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Waves Mcat

Waves Mcat

Waves are out of phase if their peaks do not line up exactly and are perfectly out of phase if the peaks of one wave occur at the same time as the troughs of the other. When waves get more and more out of phase, they interfere more destructively. When waves are perfectly out of phase, two waves of the same magnitude will cancel each other out completely and sum to a wave of zero amplitude.

Properties of Waves

Waves can be categorized into two main types: transverse waves and longitudinal waves. Transverse waves involve particle movement perpendicular to the direction of the wave, characterized by crests and troughs. Light waves are a prime example of this type. In contrast, longitudinal waves involve particle movement parallel to the direction of the wave and consist of compressions and rarefactions. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves.

Key properties of waves include wavelength, frequency, period, wave speed, angular frequency, and amplitude. Wavelength refers to the distance between two adjacent wave crests (transverse waves) or compressions (longitudinal waves). Frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in one second, while the period of a wave is the time it takes for one wavelength to pass a fixed point. Wave speed can be calculated by multiplying frequency by wavelength. The angular frequency (represented by ω, a lowercase omega) is found by multiplying 2 times pi times the frequency. Amplitude measures the maximum displacement of a particle in a wave’s medium. When waves interact within the same medium, they create a combined wave based on the principle of superposition. Constructive interference occurs when two waves are in phase, resulting in a larger amplitude, whereas destructive interference occurs when two waves are out of phase, resulting in a smaller amplitude.

  • Introduction to waves
    • Transverse waves: light/electromagnetic waves; movement of particles is perpendicular to wave direction
    • Longitudinal waves: sound waves; movement of particles is parallel to wave direction
    • Wavelength: distance between two adjacent crests (transverse) or compressions (longitudinal)
    • Frequency: number of wavelengths passing a fixed point per second
    • Period: time it takes for one wavelength to pass a fixed point
    • Wave speed: frequency times wavelength
    • Period and frequency relationship: period = 1/frequency; frequency = 1/period
    • Another unit for wave frequency; measured in radians per second and represented by ω (omega)
    • Angular frequency = 2 * π * frequency
    • Amplitude: maximum displacement of a particle in a wave’s medium
    • Superposition: combined wave displacements equal sum of individual wave displacements
    • Constructive interference: in-phase waves; amplitudes combine to create a larger wave
    • Destructive interference: out-of-phase waves; amplitudes cancel out each other, reducing amplitude

    Waves Mcat

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    What are the main differences between transverse and longitudinal waves, and in what type of waves do crests and troughs as well as compressions occur?

    Transverse waves are waves where the movement of the medium’s particles is perpendicular to the direction of the wave’s energy transfer. Crests and troughs are the high and low points of the wave, respectively, and they occur in transverse waves. Longitudinal waves, on the other hand, have particle movement parallel to the wave’s energy transfer direction. In longitudinal waves, compressions occur where the particles of the medium are tightly packed together.

    How are wavelength, wave speed, frequency, and period related in the properties of waves?

    The wavelength is the distance between two consecutive compressions or crests in a wave. Wave speed is the measure of the distance a wave travels per unit of time, while frequency represents the number of waves (cycles) that pass a point per unit of time. The period is the time taken for one cycle to complete. These properties are related using the equation: wave speed = wavelength × frequency. Additionally, the period can be calculated as the reciprocal of frequency (period = 1/frequency).

    What is angular frequency and how does it differ from regular frequency in wave properties?

    Angular frequency, denoted by omega (ω), is a measure of the rate of rotation or oscillation in radians per unit time. It is related to the regular frequency (f) by the equation: ω = 2πf. While frequency represents the number of wave cycles per unit time, angular frequency specifies the number of radians through which a point on the wave rotates or oscillates per unit time. Angular frequency is used in wave analysis to account for the phase differences and harmonic motion in wave properties.

    What are constructive and destructive interference, and how do they affect wave properties?

    Constructive interference occurs when two or more waves combine, resulting in a resultant wave with a greater amplitude than the individual component waves. This happens when the crest of one wave aligns with the crest of another wave, or similarly, troughs align together. Destructive interference occurs when waves combine, resulting in a lower amplitude or even a flatline. This happens when the crest of one wave aligns with the trough of another wave. These interference patterns affect wave properties such as amplitude, propagation, and energy transfer, and are significant in various applications like noise cancellation and signal processing.

    Waves and Sound for the MCAT: Everything You Need to Know

    Learn key MCAT concepts about waves and sound, plus practice questions and answers

    (Note: This guide is part of our MCAT Physics series.)

    Part 1: Introduction to waves and sound

    Part 2: Characteristics of periodic motion

    a) Amplitude

    b) Frequency

    c) Phase

    Part 3: Sound

    a) Transverse and longitudinal waves

    b) Sound production

    c) Sound intensity

    Part 4: Wave phenomena

    a) Doppler effect

    b) Shockwaves

    c) Resonance

    Part 5: High-yield terms

    Part 6: Practice equations

    Part 7: Passage-based questions and answers

    Part 8: Standalone questions and answers

    Part 1: Introduction to waves and sound

    Periodic motion is an important concept that shows up in a wide range of topics. Conceptually, periodic motion occurs as a result of many common forces and potentials. Mathematically, it presents a great opportunity to practice wave graphs, which are incredibly powerful and versatile tools of analysis. Graphical depiction of periodic motion is identical to that of sound, which is itself a slightly different example of a wave. Mastering these concepts will help you understand many basic systems as well as waves and their characteristics.

    On the MCAT, periodic motion and sound are medium-yield topics. Similar to our other guides, the most important terms below are in bold font. When you see one, try to define it in your own words and use it to create your own examples. This is a great way to check your understanding, and phrasing things in a way that makes the most sense to you will make studying much easier (and much more effective!) in the long run.

    At the end of this guide, you’ll also find several practice problems for you to hone your knowledge. Let’s begin!

    Part 2: Characteristics of periodic motion

    Periodic motion is any motion that repeats itself. Common examples are pendulums, bobbing springs, and skateboarders going up and down a halfpipe. Graphs are especially helpful when working with periodic motion, because it’s easy to see the repeating patterns when they are represented visually. The most natural shape for periodic motion is a sine wave, but it’s possible to see other shapes as well, including triangle waves, square waves, or completely irregular waves.

    When graphing periodic motion, displacement is usually on the y-axis and time is on the x-axis.

    Figure: Examples of periodic waves

    There are three values that define periodic motion: its amplitude, frequency, and phase. Any regular form of periodic motion can be defined through these three variables only. We’ll discuss each in further detail.

    a) Amplitude

    If something is undergoing periodic motion, its amplitude is its maximum displacement from rest (or displacement=0). For example, imagine a weight hanging from a spring. Starting from rest, the weight can be pulled down to initiate a bobbing motion. The amplitude would be the distance from the weight’s highest point to the middle point.

    Figure: Amplitude of a sine wave.

    This middle point, or when displacement is equal to zero, is often called the object’s equilibrium position. On a graph, the amplitude describes the height of the peaks and the depths of the troughs. Amplitude is always given in units of a displacement. This means meters when the displacement is a distance, or radians or degrees when the displacement is an angle.

    b) Frequency

    The frequency of simple harmonic motion quantifies how many cycles occur in one second. Linear frequency is measured in units of Hertz (Hz), which are equal to 1/s (sometimes represented as s -1 ). Frequency is also sometimes measured in rotations per minute, or rpm. 1 rpm is the same as 1 rotation per 60 seconds, or 1/60 Hz.

    On a graph, you can qualitatively describe the frequency by how dense the peaks are. Waves that appear to be denser have higher frequencies. However, it’s important to check that the time scale on each x-axis is represented on the same scale!

    FIgURE: Wave 1 has higher frequency than wave 2.

    To calculate the frequency from a graph, first measure the period of oscillation: the length of one complete cycle, by measuring from one peak to another. The period is the reciprocal of frequency (or P=1/f), so you can find the frequency simply by dividing 1 by the measured period.

    Figure: Frequency is the reciprocal of the period.

    You can also use the frequency and wavelength to determine the velocity of a wave.

    The angular frequency is how many radians are passed through in one second. To convert linear frequency to angular frequency, multiply by 2π. This is because there are 2π radians per rotation.

    c) Phase

    Phase refers to the relationship between two different waves. Two waves are in phase if their maxima and minima occur at the same points in time. When adding waves that are in phase with one another, they will constructively interfere: their maxima will add to become an even greeted maximum, and so will minima. The equilibrium position should remain the same.

    Waves are out of phase if their peaks do not line up exactly and are perfectly out of phase if the peaks of one wave occur at the same time as the troughs of the other. When waves get more and more out of phase, they interfere more destructively. When waves are perfectly out of phase, two waves of the same magnitude will cancel each other out completely and sum to a wave of zero amplitude.

    Figure: Waves In phase and perfectly out of phase.

    To try and visualize this, imagine a system made of one spring attached to a wall and a system made of two other identical springs also attached to a wall. Pressing a block 1 cm into the one-spring system will cause the block to slide back and forth with an amplitude of 1 cm.

    In the two-block system:

    • The oscillation of the springs will be in phase if you press a block into the springs such that both are compressed 1 cm. They will interfere constructively, and the total amplitude of the block’s motion will be 2 cm.
    • The springs will be out of phase if you compress one 1 cm and compress the other 1 cm after releasing the block (sounds hard to do in real life, but we can still think about it!). The total amplitude of the block’s motion will be less than 2 cm.
    • The springs will be perfectly out of phase if you compress one 1 cm and stretch the other 1 cm. The total amplitude of the block’s motion will be 0 cm.

    Note that waves can be in and out of phase if they have different amplitudes. Phase differences will tell you how to add them.

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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