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Medical Schools In Boston

Medical Schools In Boston

To determine your competitiveness for a Massachusetts medical school you must review the average MCATs and GPAs for accepted students as well as the medical school acceptance rates. For out of state students, it is important to pay attention to how many out of state students are interviewed and what percentage are in the entering class each year.

Medical Schools In Massachusetts: Rankings & Information

Medical Schools in Massachusetts

There are four allopathic medical Massachusetts-based schools, three of which rank in the top fifty for research by US News and World Report , Harvard Medical School, Boston University and University of Massachusetts–Worcester. Massachusetts medical school’s have been extensively involved in research, so if you are looking for a research-oriented atmosphere to enrich your medical training, Massachusetts is a state worth looking into!

Massachusetts is a popular state for medical school applicants. With three medical schools located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts provides an opportunity to network with other students and to collaborate with physician leaders.

Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School and Umass medical school

Massachusetts is home to arguably the most famous medical school: Harvard Medical School.

Massachusetts is a popular state for medical school applicants. With three medical schools located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts provides an opportunity to network with other students and to collaborate with physician leaders.

Let’s take a look at all the medical schools in Massachusetts

Let’s take a look at all the medical schools in Massachusetts

Allopathic Medical Schools in Massachusetts:

How Competitive are you for Medical School Admissions in Massachusetts?

How Competitive are you for Medical School Admissions in Massachusetts?

To determine your competitiveness for a Massachusetts medical school you must review the average MCATs and GPAs for accepted students as well as the medical school acceptance rates. For out of state students, it is important to pay attention to how many out of state students are interviewed and what percentage are in the entering class each year.

So, how difficult is it to get accepted into a Massachusetts medical school? Let’s review the data. Below are the average MCAT scores and GPAs, interview rates for in state and out of state applicants, acceptance rates, percent of entering class that is in state, and tuition for all medical schools in Massachusetts.

Admissions Statistics for Allopathic Medical Schools in Massachusetts

Admissions Statistics for Allopathic Medical Schools in Massachusetts

Boston University of Medicine

GPA 3.83
MCAT 518
Interview rate(s) 20.5% in-state | 11.9% out-state
Acceptance Rate N/A
Percent of Entering Class In State 16.6%
Tuition $59,938

Harvard Medical School

GPA 3.92
MCAT 519
Interview rate(s) 28.5% in-state | 11.8% out-state
Acceptance Rate 3.5%
Percent of Entering Class In State 19.6%
Tuition $61,535
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Tufts University School of Medicine

GPA 3.73
MCAT 514
Interview rate(s) 19.7% in-state | 8.5% out-state
Acceptance Rate 5.5%
Percent of Entering Class In State 21.9%
Tuition $61,464

University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester)

GPA 3.78
MCAT 514
Interview rate(s) 51.5% in-state, 10.6% out-state
Acceptance Rate 9%
Percent of Entering Class In State 67.8%
Tuition In-state: $36,678, Out-state: $61,478

Massachusetts Medical School Acceptance: Increase your chances

Massachusetts Medical School Acceptance: Increase your chances

So, what can you do to increase your chances of getting accepted into a Massachusetts medical school?

It is important to take note that most of the Massachusetts medical schools, Boston University, Harvard Medical School, and Tufts Medical School, are “out-of-state friendly schools.” In other words, their incoming classes are primarily made up of out-of-state students. When evaluating how competitive you are, be honest with yourself. Are your MCAT and GPA close to the metrics for accepted students? If not, consider retaking your MCAT or enhancing your GPA. Several of the Massachusetts medicals schools have MCAT averages above the 90%, so consider this when generating a list of schools you want to apply to. If you are interested in pursuing a MD/MPH or MD/PhD, make sure to check that the schools you apply to offer these special programs. Although the process of applying to medical school is immensely rigorous and overwhelming, you should only go to a school which you believe will shape you into the clinician you want to be.

Medical Schools in Massachusetts: How to Get In (2023)

Which are the best medical schools in Massachusetts? Discover the Massachusetts medical schools rankings, plus strategies to get into the Massachusetts medical school of your choice

Medical Schools In Boston

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: List of medical schools in Massachusetts: 2023 rankings and admissions statistics

Part 3: Massachusetts medical school profiles

Part 4: Massachusetts medical school admissions strategies

Appendix A: Massachusetts medical schools by degree type

Appendix B: Massachusetts medical schools by institution type

Appendix C: Massachusetts medical schools by region

Part 1: Introduction

Located in the heart of New England, Massachusetts is notable for its rich history (the American Revolution started there), its fantastic sports teams (the Boston Celtics and Red Sox, to name a couple), and its many famous vacation destinations, including Nantucket, Cape Cod, and Martha’s Vineyard. It is also a proud host to four world-recognized medical schools, including the best-ranked program in the country, Harvard Medical School.

Whether you elect to attend medical school in the bustling city of Boston or in the more suburban environment of Worcester, you will receive a terrific medical education at each of Massachusetts’ academically excellent institutions.

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In this guide, we’ll go over the statistics, strengths, and distinct characteristics of each of the four Massachusetts medical schools, with the hopes of helping you select the right program for you. This informed approach will allow you to prepare strong application materials and optimize your likelihood of receiving an admissions offer from the Massachusetts medical school of your choice.

Part 2: List of medical schools in Massachusetts: 2023 rankings and admissions statistics

We’ve compiled various statistics related to Massachusetts medical schools, including their rankings, locations, and average GPAs and MCAT scores. While gathering this information, a few main takeaways were observed:

  • All four Massachusetts medical schools appear in the 2023 U.S. News Best Medical Schools (Research) ranking, with three in the top 50 and one in the top 5.
  • Massachusetts’ one public medical school (the University of Massachusetts T.H. Chan School of Medicine) has a high percentage of in-state residents in its first-year class.
  • Massachusetts medical schools boast high academic statistics; Tufts University School of Medicine has the lowest average GPA and MCAT score at 3.8 and 515.

In the table below, each Massachusetts medical school’s national ranking is listed inside parentheses, whereas each school’s relative rank is shown outside parentheses. Relative rankings help us answer the question, “Which are the ‘best’ medicals school in Massachusetts?”

(Note: We strongly recommend that you sign up for MSAR for the most up-to-date information on MD programs and that you sign up for Choose DO for DO program data.)

Massachusetts Medical Schools U.S. News Ranking Location Degree Year Est. Annual Tuition & Fees Avg. GPA Avg. MCAT Interview Rate First-Year Class Size
Harvard Medical School 1 (1) Boston MD 1782 $68,123 IS
$68,123 OOS
3.95 520 15.3% IS
9.1% OOS
164 (11.6% IS)
Boston University School of Medicine 2 (32) Boston MD 1848 $65,890 IS
$65,890 IS
3.86 519 12.5% IS
8.3% OOS
151 (12.6% IS)
University of Massachusetts T.H. Chan School of Medicine* 3 (47) Worcester MD 1962 $38,661 IS
$64,980 OOS
3.82 516 44.7% IS
13.3% OOS
162 (66.0% IS)
Tufts University School of Medicine 4 (56) Boston MD 1893 $65,854 IS
$65,854 OOS
3.8 515 11.5% IS
5.4% OOS
195 (22.1% IS)

*Public medical schools in Massachusetts | UR: Unranked | IS: In-state | OOS: Out-of-state | NA: Not available

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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