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Natural Health Memes

Reiki is a Japanese form of “energy healing” based on qi (“chi”), what practicioners call a “universal life force”.

15+ Amusing Alternative Medicine Memes

Alternative medicine isn’t something a lot of medical doctors take seriously. It’s got a bit of a bad rep, has some questionable evidence behind its claims and is generally just a bit irritating for anyone who’s ever sat in a pharmacology class.

So perhaps it’s time for a bit more fun at alternative medicine’s expense.

I’ve put 15 (and a couple of bonus) memes together here, in the hopes of bringing a bit of brightness to your doctoring day.

P.S. Don’t get tetchy if you’re in to alt/complementary med – we go after traditional med just as much!

Attributions where possible.

Alternative Medicine Memes

Feel free to share the following on Instagram or even add them as something cool to put into your med-related presentation slides.

1. For The Sake Of Our Family

r/medicalschool - [meme] For the sake of our family

Sometimes, despite all that schooling, you just have to keep the peace…

2. “Alternative medicine”

r/memes - Virus: *breaks out* Anti vax moms:

I have a feeling the anti-vax movement is going to be a recurring theme here…

3. Gone But Not Forgotten

Natural Health Memes

Yep, didn’t disappoint.

If only they sat in on some microbiology classes…

4. Goodbye Ayurveda…

Image result for ayurveda memes

Familiar meme, unfamiliar concept.

Alternative medicine practicioners aren’t always loyal to their professions. There’s hope yet!

Allopathic = traditional med.

5. The Healing Power Of Crystals

r/medicalschool - The healing power of crystals [x-post from /r/geology]

A very important public service announcement!

6. Should Have Gone Into Chiropractic

Natural Health Memes

Chiropractor’s straddle that thin line between half-way legit and full blown quackery.

Although I’d agree they definitely have their place in med, we can still poke fun at them right?

Bonus Chiropractor Meme….Just When You Thought Chiropractors Couldn’t Be More Cringe Worthy

r/medicalschool - Just when I thought Chiropractors couldn

Class hours don’t equal total amount of hours (outside of class) studying for insanely hard exams.

As one Redditor puts it, “heart of a doctor, grades of a communication major that didn’t study.”

7. Alternative Medicine Be Like…

Natural Health Memes

I have to admit, I’m in no hurry to try this….

Got to respect the transparent marketing though.

8. Stabbing Someone Can Make Things Better

Image result for acupuncture memes

Maybe there’s something in acupuncture afterall?

But not according to this Harvard Medical School article [1]:

Unfortunately, many studies show that the potential benefits of acupuncture are short-lived. In my experience, I put acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic interventions in the same bucket. You may feel better for a day or two, but there is limited lasting improvement.

And yes, it does take into account those questionable Chinese studies suggesting otherwise…

Bonus Acupuncture Meme

Image result for acupuncture memes

And also you kinda look like this…

9. Oh Really Reiki?

Image result for reiki memes

Reiki is a Japanese form of “energy healing” based on qi (“chi”), what practicioners call a “universal life force”.

Wikipedia is pretty brutal about it:

Clinical research does not show reiki to be effective as a treatment for any medical condition, including cancer, diabetic neuropathy, or anxiety and depression, therefore it should not replace conventional medical treatment. There is no proof of the effectiveness of reiki therapy compared to placebo. Studies reporting positive effects have had methodological flaws.

Bonus Reiki Meme

Image result for reiki memes

But it can be quite funny!

10. Homeopathy Cures Everything

Image result for homeopathy memes

The NHS website describes homeopathy as:

….a “treatment” based on the use of highly diluted substances, which practitioners claim can cause the body to heal itself.

The quotations say everything you need to know.

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About as effective for ailments as it is putting out a fire.

11. Essential Oils?

Natural Health Memes

Even John Hopkins Medicine says “essential oils (aromatherapy) can make a positive impact on your health and well-being as long as you use them in a safe way.”

Can’t imagine this scent would have much impact on the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain though…

Dark Bonus Aromatherapy Meme

r/memes - The last thing an unvaccinated child sees before they die covered in essential oils

And this meme is particularly savage about it.

12. Naturopathy Shots Fired

May be an image of 1 person and smiling

If you don’t believe drugs can heal diseases then you don’t have to learn any science.

I want to go to that med school instead…

13. The Original “Alternative Medicine”

r/EuropeanHistoryMemes - The original

Back in my day, we scammed people while wearing some really awesome masks…

14. An Anti-vaxxer’s Kids

Natural Health Memes

Say your prayers, take your vitamins and maybe get a vaccine?

15. Responsible Adulting

r/dankmemes - oh, didnt know that

Not everyone’s against the anti-vax crowd!

Final Thoughts: Alternative Medicine Memes

Complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) are easy cheap shots.

But if it works for you and you find some benefit? Then who am I (or anyone) else to judge.

I’m all for whatever makes you feel better.

If you enjoyed these memes make sure you check out some of these posts too.

33 Super True Mental Health Memes You’ll Probably Relate To

mental health memes

Although relatable humor about traumas can reduce one’s loneliness, it is still debatable how medicinal they can be. Almost a decade ago, awareness of mental breakdown was quite low and people did not talk much about it as it was considered taboo.

However, recently people have started talking about it openly. On social media platforms, you’re just as likely to come across references to depression as you are on medical forums, and mental state memes have seen to grow in popularity as more and more people relate to it.

While positive mental health can be treated by laughter, it is also treatable through improved collaboration and communication among teams. This is why we suggest that you sign up on Chanty for free today and enhance collaboration between teams.

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As we begin with a relatable mental breakdown meme, we want to remind you that laughter is the best medicine. It’s actually true!

Laughter has numerous psychological, and emotional advantages, some of which may surprise you. It can help improve your immunity and attitude by releasing serotonin, strengthening blood flow, and much more.

Without further ado, we present you the most relatable mental health memes – hoping to make you laugh.

Therapy works – at least in mental breakdown memes

While most people have taken advantage of therapy, there are still some of us who need the reassurance of the fact that we will most definitely make it through the hurdles.

As part of that, first comes a therapy-related mental breakdown meme. Although therapy itself might not be so funny, the memes definitely are!

Gotta look sane in front of the therapist or they will think something is wrong with me. Oh wait, I’m already there to seek help.

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mental breakdown memes

Haha, the advisor should definitely be a therapist!

mental breakdown meme

mental health memes

Oops, that escalated quickly…

mental health meme

Same boy, same! We are also as shocked as you are at our problems.

It better work fast now!

mental state memes

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Socially awkward – let’s experience unworldly vibes in humor

Remember the socially awkward puberty phase we all went through? The phase continued to grow for some of us for different reasons. Even though being socially awkward can cause a cringe-worthy urge in your stomach, we assure you that these mental breakdown memes will unfold laughter from your stomach.

It’s a pretty busy schedule though!

mental state meme

mental breakdown memes

Maybe we need to call Rapunzel for help now.

mental breakdown meme

The struggle is real

mental state memes

Ignorance is bliss.

mental state meme

At least you’re doing it all!

mental health state memes

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Feeling anxious? Let’s combat it with self-defeating humor

Aahh, is there a better way to feel less anxious than self-defeating humor? At least we think that nothing can go wrong with this kind of humor and we are lighting up with hope. So bring it on Mamma Mia.. or should we say, here we go again?

Am I even normal to feel normal?

mental health state meme

I won’t argue any further, damn you always win Pal!

mental breakdown memes

All night, every night!!

mental exhaustion

Ohhh look, we’ve got guests over.

High fives always make things better.

Humorously self-actualizing yourself

Even if the intent is humorous, at least we are self-actualizing ourselves. Great minds once said that self-reflection is the key to success. In this case, it might not be the success we are hoping for, but it is definitely a good laugh. And what’s better medicine than laughter?

Haha, no matter how I am doing – I will still always be there for you, pal! Also, maybe next time I should take my own advice too.

mental anguish

The master of self-actualization… Ain’t it, Maslow?

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Might be dead soon though…

mental block

Do I have a multiple personality disorder?

 mental blocks

what does mental state mean

The “of course I am fine clad”

One of the most detrimental phrases of mankind’s history is “I’m fine”. This casual phrase has now become the center of attention for many mental health memes. Here’s to all the humor directed towards saying “I’m fine”…but are you really?

At least you captured it worthwhile for a mental health meme.

Employee mental breakdown

Still don’t fail to look so cute!

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meme about mental health

memes about mental breakdown

Chanty’s favorite-ably relatable

Of course, we also have some favorites! Here are all the memes that we can relate to and maybe you can too?

meme about mental breakdown

Maybe the wings will make me flyyyyy!

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memes about mental exhaustionmeme about mental exhaustion

mental state

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And with that..

We hope our collection of mental health memes made you smile! Let us know which one is your favorite and most relatable in the comments section below. You can also share some memes with us on our Social Media.

Moreover, we would also like to take this opportunity to support those who suffer from depression. Chanty hopes and wishes you a very good mental space.

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Chanty is a team collaboration hub with unlimited searchable message history. Chanty offers team communication, audio calling, video conferencing and task management with the help of the Kanban board.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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