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Can You Have Tattoos In Medical School

Would it be worthwhile to talk about this or at least not totally hide everything or should I play it safe and cover up? I am especially torn about this after having several people comment that I “need” to repair my ear lobes if I want to be a physician or have a “real” career.”

Visible Tattoos and Piercings at Interviews

Have you ever seen a doctor with visible tattoos? They’re out there. Does that mean you can have visible tattoos and piercings at your medical school interview?

Your questions answered here are taken directly from the Nontrad Premed Forum. Register for an account (if you haven’t yet) and join a collaborative community working towards the same goal. I will also be doing meetups at different events around the country. Please see below or visit for more information!

Please listen to The Premed Years Podcast as well as all our other podcasts on Meded Media including The MCAT Podcast, The MCAT CARS Podcast, Ask Dr. Gray, and more! Also, check out our different episodes on YouTube including our hit series Application Renovation.

Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points.

[04:06] OldPreMeds Question of the Week:

“I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with or advice for interviewing at med schools with tattoos/body modification? Having never personally encountered or seen an inked up physician I’m wondering how accepting the medical community is of body art. As a former hairdresser and horse trainer my previous careers were more open to tattoos and piercings then most.

I have a fair amount of art including 2 half sleeves from the elbow to wrist, a chest piece covering my sternum and collar bones, and pieces on the tops of my feet. No face, neck, or hand tattoos.

None of my tattoos are offensive, they include things like flowers, horses, an owl, etc. I also have pretty large stretched ear lobes with 1-inch gauges. I can fully cover all of my tattoos by wearing a long-sleeved collared blouse and trousers with boots. Being a female with long hair I can also hide my stretched ears.

On one hand, I know that covering up is probably playing it safe. But on the other hand, I’ve always been one to pride myself on breaking stereotypes around tattoos and piercings and having body art is one of the many ways I identify as non-traditional.

Would it be worthwhile to talk about this or at least not totally hide everything or should I play it safe and cover up? I am especially torn about this after having several people comment that I “need” to repair my ear lobes if I want to be a physician or have a “real” career.”

[05:54] Just Play It Safe

I have three tattoos, most of them are hidden by scrubs. I have one on the inside of my right biceps. So a short-sleeved scrub would still show the tattoo but I never got any negative feedback.

However, being in medical school is different than getting into medical school. I typically recommend that students play it safe. You don’t know who’s interviewing you so you don’t want to allow any negative bias to enter into their subconscious. And they don’t really get the opportunity to learn who you are.

You may not be authentic to yourself or you may not be telling your own story. But this is one area where you have to play it safe. You don’t have to get your tattoos removed. Just put on long sleeves, wear your hair down, and just go from there.

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You just don’t need to add this into the mix of everything else that is going on on interview day. So it’s best to play it safe. Cover it up. Talk about it if it comes up.

Once you’re in medical school, a lot of that comes down to the actual school’s policies. What is there in their student code of conduct handbook? What does the school expect in terms of hair color, tattoos, stretched ear loves, etc?

Can Medical Students Have Tattoos?

Medical students can have tattoos. And many I know personally do! Whether they’re accepted is dependent on a tattoo’s location, style and the attitudes of colleagues and patients. As well as University and hospital policy.

Growing up an artsy-guy, tattoos are something I’ve considered on a few occasions throughout my life – mainly the backpacking and rock drummer days. Thankfully though, I didn’t go for them in the end. Which kind of works out for me well now in medical school.

But, personal anecdote aside, let’s discuss the issue. Body-ink on medics? Is it a sensible look?

When is it OK for Medical Students to Have Tattoos?

The short answer here is this. Tattoos are a personal choice. At least in Western countries, where they are more culturally accepted, anyway.

For aspiring doctors the case is no different. Whether or not you want to rock tattoos on your skin is dependent on how you feel about them and how much you want them. Although there are exceptions.

Visible tattoos – those placed on the face, neck, hands etc – are far more troublesome in terms of giving medics a respectable “professional” look. But understand here that I’m not talking from my own personal perspective – I happen to like tattoos.

Just on other people rather than myself!

The reason visible tattoos can cause problems then? Because medical students – and physicians – have such outward facing jobs. Where they’re designed to meet and interact with patients on a daily basis.

And take personal responsibility for their care.

What Should You Do About Your Tattoos as a Medical Student?

Unless your tattoos are in a super obvious place – or could be deemed offensive by patients or colleagues that you work with – my general advice is not to worry.

Most of the time, as medical students, we are covered up in casual clothing (coming to and from classes) or clinical clothing. The latter usually involves us having long-sleeved white lab coats (in European med schools at least) or short-sleeved scrubs.

Meaning, more often than not, any tattoos we might have are covered by our clothing anyway. So don’t run any risk of being offensive or having us deemed “unprofessional”.

But for tattoos that aren’t? Wrist, feet or ankle ink for example?

Well, as many tattooed medics will attest, there’s make-up that can be used to cover them up. Especially something like this unisex cover-up from Glossiva. Which I didn’t know was even a thing until now.

When is it Not OK for Medical Students to Have Tattoos?

Here I’d argue, it’s not a good idea to have tattoos if your University is particularly conservative or has a dress-code that explicitly states tattoos must be covered up.

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Aside from that, you need to be careful about the culture of the hospital or broader environment of where you go to school. For me personally in Bulgaria, a fairly liberal culture where many younger people have tattoos, it isn’t an issue. But I imagine schools in the Middle East or even some Asian countries might have different opinions.

The way tattoos are received in medical school is completely class or ward-dependent too. Rotations in areas where there is more patient interaction – oncology, geriatrics etc – might prove more problematic in this case. Especially as you’re dealing with older members of the public who might have their own prejudices or opinions about the topic.

Not that having a tattoo makes you less of a doctor. But you can’t control what other people (especially patients) think.

This goes for your lecturers and teachers too. Where the conservative ones might not take kindly to your lack of effort to cover up a visible tattoo.

This could unnecessary friction and complications in an already stressful environment.

Do Patients Care If Doctors/Medical Students Have Tattoos?

In most cases patients, for reasons already explained, don’t have to know if the medical students dealing with them have tattoos or not. Whether they care or not isn’t something that can be generalised.

In countries like the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and most of Europe however, tattoos, among young people at least, are an increasingly common thing. 36% of Americans aged between 18 and 29 have them. And 35% of 30 to 29 year olds have them in the UK.

So patients, in these countries at least, will at least be used to seeing them. But that’s not to say they will be “accepted” however. Especially given healthcare’s conservative image and history.

What to Think About as a Medic Considering a Tattoo

There are a few extra things I feel it’s important to consider in terms whether medical students or doctors can have tattoos. These are as follows:

  • Hiring policies (senior doctors – who could be conservative in their views on tattoos – have a large say in hospital hiring). Tattoos could be a detriment in some cases.
  • Tattoo’s that might seem a good idea at the time might turn into a point of regret later (especially as you age in your profession and the view of healthcare from the outside)
  • If you’re asked to cover up a tattoo be respectful and not resentful. The onus is on creating a professional work environment and making people feel safe. That’s the priority.

That said if you really want a tattoo and don’t care about potential implications? Get one. Just don’t expect to never come under scrutiny or be unconsciously judged.

As for ideas? There are lots of cool med-inspired things I can think of. The Krebs Cycle on your arm would be quite handy for exams. Or a full-on Netters Anatomy style dissection illustration for an arm sleeve.

Send me your ideas!


  • Medical students and doctors absolutely can have tattoos (it’s a personal choice)
  • There might be a stigma attached or subconscious judgement in particularly conservative schools or working environments (possible in hiring/admissions)
  • Most of the time tattoos are covered anyway (very few people have visible body ink)
  • Reception to tattoos in a healthcare setting is variable

I’ll refer people to Antonio J. Webb for further food to thought. Especially this discussion where he interviews a medic turned tattoo artist!

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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