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Can Surgeons Wear Nail Polish

Infection control is always the best place to consult if you’re in any doubt as to the rules and regulations considering your nails (and what to do with them).

Can Doctors Wear Nail Polish? (Explained)

Doctors don’t get too many opportunities to add flair to their work uniforms. From white coats to scrubs, the customization of attire is limited. But is it the same when it comes to personal appearance?

Can doctors wear nail polish?

Yes, in some circumstances. Depending on hospital policy, doctors are allowed to wear nail polish provided it isn’t chipped or cracked. Certain departments have strict rules against it, however.

So, as you can see, the answer is a little more complicated than it first seems!

If you’re interested in finding out more, here’s what this article will cover:

  • When doctors can/can’t wear nail polish
  • Reasons why
  • The ruling on nail polish and nails in other medical fields

As an international med student who understands the varying rules and regulations across countries, I know that this can be something of a hot topic!

Ready to start? Let’s go.

Can doctors have painted nails?

As previously mentioned, certain doctors are allowed to have painted nails. In America, policies surrounding dress and physical appearance are largely hospital-specific.

As an example, here’s what Mayo Clinic dictates as their guidelines surrounding the question…

Nail polish should be in good condition with no chipping.


Because this policy, part of the broader Hand Hygiene Rules, extends to all hospital workers, it’s taken to assume doctors follow these rules also (how many days you’ll need before changing them out, is a little unclear, however).

Anywhere where doctors can compromise the sterilization of equipment (Sterile Processing Departments, etc), it appears nail polish or painted nails are not permitted.

Outside of the U.S., in the UK or Ireland for example, painted nails (or nail polish) are not allowed for hospital-based doctors.

Policy there operates on a “bare below the elbows” rule that extends to nail polish.

But you may still see doctors in those countries wearing it!

What about doctors outside of hospital?

The ruling surrounding nail polish use among general practitioners (GP’s) will again come down to clinic policy.

Unless specific health and safety rules dictate otherwise, clinics are free to set their own policies when it comes to dressing and personal appearance.

Of course, outside of clinical work doctors are free to wear nail polish, get manicures and do anything else they wish to their hands and feet.

As evidenced in lockdown by dermatologist Dr. Dray!

Can doctors wear acrylic nails?

Acrylic or artificial nails aren’t generally permitted for doctors working in direct patient care.

Again, here’s Mayo Clinics’ ruling on it…

Artificial nails and shellac can not be worn by employees doing direct patient care (including but not limited to direct physical contact with patients during exams,procedures, treatments, nursing care, surgery, or emergencies); preparing ordispensing medication or blood products for patient use; preparing equipment orsupplies for patient use (e.g. Central Stores); food, beverages, and serving food.

Fake nails are seen as more of a health and safety risk than painted ones.

Can you wear nail polish as a surgeon?

Although there are many anecdotal reports of surgeons wearing nail polish, it’s generally not allowed.

Surgery is classified under “direct patient care”, meaning hygiene rules strongly pertain to it.

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Having long nails (long enough for polish) is probably a bad idea in surgery anyway. Because so much of the job comes down to handling tools and manipulating the body parts of their patients, it can look unsanitary and unsafe.

Patients might get the wrong idea from their surgeon if they witness extravagant nails upon consultation!

Can you wear nails in the medical field?

Again the rules come down to where you work and what you do.

Always check with your employer’s policy first (or infection control) before assuming you’re free to wear nail polish or acrylic nails.

Doing so without clearance could place your job and your patients’ health and safety at risk.

There are a few accounts of nurses wearing gel nails and the like in their line of work but the evidence is still out in terms of their safety.

For the most part, fake nails or nail polish are not permitted for those involved in direct patient care in the medical field.

Nail polish and infection control

According to this study, any evidence that nail polish (or fake nails) leads to increased infection risk is inconclusive.

Nonetheless, most hospital policy operates similarly; seeing polish or acrylic nails as potential fomites (sources of pathogenic spread).

Infection control is always the best place to consult if you’re in any doubt as to the rules and regulations considering your nails (and what to do with them).

Can you wear nail polish in med school?

Yes, for the most part. Especially in the pre-clinical years of med school where patient contact is non-existent (beyond that is again dictated by teaching hospital policy).

Unless your school’s dress code suggests otherwise, nail polish is generally acceptable among medical students.

It is advised to go for neutral tones, however. Especially as you want to avoid any stigma related to bright or elaborate nails that patients or more traditional attendings may have!


Doctors are only allowed to wear nail polish if their hospital or clinic allows it. Those wishing to work in surgery or involved in close patient contact may be subject to more stringent rules surrounding polish or acrylic nails. Nail length may also be another issue depending on where and who you work with.

Like most things in medicine, there are some limitations as to your cosmetic freedoms!

Can I Wear Nail Polish During Surgery?

Can Surgeons Wear Nail Polish

Are you about to have a surgical procedure, and wondering, ”Can I wear nail polish during surgery”? While you might not relish the idea of removing the results of your fabulous manicure, you need the facts.

So let’s take a look at whether or not you can wear nail polish in the operating theater. And why it’s so important to prep your nails before surgery.

What This Article Covers:

Can I Wear Fingernail Polish During Surgery?

The short answer is no.

You will not be permitted to undergo surgery with painted nails. It is best to keep your nails bare before having any major surgical procedure. There are very sound reasons for this, and it is in your best interests to meet this requirement.

Why Can’t I Wear Nail Polish During Surgery?

should you wear clear nail polish during surgery

The main reason why you can’t wear nail polish is a medical procedural one.

Oxygen Probe

An oxygen probe will be placed on your finger during surgery to monitor your oxygen levels. During your surgery, the doctors need to be able to notice any change in color in your nails, should something go wrong.


Another issue is that of hygiene.

Risk Of Contamination

Even a microscopic particle of dirt or debris could cause problems in what should be a completely sterile environment. Think about it, can nurses wear nail polish ? Generally not, and for this reason.

Long nails could harbor germs underneath them, increasing the risk of infection. Painted nails can increase the risk of contamination, as polish can chip off.

It’s similar to the reasons surrounding the issue of if waitresses can wear nail polish .

What Should I Do To Prep My Nails For My Surgery?

If you are scheduled to undergo a surgical procedure, prep your nails before being checked into the hospital. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure all goes smoothly.

Remove Nail Products

Why do females use nail polish ? They love their nails to look groomed, and polish can complement an outfit and highlight personal style. And we certainly don’t want to discourage that.

But if you are having major surgery you want to be completely certain that your hands and nails are not putting you at risk. So preferably remove any artificial nails or extension tips.

If you do not have such products on your nails, remove the old polish you have on your natural nails. This will lower the risk of contamination and infection in the operating theater.

can you wear clear nail polish during surgery

Prepare Your Hands And Nails

Clean and trim your nails. Be sure that no nail polish or hand and nail treatment product residue remains on your hands and nails.

Good hand and nail care and hygiene are healthy habits to encourage, even if you are not going in for major surgery.


Clear nail polish that is resistant to chipping can be the solution to the above issues.

Certain nail polishes are more hardwearing and resistant to flaking and chipping. This long-lasting nail polish is also the ideal nail polish for swimmers , whose nails withstand heavy stresses during their time in the water.

Alternatively, buff your nails to a high shine and they will be safe and sterile, but still look gorgeous.

why cant i wear nail polish during surgery

In Conclusion

We understand that it can be stressful going into surgery. But if you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll make it so much easier for the doctors to perform your surgery without incident.

And we will take the stress out of your hand and nail care, with our range of vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic products.

With Orly Beauty, you’ll find the right products for all your nail care needs. No matter the situation.

Did you enjoy reading our blog? Then consider checking other guides:

  • Is Nail Polish Toxic
  • Is Nail Polish Bad for Your Nails
  • Is Gel Polish Bad for Your Nails
  • Is Nail Polish Bad for Your Skin
  • Benefits of Nail Polish
  • Is It Bad to Wear Nail Polish All the Time?
  • Best Nail Strengthener Polish
  • Best Nail Growth Polish
  • Breathable Nail Polish
  • Antifungal Nail Polish
  • Allergic to Nail Polish
  • What is the Healthiest Manicure for Your Nails
  • Best Top Coat Nail Polish
  • Is Orly No Bite Safe for Toddlers
  • How to Remove Gel Nail Polish

Maddie Otto
Maddie Otto

Maddie is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney and one of Level Medicine’s workshop project managers. Prior to studying medicine, she worked and studied as a musician in Melbourne. She has a background in community arts, which combined her love for both the arts and disability support. She is an advocate for intersectional gender equity, and is passionate about accessibility and inclusive practice within the healthcare system.

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