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Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

Working out

    What Kind Of Doctor Should You Be?

    We’ve all had fantasies of a career in medicine, especially after watching shows like ER and Grey’s Anatomy. But which medical field should you pursue? Take the quiz to find out!

    Types of Doctors

    There’s no denying that certain personality traits tend to match up with specific medical specialties. While people with certain traits may tend to gravitate toward specific specialties, that doesn’t mean you won’t excel if you don’t have the exact personality type common to doctors in your specialty.

    What were you like in high school?

    • I was a good student but not that popular
    • I was a leader
    • I was the class clown
    • People thought I was weird

    What do you do when faced with a crisis?

    • I dive right in and take care of it
    • Get help from my parents
    • I try to deal with the problem in a calm, methodical way
    • I treat it like a game and try to make it fun

    Which of these things scare you the most?

    • Having to give a public speech
    • Not being able to have kids
    • The thought of telling a joke that offends people
    • Failing in my career

    Which of these hobbies do you enjoy most?

    • Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz


    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

    Hanging out with my family

    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz


    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

    Working out

    What would keep you from running for public office?

    • Too many skeletons in my closet
    • I wouldn’t want to subject my family to all that pressure
    • I would be too nervous making all those appearances
    • Too much responsibility
    • With all that time on the road, my pets would miss me

    You have mice in your home. How do you handle the problem?

    • Set up traps
    • Adopt the mice as my pets!
    • Let my significant other take care of it
    • Google “mice” and study their habits so I can deal with the problem

    Which of these insults have you ever been called?

    • Snob
    • Immature
    • Boring
    • Hyperactive

    What did you fantasize about being when you were a kid?

    • President
    • An astronaut
    • A cowboy or cowgirl
    • Having a big family

    What sport do you most enjoy watching?

    • Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

    Horse racing

    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz


    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz


    Should I Be A Doctor Quiz

    Professional wrestling

    What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?

    • I handled venomous animals
    • I stood up to a violent bully
    • I did something that upset my family
    • I left a job because I was bored with it

    Should I be a doctor?

    Questions in this quiz will ask about your interest in becoming a doctor. You’ll be able to examine your current lifestyle. Remember, this quiz is just for fun, but if you’re thinking about a medical career afterward, then there are plenty of places to check out.


    This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. It is intended for fun only so do not treat the result too seriously 🙂


    Do not think about the answers too long. If you think you answered incorrectly, you can always go back to any question and change your answer.

    Enjoy and share

    At the end of the quiz we will give you the result. You can share it with your friends 🙂

    Quiz small image

    Should I be a doctor?

    Do you love watching TV shows set in hospitals? Do you like picturing yourself playing the part of a doctor? If so, then this quiz will ask you questions about why you’d like to join the medical profession.

    You will discover the answer to the question “Should I be a doctor?”.

    Start Quiz

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    Here are all the results with descriptions

    Should not be a doctor.

    While you may enjoy a good medical drama, you aren’t a big fan of studying. In order to be a doctor, you need to go to school for many years, then be a resident, and once you’re a doctor, you will always stay educated in order to do your best. Don’t give up, though! There are better careers for you that don’t require as many hours in the classroom.

    Probably should not be a doctor.

    Though you may love learning about medicine, there are many other passions that grab your attention. In order to be a doctor, you need to stay dedicated to your pursuit. Becoming a doctor means you will need to focus on a course of study for many years. Make sure before you choose something that keeps your interest!

    Might study enough to be a doctor.

    You are willing to dedicate many hours to studying difficult subjects and working long hours. Doctors spend many years in school before actually practicing medicine, which is something you might enjoy. If you are considering becoming a doctor, it could be worth thinking about.

    Might be dedicated enough to be a doctor.

    You love finding ways to put your passions to good use helping other people. Science and medicine excite you, as does making a difference. If you are considering a career as a doctor, then choosing to become one might give you a focus for all of your interests.

    Should probably consider becoming a doctor.

    You’re studious, dedicated, and passionate. These are all great qualities for someone, especially if that person is a doctor! As you might already know, it takes many years of study and practice to gain a MD. You have the interest and the focus to make your preparation for a career as a doctor successful.

    Should definitely consider becoming a doctor.

    You’re passionate about helping people, interested in science and medicine, and willing to study to make it happen. These are all signs that point to your potential success as a doctor. You will put in the long hours and hard work that goes into getting a MD and using your knowledge to make a difference in the world.

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Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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