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Mmi Test

Mmi Test

Many medical schools are now conducting MMIs virtually. “If you participate in a virtual interview process, make sure you cover the basics,” says Glen Fogerty. “For example, ensure you have a stable connection, find a quiet area to conduct your interview, use a professional background, test how you will be seen online, and record yourself practicing a few questions to see how you come across. These few extra steps can make a significant difference during the real interview,” Glen adds.
For the most updated information on each school’s interview format, you can refer to the Medical School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR®) Interview Policies Report .

MMI Interviews

Many Medical Schools use an MMI format to interview candidates. So what does this mean and how can you prepare for MMIs?

  • See which Med Schools use MMIs
  • Find out what MMIs are and how they run
  • Learn what Med Schools want to see from MMIs
  • Get tips for standing out in MMIs
  • Discover the best ways to prepare for MMIs

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    • Online Interviews
    • Traditional/Panel
    • MMI
    • Role Play Stations
    • Professional Judgement Stations
    • Communication Stations
    • Prioritisation Stations
    • Calculation and Data Stations
    • PBL Stations
    • MMI Interview Questions
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    The most popular type of Medicine interview is the MMI, and your interview prep should definitely include this.

    MMIs are popular because they help interviewers to assess many different soft skills, and get a better picture of you as a candidate. Plus, you’ll get multiple opportunities to impress during the different stations.

    Which Medical Schools Use MMIs?

    The following Medical Schools typically use MMIs:

    Medical Schools
    Aberdeen Anglia Ruskin
    Aston Birmingham
    Brighton and Sussex Bristol
    Buckingham Brunel
    Cardiff Edge Hill
    Edinburgh Exeter
    Hull York Imperial
    Keele Kent & Medway
    King’s College London Sheffield
    Lancaster Leeds
    Leicester Manchester
    Newcastle Norwich
    Nottingham Plymouth
    Queen’s University Belfast St. Andrews
    St George’s Sunderland
    UCL Dundee
    UCLan Warwick

    What Is An MMI Interview?

    MMI stands for Multiple Mini Interviews. It’s when you’re put through several short assessments – ‘stations’ – that usually last 10 minutes or less. Before each one, you’ll be presented with a scenario and given a bit of time to prepare an answer.

    You’ll either be asked a question by an interviewer or have to engage in a role-play scenario with an actor whilst an interviewer watches. As such, it’s very different to a traditional panel interview.

    Here are the key things you need to know about MMIs:

    • MMI interviews usually last around two hours
    • Most include 10 MMI stations or less
    • Each station is typically 10 minutes or less

    The Most Popular MMI Prep

    Experience the 20-station MMI Circuit attended by 1000s every year

    MMIs For 2024 Entry

    For 2024 entry, some Medical Schools are continuing to run their MMIs online, while most will return to in-person MMIs. When you receive an invite to interview, make sure you check the details carefully.

    Online MMIs

    If your MMI is taking place online, you will need to make sure you’re prepared with the correct software to use. Is the Medical School using Zoom? Microsoft Teams? Blackboard Collaborate? Your invitation should contain this information.

    You’ll also need to ensure you have access to a reliable device and a quiet room, with good WiFi, to do your online MMI without any disruptions.

    You can learn more about what to expect in our guide to online interviews.

    MMI Stations

    MMIs will vary by university, but some common MMI stations that you could face include:

    • Role-play stations
    • Professional judgement stations
    • Prioritisation stations
    • Giving instruction stations
    • Calculation and data interpretation stations
    • PBL stations

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    What Are Medical Schools Looking For?

    MMI interviews are about showing your interviewer what you’re capable of doing, rather than just telling them. It’s a chance for you to show that you’ve got what it takes to be a medical practitioner — not just the grades and know-how, but the right attitude and skills as well.

    The Medical School is testing your ability to make ethical and informed decisions, as well as your critical thinking and communication skills. They will also be interested in your knowledge of current healthcare and social issues, which our NHS Hot Topics guide will help with.

    How Can I Stand Out At My MMI Interview?

    As well as being well prepared, bear in mind these tips on how to approach your MMI on the day:

    • Be confident. You’ve got every reason to be!
    • Ask if you need clarification, rather than trying to answer a question you haven’t fully understood.
    • Listen carefully to the question. Your interviewer will often provide cues or prompts designed to direct you and give you key bits of information.
    • Be sensitive and compassionate. MMIs are designed to test your communication skills.
    • Don’t second-guess the answer. There are often no right answers – it’s your explanation that they’re interested in.
    • Don’t be tempted to prepare answers in advance. It’s much better to carefully think through the question or scenario you’re presented with.

    How Can I Prepare For My MMI Interview?

    • Make sure you know how to discuss your work experience. Reflect on it and use specific examples in your answers.
    • Understand what it takes to be a good Doctor. Make a list of qualities and practise demonstrating them in your responses.
    • Practise giving 8-minute answers in response to common MMI interview questions. This will help with time management on the day.
    • Make sure you understand key concepts of medical ethics, like the four pillars and patient confidentiality.
    • Keep up-to-date with medical news and familiarise yourself with NHS Hot Topics. Some questions may be inspired by stories or debates in the media.
    • Get some help. MMI interviews have a very specific format and are hard to practise alone, so it’s worth attending our MMI circuits.
    • Consider working with a Med School interview tutor who can help you focus on improving your performance – or book a mock interview to get some detailed feedback.

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    What it’s Like to Participate in Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs)

    The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) is designed to assess communication skills, specifically verbal and nonverbal skills that cannot be measured by standardized exams or transcripts.

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    Two individuals sitting on a couch facing toward each other and speaking, as if they are in the middle of an interview.

    What is a Multiple Mini Interview or MMI?

    The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI), developed by McMaster University, is an interview format that consists of a series of 6-10 interview stations, each focused on a different question or scenario. The MMI is designed to measure competencies like oral communication, social and non-verbal skills, and teamwork that are important indicators of how an applicant will interact with patients and colleagues as a physician. In addition to admissions officers, interviewers may include community members, professors, and physicians practicing in the local area.

    “An MMI feels less like an interrogation and more like a series of short networking sessions where you get the chance to show your true self,” says Daniel Macias, a second-year medical student at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. “It is not uncommon for an MMI to simply become an interesting conversation between you and the interviewer.” In addition, he adds, “the best thing about MMIs is that even if you feel like you did bad in one interview, you can take a breather and start a new interview fresh and ready to go. My best advice is to just be yourself, and trust that giving your true opinions and responses will always be better than giving a cookie cutter answer.”

    Why do some admissions committees use this format?

    Based on the research, schools using the MMI format believe it produces a more reliable assessment of a candidate and limits interview biases due to the number of interactions. Because students interact with multiple interviewers in multiple assessments over the course of the MMI, opinions of a single interviewer are not over-emphasized. The MMI allows applicants several opportunities to showcase their skills throughout the interview, unlike a traditional one-on-one interview. “We appreciate the process is grounded in theory, supported through research, and has continually allowed us to support our goal of having true community involvement in our admission decisions,” says Glen T. Fogerty, PhD, Associate Dean of Admissions & Student Services at the University of Arizona College of Medicine- Phoenix. An MMI-style interview can also give applicants additional opportunities to assess if a medical school is right for them, as they meet many members of that medical school’s community.

    Daniel Macias says, “ In comparison to traditional interviews, the MMI provides a more robust opportunity to gauge your compatibility with a medical school and its faculty, even though you have a much shorter period of time with individual committee members. Schools will tailor their MMI questions to address important aspects related to their mission statements and goals. As a result, I left some MMIs feeling like I had more in common with a school than I originally thought. Similarly, I left other MMIs questioning if I really wanted to attend a particular school or not. The MMI let me understand what an institution stands for and what it wants from its students. Although the gauntlet of MMIs left me feeling exhausted, I finished the interview period feeling confident I made a more impactful impression and more certain about my feelings for each school.”

    What is the format? How long does it take?

    Typically, interviews are conducted over a period of nearly two hours. Each mini interview includes a two-minute prep period before engaging in a conversation that lasts between five to eight minutes.

    “ The MMI is a showcase of attributes that align with our institution’s mission. After the MMI, students have shared with us they felt their ‘fit’ was best aligned with our school of medicine as a result of their interview experience. We choose questions, for example, that assess empathy. The characteristics we discuss with students during the MMI are the foundations of our curriculum. By the end of the MMI process, students respond to a diverse range of topics and leave behind different reflections of themselves ,” says Christina Cormier, MS, Director of Admission and Outreach at Anne Burnett Marion School of Medicine at Texas Christian University.

    Many medical schools are now conducting MMIs virtually. “If you participate in a virtual interview process, make sure you cover the basics,” says Glen Fogerty. “For example, ensure you have a stable connection, find a quiet area to conduct your interview, use a professional background, test how you will be seen online, and record yourself practicing a few questions to see how you come across. These few extra steps can make a significant difference during the real interview,” Glen adds.
    For the most updated information on each school’s interview format, you can refer to the Medical School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR®) Interview Policies Report .

    What kind of topics are covered in the MMI?

    As with any interview, the MMI is designed to evaluate verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well as provide additional information that is helpful in gauging a student’s readiness for medicine.

    Glen T. Fogerty, PhD, adds, “Topics covered are wide-ranging and individualized toward each medical school’s end goal. Some schools seek out critical thinking skills, some ask about current events, others put an emphasis on role playing, and some may just open it up and see where the conversation goes. No matter the topic or the conversation, all medical schools are seeking strong cultural fits so do your homework before walking in that door!”

    What is the best way to prepare for the MMI?

    The MMI does not test specific knowledge. The format is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their interpersonal and critical thinking skills. The best way to prepare is to practice expressing yourself articulately and logically in a timed environment.

    “ I prepared for my MMI sessions the same way I prepared for one-on one interviews. I reviewed each program website and made note of aspects of the curriculum, mission statement or themes that really resonated with me,” says Shannon Alsobrooks, a second-year medical student at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. She continues, “Then during the MMI, I would find ways to work those aspects into my discussion with the interviewer. I also reflected on my personal experiences and motivations, so that when applicable, I could loop those into the conversation as well.”

    Daniel Macias says, “ The best way to prepare is to look up and practice answering old MMI questions from various medical schools; bonus points if they are from the schools you will interview at. The point of this is not to have a rehearsed answer ready to go, but to practice thinking about a challenging concept and responding in a thoughtful, organized way.” Daniel adds, “Find someone you can practice answering questions with and ask them for feedback; they will be able to tell you if you sound awkward and will point out where you can improve. Finally, remember that others can tell when you believe what you are saying. Giving a passionate response that shows what you believe will leave a more memorable impact.”

    If during the MMI you encounter a particularly challenging question that you are not sure how to respond to, you can start by sharing your thought process with the interviewer. This will give you time to collect your thoughts. Also, “oftentimes interviewers are more interested in the way you think about a prompt than the actual final answer you give,” says Daniel Macias.

    Common virtual MMI interview stations/topics:

    • Traditional one-on-one interviews with various admissions officers or faculty
    • An ethical scenario station involving questions about social and policy implications.

    In-person MMI interviews may also include the following interview stations/topics:

    • A station focused on scenarios involving interactions with an actor or a medical school’s standardized patient.
    • An essay writing station; this station may take longer than the others.
    • A teamwork station where candidates must work together to complete a task.
    • A “rest” station to help students catch their breath and relax between stations.
Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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