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Medical Student Email Signature

Most students will approve that it would be better if you include your study year or the year you’ll be graduating from class in place of “MD candidate.” The latter tends to sound too snobby and pretentious.

5 Tips to Create an Email Signature for Medical Students

Email Signature for Medical Students

Alright, we all have seen email truly proving its status as being an indispensable means of communication amid both academics and businesses. And the medical field and practice are certainly no exception to the trend. Email signatures for medical students are more common now than ever.

Students and faculty members widely use emails as a communication method in medical education because of the many educational and practical advantages it offers.

Now whether you’re using an email signature to let people know who is contacting them and for what purposes or you’re trying to reach out to various people in the medical field for research opportunities, email signatures for medical students play a vital role.

Don’t know how to craft a medical student email signature the right way? The good news is this is exactly what we’ll be talking about today.

But first, let’s chat a little about what really is an email signature and why medical students need it, shall we?

What is an Email Signature?

Ever come across a professional email and noticed a signature attached to the very end of the email? Yes. That’s right. That’s an email signature, a tiny block of text attached to an email’s end, usually including the recipient’s name, contact information, email address, and/or website URL.

More than just a tiny block of text, email signatures have indeed become more of a selling point for you and your company and serves as the epitome of your branding strategy.

Why Do Medical Students Need It?

But, what does an email signature have to do with the medical field, you must be wondering…

So, the primary reason medical students would need email signatures is for something as simple as basic etiquette. Also, it is the best way to let somebody know who is trying to contact them and in what context.

Few other reasons an email signature can be of help for medical students are:

  1. Contacting faculty staff members or professors
  2. Trying to reach out to potential people regarding research opportunities
  3. Getting in touch with members of the public or the press.

So, having an email signature for the email recipient section to refer to can instantly add a hint of professionalism to your email right at first glance.

As a result, the person reading the message will most likely respond to you favorably and positively. Sometimes, an email signature can even be used as a teaching tool in medical education to foster excellent communication skills and develop a sense of professionalism amongst medical students.

5 Quick Tips for Crafting a Medical Student Email Signature

According to a study, most medical students don’t write professional emails, and the most vital thing they often get wrong is their email signature. Crafting a good medical student email signature can take you a long way.

Luckily, a medical student email signature is really not something you need to fret too much about. Compared to other medical college commitments, it is relatively easier to create your email signature.

In this article, we look at 5 easy, simple, and quick tips that you can think of implementing however you like.

Ready? Let’s Begin!

1. Look at the Brand Standards of your School/College

If you need some guidance and don’t know where to start, check out the brand standards information at your respective medical school/college. Usually, you’ll find this section somewhere on the institute’s official website or probably, under the policies and guidance information.

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You can get some instructions or directions here that shed light on the best practices to create a professional medical school email signature.

With an email signature, you’ll actually serve as a brand ambassador for your medical school or college and represent your institute. So, create an email signature that your respective school will personally be satisfied with.

2. Ask the Staff Members or Physicians in your University’s Medical Education Office

Let’s suppose your medical school or college doesn’t have a point of contact or anything to refer to with which you can create a medical student email signature.

Then your next option would be to turn to the staff or physicians working in your school, college, or university’s medical education office.

See what they have to say in this matter and try gaining some insights in terms of what you should include in your medical student email signature and what you should skip out.

3. Year of Study vs. Graduating Year vs. MD Candidate

There’s been some intense debate going on among medical students regarding whether it is appropriate to add in a title such as “MD candidate” in a med student email signature.

Technically speaking, it is not right to include it, as the term “candidate” is generally reserved for Ph.D. students. However, there’s a chance some medical schools will ask you to add this to your email signature.

Most students will approve that it would be better if you include your study year or the year you’ll be graduating from class in place of “MD candidate.” The latter tends to sound too snobby and pretentious.

4. Use Your Email Signature for Formal and Professional Emails

There isn’t really a need to include your email signature in all your outbound emails. Email signatures are a formal thing, and using it every single time – that’s just overkill!

Only use it when you try to reach out to people formally. Or else, just sign off your informal emails with your first name. Also, establish a specific context by focusing on who you are, why you are approaching, and what you are enquiring about, right in the first paragraph.

5. Keep Things Simple

Here are just a few things there’s absolutely no need for medical students to include in their email signature are:

  • GPA
  • MCAT Score
  • Step scores
  • Any medical student or medical school-related quotes
  • Any future statements regarding goals or ambition (such as entitling yourself as a future cardiac surgeon) because it only comes across as a sign of prudence and arrogance.

So, you should always keep things simple while crafting your med student email signature. Just stick to basic information like:

  • Both names (first name and surname)
  • Graduating year/years of study
  • Institute name

And that’s just about it. Your medical student email signature is good to go.

Get Your Email Signature in just 60 seconds with YourEmailSignature.

The magic of email signature services can be reflected in its user-friendly platform, through which you can easily, quickly, and efficiently create your email signature online.

Amongst one of these platforms is Hatima, an excellent online platform that provides email signature creation services. We created this service due to the technicalities of crafting an email signature and the need and desire to form a distinctive signature that can serve as a means of forming an initial acquaintance with your recipients.

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Want to know the best part?

There’s absolutely no need to register yourself with the site or commit to this service. You just need to:

  • Include your name, contact info, and email address.
  • Upload an image or a logo
  • Type in your website and social networking address
  • Design your digital email signature that best matches your business field.

As simple as it sounds, it’s true. Creating email signatures has never been easier!

Our Final Thoughts…

Surely, you must be relieved that setting up a professional medical student email signature doesn’t take too much time or thinking. Just like you set up your LinkedIn profile, medical students can profoundly benefit from this formality.

A med student email signature tends to add professionalism because it can be directly linked with good etiquette. So what are you waiting for? Create your signature now with our easy-to-use email signature generator and maintain your medical professionalism at its best!

Medical Student Email Signature

Email Signature For Graduate Students | An Ultimate Guide

Do you want some helpful tips to make it more successful? If yes, then here, we have mentioned a complete guide on an email signature for graduate students.

How To Design an Email Signature

How To Design an Email Signature

Whether you are writing an email for an internship, a job, or even a business meeting, a professional email signature at the end can leave a solid impression.

Email Signature for Job Seekers

Email Signature for Job Seekers

You can be a fresher or expert and still in need of a job. Nevertheless, writing a cover letter and attaching your resume is essential, but an email

Email Signatures

There is no official standard regarding email signatures. When setting up your email signature, we encourage you to follow the Feinerg brand guidelines and to refer to the below overall guidance as a baseline. You may customize your signature to fit the needs of your unit/department.

Overall Best Practices


Less is more. Email signatures should be under 10 lines. You’ll want to consider including the following information when creating your signature:

  • First and last name
  • Personal pronouns (optional)
  • Title
  • School and University names
  • Preferred contact method

Fonts and Styling

  • The use of our alternate font, Calibri, is encouraged. The use of our brand fonts is not recommended, as they are likely not installed on an external recipient’s device and may not show correctly.
  • A legible size (such as 11-pt type) with minimal colored text is recommended.
  • Some simple adjustments can give your signature a professional look with some visual hierarchy choices for emphasis. This includes:
    • Bolding your first and last name.
    • Using Northwestern Medicine purple (R=81, G=70, B =137 or Hex: #514689) for the Feinberg name to put emphasis on the institution.

    Refer to this page on for detailed instructions on setting up a signature.

    Backgrounds, Graphics and Images

    • Backgrounds increase storage size, slow down the loading process and do not meet accessibility requirements.
    • Some users block automatic image downloads and may miss important information if it’s in an image.
    • Images in email signatures can add to the size of the file and may make loading your email slower and more cumbersome for recipients.
    • Due to standard privacy settings, many email clients store images as attachments rather than displaying them.
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Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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