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Top Emergency Medicine Residency Programs

The University of Cincinnati program is recognized for its strong focus on emergency medical services (EMS) and disaster medicine. The residency offers an optional EMS and Disaster Medicine Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn an EMS Fellowship. Residents also can work closely with the UC Air Care and Mobile Care helicopter transport team.

Top Emergency Medicine Residency Programs (2023)

Aspiring emergency medicine physicians know that choosing the right residency program is essential. But how long is emergency medicine residency? The training you receive during your residency, which typically lasts 3-4 years, will significantly influence your career in emergency medicine. Here, we share some of the best medical schools for emergency medicine residency programs in the United States for 2023.

It’s important to note that selecting a residency program can be challenging. The best program will depend on various factors, including your career goals, location preferences, and personal values. Our list is not exhaustive, and you are encouraged to conduct your research and consider your unique needs when making your decision.

Here are our top emergency medicine residency programs for 2023, which are also known for being some of the best EM residencies:

  1. Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency
  2. Stanford/Kaiser Emergency Medicine Residency
  3. University of California, San Francisco Emergency Medicine Residency
  4. Emory University Emergency Medicine Residency
  5. University of Cincinnati Emergency Medicine Residency (First Mention)
  6. University of Michigan Emergency Medicine Residency (First Mention)
  7. Indiana University Emergency Medicine Residency (First Mention)
  8. University of Chicago Emergency Medicine Residency
  9. Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Residency
  10. University of Pennsylvania Emergency Medicine Residency
  11. New York University (NYU) Langone Emergency Medicine Residency
  12. University of Washington Emergency Medicine Residency
  13. Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency
  14. Mount Sinai Emergency Medicine Residency

Harvard Affiliated Best Emergency Medicine Residency (HAEMR)

The HAEMR program is known for its simulation-based education, utilizing the STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. This state-of-the-art facility allows residents to practice clinical skills, teamwork, and communication in a safe environment. In addition to the main clinical sites, residents rotate at Cambridge Health Alliance, which provides exposure to community-based emergency medicine.

HAEMR strongly emphasizes mentorship, with each resident matched to a faculty mentor based on their interests. These mentors offer career development, research projects, and personal growth guidance. The program also hosts conferences and educational sessions, such as weekly Grand Rounds, the annual Clinical Pathologic Case Conference, and the monthly Journal Club.

Stanford/Kaiser Best Emergency Medicine Residency

The Stanford/Kaiser program is unique in its approach to resident education through a block schedule. This innovative scheduling system allows residents to focus on one clinical area at a time, maximizing learning opportunities. The program also offers a robust didactic curriculum, with weekly conferences, simulation sessions, and an annual Emergency Medicine Symposium.

The program’s proximity to Silicon Valley allows residents to engage in research and innovation within the fields of emergency medicine, telemedicine, and medical technology. Residents can also pursue an optional research track, offering dedicated research time, faculty mentorship, and opportunities to present their work at national conferences.

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Best Emergency Medicine Residency

The UCSF Emergency Medicine Residency is recognized for its commitment to social emergency medicine and health equity. Residents participate in a unique Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health (SEMPH) curriculum, which explores the social determinants of health and strategies to address health disparities in the emergency department. The program also partners with the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations to offer research opportunities.

UCSF offers a Global Health Program, which allows residents to gain international experience through elective rotations in countries like Tanzania, Kenya, and Guatemala. The program also hosts an annual Global Health Symposium, highlighting resident and faculty global health projects and fostering collaboration.

Emory University Best Emergency Medicine Residency

Emory’s program is known for its focus on ultrasound training. Residents receive comprehensive ultrasound education through hands-on scanning shifts, monthly ultrasound lectures, and an annual Ultrasound Course. The program also offers an optional Ultrasound Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn an Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship.

The Emory Emergency Medicine Residency offers a unique Community Service and Advocacy Track, which allows residents to engage in community outreach, public health initiatives, and advocacy efforts. Residents can participate in projects such as the Health Equity Leadership Initiative, the Community Outreach Program, and the Emergency Medicine Legislative Advocacy Day.

University of Cincinnati Emergency Medicine Residency

The University of Cincinnati program is recognized for its strong focus on emergency medical services (EMS) and disaster medicine. The residency offers an optional EMS and Disaster Medicine Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn an EMS Fellowship. Residents also can work closely with the UC Air Care and Mobile Care helicopter transport team.

The program is committed to providing a diverse learning environment. It hosts an annual Diversity and Inclusion Week with guest speakers, workshops, and panel discussions. Residents can also participate in the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council, which aims to foster a supportive and inclusive residency community.

University of Michigan Emergency Medicine Residency

The University of Michigan program offers a robust Global Health and Disparities curriculum, which includes dedicated didactic sessions, global health electives, and an annual Global Health and Disparities Symposium. Residents can also pursue the Global Health and Disparities Path of Excellence, which provides additional mentorship, research opportunities, and funding for global health projects.

The program is known for its strong focus on wilderness medicine. Residents can participate in the Wilderness Medicine Interest Group and attend the annual Wilderness Medicine Conference. Additionally, the program offers a Wilderness Medicine Fellowship, which provides advanced training in wilderness medicine, disaster response, and expedition medicine.

Indiana University Emergency Medicine Residency

The Indiana University program is recognized for its commitment to medical education. Residents can teach and mentor medical students through various roles, such as serving as course directors, giving guest lectures, and participating in the Medical Student Interest Group in Emergency Medicine (SIGEM). The program also offers an optional Medical Education Track, which provides dedicated time for medical education research and curriculum development.

The program’s focus on public health is evident through its Population Health and Advocacy curriculum. Residents participate in didactic sessions, community outreach projects, and advocacy efforts to address the social determinants of health and improve population health. The program also offers an optional Population Health and Advocacy Track, which provides additional training and mentorship.

Indiana University’s program is known for its robust EMS and Disaster Medicine curriculum. Residents receive comprehensive training in pre-hospital care, including air medical transport, tactical emergency medical support, and event medicine. Additionally, the program offers an optional EMS and Disaster Medicine Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn an EMS Fellowship.

University of Chicago Emergency Medicine Residency

The University of Chicago program is known for its strong focus on critical care medicine. Residents receive comprehensive critical care training through rotations in the medical, surgical, and neurologic intensive care units (ICUs), dedicated didactic sessions and simulation training. The program also offers an optional Critical Care Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn a Critical Care Fellowship.

The University of Chicago program is recognized for its strong focus on simulation-based education. Residents participate in regular simulation sessions at the state-of-the-art Simulation Center, which offers a realistic environment for practicing clinical skills, teamwork, and communication. The program also hosts an annual Simulation Competition, which fosters camaraderie and friendly competition among residents.

Its Health Equity and Social Emergency Medicine curriculum demonstrates the program’s commitment to health equity. Residents participate in didactic sessions, community outreach projects, and research initiatives to address health disparities and promote health equity. The program also offers an optional Health Equity and Social Emergency Medicine Track, which provides additional training and mentorship.

The program’s commitment to research is evident through its dedicated research block and close collaboration with the University of Chicago’s Center for Healthcare Delivery Science and Innovation. Residents can participate in research projects and collaborate with faculty mentors to develop their research skills and contribute to advancements in emergency medicine.

Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Residency

The Johns Hopkins program is unique in its approach to resident research, offering a dedicated Research Rotation in the second year of residency. Residents work closely with faculty mentors during this rotation to develop and conduct their research projects. The program also hosts an annual Research Day, where residents and faculty present their research findings to the emergency medicine community.

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The Johns Hopkins program offers a unique Critical Care Scholars Program, which provides residents with additional training and mentorship in critical care medicine. This program includes dedicated didactic sessions, critical care electives, and research opportunities. Residents who complete the Critical Care Scholars Program are well-prepared for careers in academic critical care medicine or to pursue critical care fellowships.

The program also strongly emphasizes medical education and innovation. Residents can participate in the Medical Education Track, which offers workshops, seminars, and mentorship in medical education research and curriculum development. The program also hosts an annual Innovations in Emergency Medicine Conference, highlighting resident and faculty projects in education, research, and clinical care.

University of Pennsylvania Emergency Medicine Residency

The University of Pennsylvania program offers a unique Innovation and Leadership curriculum to prepare residents for leadership roles in emergency medicine. The curriculum includes dedicated didactic sessions, workshops, and an annual Leadership Retreat. Residents also participate in the Leadership in Academic Emergency Medicine Track, which provides additional training and mentorship in this area.

The program is known for its strong focus on point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). Residents receive comprehensive POCUS training through hands-on scanning shifts, monthly ultrasound lectures, and an annual POCUS Course. The program also offers an optional POCUS Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn a POCUS Fellowship.

The program is committed to social emergency medicine and addressing health disparities. Residents learn about the social determinants of health, community engagement, and health policy through initiatives such as the Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health (SEMPH) Track. This focus on social emergency medicine equips residents with the skills and knowledge to better serve diverse patient populations and address health inequities.

New York University (NYU) Langone Emergency Medicine Residency

The NYU Langone program is recognized for its commitment to global health. The residency offers a robust Global Health curriculum, which includes dedicated didactic sessions, global health electives, and an annual Global Health Conference. Residents can also pursue the Global Health Scholars Program, which provides additional mentorship, research opportunities, and funding for global health projects.

The program’s focus on medical education is evident through its Medical Education and Simulation curriculum. Residents participate in regular simulation sessions at the state-of-the-art New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences (NYSIM), which offers a safe and realistic environment for practicing clinical skills, teamwork, and communication. The program also offers an optional Medical Education Track, which provides dedicated time for medical education research and curriculum development.

The program also strongly emphasizes global health, offering residents opportunities for international rotations and training. Through its partnership with the NYU School of Global Public Health, residents can access resources, faculty mentorship, and funding support for global health electives. This focus on global health enables residents to develop skills and knowledge to be applied in international settings.

University of Washington Emergency Medicine Residency

The University of Washington program is unique in its approach to wilderness medicine. Residents have the opportunity to participate in the Wilderness Medicine Interest Group, attend the annual Wilderness Medicine Conference, and complete elective rotations in wilderness medicine. The program also offers a Wilderness Medicine Fellowship, which provides advanced training in wilderness medicine, disaster response, and expedition medicine.

Residents receive comprehensive training in outdoor medicine, including wilderness first responder courses, avalanche safety courses, and high-altitude medicine. The program also offers an optional Wilderness Medicine Track, which provides additional didactic sessions, workshops, and research opportunities in wilderness medicine.

The program also has a unique offering in its Medical Education and Scholarship (MES) Track, designed to provide residents with advanced medical education and academic scholarship training. This track includes dedicated didactic sessions, workshops, and mentorship in curriculum development, educational research, and teaching techniques. The MES Track helps residents develop a strong foundation in medical education, enabling them to excel as educators and scholars in emergency medicine.

Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency

The Mayo Clinic program is recognized for its commitment to medical education and innovation. Residents can participate in the Mayo Clinic Academy of Educational Excellence, which offers workshops, seminars, and mentorship in medical education research and curriculum development. The program also hosts an annual Innovations in Emergency Medicine Conference, highlighting resident and faculty projects in education, research, and clinical care.

The program’s focus on global health is evident through its Global Health curriculum, which includes dedicated didactic sessions, global health electives, and an annual Global Health Symposium. Residents can also pursue the Global Health Scholars Program, which provides additional mentorship, research opportunities, and funding for global health projects.

The Mayo Clinic program offers a unique Clinical Informatics and Technology (CIT) Track, which provides residents with additional training and exposure to health information technology, clinical informatics, and telemedicine. This track includes dedicated didactic sessions, workshops, and mentorship in informatics project development and implementation. By participating in the CIT Track, residents gain valuable skills to excel in future roles involving health information technology and clinical informatics.

Mount Sinai Emergency Medicine Residency

The Mount Sinai program is known for its strong focus on medical toxicology. Residents receive comprehensive training in toxicology through rotations at the New York City Poison Control Center, dedicated didactic sessions and an annual Toxicology Symposium. The program also offers an optional Medical Toxicology Track, which provides advanced training, research opportunities, and the chance to earn a Medical Toxicology Fellowship.

The Mount Sinai program is known for its robust Simulation Medicine curriculum, which provides residents with hands-on training in a simulated clinical environment. The program utilizes high-fidelity manikins and virtual reality simulation technology to enhance residents’ critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills. Residents also have the opportunity to participate in the Simulation Medicine Fellowship, which offers advanced training in simulation education and research. The program utilizes state-of-the-art simulation technology, including high-fidelity manikins and virtual reality. Residents can practice various clinical skills in a simulated environment, including airway management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and trauma resuscitation.

The program also strongly commits to addressing social determinants of health and reducing health disparities. Through the Social Emergency Medicine and Advocacy (SEMA) Track, residents receive additional training in social emergency medicine, advocacy, and community engagement. This track includes didactic sessions, workshops, and mentorship in health policy, community-based participatory research, and public health. The SEMA Track equips residents with the skills and knowledge to better serve diverse patient populations and address health inequities.

The list of programs is not exhaustive. There are many other excellent emergency medicine residency programs out there. Remember that the quality of an emergency medicine residency program can vary depending on several factors, including the experience and reputation of the faculty, the resources available to residents, and the overall learning environment. Also consider your personal preferences and goals when choosing a residency program.

Preparing for Emergency Medicine Residency Programs

These top emergency medicine residency programs offer a unique and comprehensive training experience focusing on clinical excellence, research, and leadership development. By considering each program’s specific strengths and offerings, medical students can make a well-informed decision about the best fit for their career goals and personal interests. For more information on these programs, please visit the respective program websites or reference the comprehensive resource at

Besides residency programs, various opportunities are available to students interested in emergency medicine. Medical school admissions consulting can help you navigate the complex process of applying to medical school and increase your chances of acceptance. Pre-med shadowing study abroad programs can also provide valuable experience and help you stand out in a competitive field.

At Medical Aid, we offer a range of opportunities for students in emergency medicine. Our programs include medical school admissions consulting, pre-med shadowing study abroad programs, and opportunities to shadow a doctor in various clinical settings. We’re committed to helping students reach their career goals and succeed in emergency medicine.

We also offer a variety of resources and information on our website. For example, our article on “How to Become an Emergency Room Doctor: Training, Licensing, and Certification Requirements” provides a comprehensive overview of the steps you will need to take in becoming an emergency room physician. We have a range of resources on topics such as medical school admissions, residency programs, and career development.

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Selecting the right emergency medicine residency program is crucial for your career as an emergency room physician. By researching and considering your unique needs and preferences, you can find a program that provides you with experience and training to succeed. With the help of programs like those offered by International Medical Aid, you can maximize your opportunities for success and achieve your career goals.

When evaluating residency programs, consider the following factors:

Program Structure and Curriculum: Look for a program that offers comprehensive training focusing on clinical skills, research, and leadership development. Make sure the curriculum aligns with your learning preferences and career goals.

Rotation Opportunities: Residency programs that offer rotations in multiple hospitals or clinical settings provide diverse experiences and prepare you for various practice environments.

Research Opportunities: If you’re interested in academic emergency medicine, seek programs with a strong emphasis on research and opportunities to collaborate on research projects.

Faculty and Mentorship: The expertise and support of faculty members play a significant role in your education and training. Evaluate the program’s faculty and their commitment to mentorship and professional development.

Program Culture and Resident Wellness: A supportive and nurturing environment is crucial for a successful residency experience. Look for programs prioritizing resident wellness, work-life balance, and camaraderie among residents.

We also offer resources to support you throughout your emergency medicine career journey. Our range of services and programs include:

Medical School Admissions Consulting: Receive personalized guidance on your medical school application, including assistance with personal statements, interviews, and selecting the right schools.

Pre-Med Shadowing and Study Abroad Programs: Gain invaluable experience and enhance your medical school application by participating in shadowing opportunities and study abroad programs.

International Medical Aid Mentorship Program: Connect with experienced emergency medicine physicians who can provide advice, guidance, and support throughout your medical education and career.

International Medical Aid Consultation Program for Medical Residency Seekers

Students seeking medical residencies can significantly benefit from International Medical Aid’s Consultation Program. The program provides valuable support and guidance to help students navigate the often-complex residency application process.

Expert Guidance and Mentorship

Personalized Counseling

The program offers one-on-one counselling sessions with experienced medical professionals to address individual student needs and concerns.

  • Tailored advice on application strategies
  • Personal statement review and feedback
  • Assistance with program selection and application materials

Mentorship From Experienced Professionals​

Students receive guidance from professionals who have gone through the residency application process themselves, providing valuable insights and firsthand knowledge.

  • Sharing of personal experiences, tips, and best practices
  • Networking opportunities with professionals in various medical specialties
  • Ongoing support and encouragement throughout the application process

Comprehensive Application Support

Resume and Personal Statement Assistance​

The consultation program helps students craft a compelling and polished resume and personal statement to showcase their strengths and achievements.

  • Professional review of resume to ensure it is well-organized and error-free
  • Constructive feedback on personal statement content and structure
  • Recommendations for showcasing unique experiences and attributes

Letter of Recommendation Guidance​

The program assists students in obtaining strong and relevant letters of recommendation from appropriate referees.

  • Suggestions for identifying suitable referees
  • Tips on requesting letters in a timely and professional manner
  • Review of letters to ensure they highlight the student’s qualifications effectively

Interview Preparation

The consultation program prepares students for residency interviews by offering mock interview sessions and feedback.

  • Familiarization with common interview questions and scenarios
  • Practice articulating responses clearly and confidently
  • Feedback on body language, tone, and overall presentation

Research and Networking Opportunities

Access to Research Projects​

The consultation program connects students with research opportunities that align with their interests and career goals.

  • Exposure to cutting-edge medical research
  • Collaboration with renowned researchers and medical professionals
  • Enhancement of resume with relevant research experience

Networking Events

The program organizes networking events, allowing students to establish connections with residency program directors, alums, and fellow applicants.

  • Expansion of professional network
  • Exchange of ideas, experiences, and insights with peers
  • Opportunities to learn about different residency programs and their unique features

Ongoing Support and Resources

Online Resource Library

The consultation program offers access to a comprehensive online library containing articles, guides, and resources related to the residency application process.

  • Access to up-to-date information on residency programs and requirements
  • Tips and strategies for maximizing application success
  • Insights into various medical specialties and career paths

Webinars and Workshops

Students can participate in webinars and workshops covering essential topics like interview skills, resume writing, and personal statement crafting.

  • Interactive learning experiences with experts in the field
  • Opportunities to ask questions and receive personalized advice
  • Enhancement of essential skills for a successful residency application

Post-Match Support

The consultation program continues to provide support and guidance even after students have secured a residency position. Assistance with relocation, housing, and financial planning

  • Assistance with relocation, housing, and financial planning
  • Mentorship during the transition from medical school to residency
  • Ongoing access to resources and networking opportunities

Additional Resources

  • American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP): ACEP is a professional organization representing emergency medicine physicians in the United States. The website offers resources, guidelines, and advocacy information for both practicing emergency physicians and residents.
  • Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM): SAEM is a leading organization dedicated to the improvement of emergency care through research, education, and mentorship. Their website provides resources for residents, including educational materials, research opportunities, and networking events.
  • Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association (EMRA): EMRA is a professional organization representing emergency medicine residents and medical students. Their website offers resources specifically tailored to residents, such as career guidance, research opportunities, and educational materials.

IMA Consultation Program offers invaluable support for medical residency students. By providing expert guidance, comprehensive application assistance, research and networking opportunities, and ongoing resources, the program empowers students to navigate the residency application process with confidence and success.

Finding the right emergency medicine residency program is crucial to your career as an emergency room physician. By considering your unique needs and preferences, conducting thorough research, and utilizing resources like those offered by International Medical Aid, you can maximize your opportunities for success and achieve your career goals in emergency medicine. To learn more about our services and schedule an appointment with IMA.

About IMA

International Medical Aid provides global internship opportunities for students and clinicians who are looking to broaden their horizons and experience healthcare on an international level. These program participants have the unique opportunity to shadow healthcare providers as they treat individuals who live in remote and underserved areas and who don’t have easy access to medical attention. International Medical Aid also provides medical school admissions consulting to individuals applying to medical school and PA school programs. We review primary and secondary applications, offer guidance for personal statements and essays, and conduct mock interviews to prepare you for the admissions committees that will interview you before accepting you into their programs. IMA is here to provide the tools you need to help further your career and expand your opportunities in healthcare.

IMG friendly Emergency medicine Residency Programs

Top Emergency medicine IMG friendly states based on PGY-1 main residency Match statistics

Top Emergency medicine IMG friendly by number

  1. New York (71 IMGs)
  2. Florida (46 IMGs)
  3. New Jersey (30 IMGs)
  4. California (30 IMGs)
  5. Michigan (27 IMGs)
  6. Pennsylvania (23 IMGs)
  7. Texas (21 IMGs)
  8. Ohio (16 IMGs)
  9. Georgia (12 IMGs)
  10. Tennessee (8 IMGs)
  11. Virginia (7 IMGs)
  12. Missouri (7 IMGs)
  13. Puerto Rico (7 IMGs)
  14. Connecticut (7 IMGs)
  15. Massachusetts (4 IMGs)

Most Emergency medicine IMG friendly states by number matched PGY-1

Top Emergency medicine IMG friendly by percent

  1. Puerto Rico (46% IMGs)
  2. New Jersey (31% IMGs)
  3. Florida (24% IMGs)
  4. New York (23% IMGs)
  5. Georgia (23% IMGs)
  6. Iowa (20% IMGs)
  7. Connecticut (18% IMGs)
  8. Michigan (18% IMGs)
  9. Tennessee (18% IMGs)
  10. Missouri (17% IMGs)
  11. Kansas (16% IMGs)
  12. Rhode Island (15% IMGs)
  13. Mississippi (15% IMGs)
  14. Ohio (15% IMGs)
  15. Pennsylvania (14% IMGs)

Most Emergency medicine IMG friendly states by percent matched PGY-1

Emergency medicine PGY-1 main residency Match percent IMGs by year

Percent of Emergency medicine IMGs by year

Emergency medicine total PGY-1 positions offered and percent of IMGs filled by year

Year Positions IMGs IMGs % US IMG % Non-US IMG %
2023 3010 350 13 11 2
2022 2921 221 7 6 1
2021 2840 178 6 5 1
2020 2665 185 6 5 1
2019 2468 137 5 4 1
2018 2278 109 4 3 1
2017 1750 77 3 3 0

–> Research IMG Friendly Programs

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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