 29, 2023: Transcript submission to AMCAS deadline
          • January 15, 2024: supplemental application, letters, and CASPer deadlines

          Interviews are held between September and April. Additionally, applicants will be considered for admission based on the campus (North Philadelphia or Bethlehem) selected in the supplemental application and this is binding. Admissions decisions are released in either November, January, March or at the end of the interview season.

          Part 4: LKSOM secondary application essays (examples included)

          Once you have submitted your primary application, LKSOM will send you their secondary application in which you will not only provide your campus selection, but also highlight more of your competencies and attributes that specifically apply to LKSOM. LKSOM is particularly seeking students with the following competencies:

          • Strong interpersonal skills
          • Ability to listen and take another’s point of view
          • Self-confidence
          • Compassionate
          • Socially conscious

          In the rest of this section, we’ll dive into the specific essay questions included in their application as well as example responses. After the sample responses, we will include information about why it is an effective response.

          Question 1: What is the nature of your interest in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine? (2000 characters)

          This is the standard “why us” question that many medical school’s ask. The best responses to these questions are not only specific to the institution, but also tie in the applicant’s experiences to the particulars of the program, exploring why they’re a good match.

          Here is an example of an effective response to this question:

          My ultimate interest in Lewis Katz School of Medicine distills down to its powerhouse research and clinical education. In 2014, scientists at Temple University’s School of Medicine were the first to isolate HIV, successfully removing the virus from human cells. This gestures towards a hopeful future, a future in which HIV/AIDS is not spoken of in doomful hushed tones the way it sometimes is now. More than anything, I want to be a part of that future.

          Though I am straight and cis, many of my friends are queer individuals trying to survive in a country that is often hostile to them. Aside from recent panics over innocuous dog whistles such as puberty blockers, the response evinced by the federal government to the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 1990s is exemplary of the US’s recent hostility towards LGTQ+ citizens. This pandemic was a health crisis that killed many people and destroyed two, three, four times as many lives of the family and loved ones left behind. Often individuals dying from AIDS suffered a painful death. Yet, a conservative government did not seem to care about the lives of its residents, exacerbating the HIV/AIDS crisis and stigma. Effects from this governmental misstep are still echoing today. Gay relationships are often thought of as “dirtier” than heterosexual relationships, and gay men are still forbidden from donating blood.

          My deep love for science, medicine, and research was catalyzed in early high school, the same way so many of these passions are. I took a few AP classes and a burgeoning interest quickly turned into an obsession. However, dovetailing with this newfound obsession, was my best friend coming out to us as gay. As such, the two have always been intertwined, like a strand of DNA. We can—and should—use STEM methodology and outcomes to better the lives of everyone, but especially for the most marginalized and the most vulnerable among us.

          What makes this an effective response?

          • This student gives clear reasons for wanting to attend LKSOM and points to its record of research with a specific example of a breakthrough isolating HIV. They then tie this into their personal interests and life experiences in a way that demonstrates their empathy, compassion, and passion for science as a tool to better the lives of others. This not only showcases their desire to become a physician, but highlights their commitment to service.

          Question 2: The Admissions Committee would like to know more about you. LKSOM seeks an engaged student body with a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and interests to enhance the medical school experience for everyone. Please use the space below to describe what makes you unique as an applicant, an obstacle that you had to overcome, or how you will contribute to the LKSOM community. (2000 characters)

          Question 3: Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected. (2000 characters)

          Question 4: What are your plans for the current year – June 2023 until June 2024? (2000 characters)

          Question 5: The Coronavirus pandemic has affected all of us. Please use this space to describe to us how you were impacted academically, personally or professionally by COVID-19. (2000 characters)

          Question 6: Have you completed a pathway/pipeline program offered through LKSOM or another medical school? These types of pathway/pipeline programs include Diversity Scholars, STEP-UP, Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) or other similar programs sponsored by a medical school. (Y/N)

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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